"pick up spoon slowly, there is no hurry. don't break it again"


"Sorry, dad"

"don't wor..."

"Did he break the last spoon too..."

"honey, he is just a child"

"What a sweet dad and son.you always act like an angel and I am the devil. still, I need to work hard to cover you guys"

"honey, we are not going to hunt today.i will make some utensils for you. how about it."

"then make some pots too"


"catch some fish too.."

"I am going.."

Ted walked fastly. he knows he stays a few more minutes he needs to sell his soul too. after walking a few minutes a small smile appeared on ted's face. he actually enjoying the bliss of family life very much.

Ted's family was a travelling merchant family before the cataclysm. one day when they were coming back from the capital after selling everything, some bandit attacked his family. even though his father ready to give everything they killed him.and his mother sacrificed her life for his successful escape. he still remembers her wail when bandit cutting her body with weapons.

the twelve-year-old Ted walked through Forrest three days and nights without food. after three days he lost consciousness and when he wakes up he was in a house of the middle-aged man. later Ted knew that middle-aged man was the leader of the village. after hearing his story village leader decided to adopt him even though his wife was against it.

village leaders wife was an awful woman. she hurt Ted every time when she gets a chance. Raymond who was three-year younger than him very much influenced by her and make fun of him calling bastard, stray dog..etc.

after seeing how miserable was Ted life, village leader helped him move out from his house. even though they lived two houses village leader helped him until he can hunt and survive alone.

when cataclysm started animals began to attack humans in the village.at that time Ted was hunting.when he returned the village a lot of death happened. he heard a cry of a cow when he reached the centre of village.in that village there was only one cow which belonged to the village leader. ted ran towards village leaders house but he was late. only Raymond was alive when he reached and the cow was already in the door of death because of Brocken spear pierced in its head.ted knew the spear was village leader's.

as an experienced hunter killing an injured animal is easy for Ted. after finishing of cow Ted saved unconscious Raymond. after this incident, Ted lost his last loving person in this world.

after few days Joseph and his brother came back from military.with their help village started to get normal. they killed animals which becomes mad.trained every able villager's military martial arts. slowly Joseph became pillar and leader of the village. like everyone Ted also happy to have a kind and strong leader like the previous leader.

time passed fastly.in that year's Joseph brother and his team of four killed by wind wolves. ted found a girl he fancied. he had a young boy. even though his child was more powerful than adult male and break everything he touched, Ted was patience enough to support his baby.

the tranquillity of this village is changed after Joseph niece Joan lost in the forest and came back with a man named hari. a day after Hari's arrival Joseph and team decided to go and hunt wind wolves.

after few days after Joseph left, one night Raymond visited Ted in his house.after the death of his father this was the first time Raymond came to talk him. every time seeing Raymond's face reminded him of the wile women, that is the main reason ted avoided him these years.

"brother Ted, it's a long time we have a brotherly talk"

"Raymond don't waste my time. why did you come here night"

"brother are you still angry about old things.. please consider them as child's prank"

"I don't have any problem or any relation with you. I know you will not visit without any reason."

"I actually came here because tell you the reason why Joseph left with the stranger hari to hunt wind wolves"

"Why should I care about his reasons"

"because they wanted to move village somewhere else"

"maybe there is a good reason to move out. I believe in joseph.he will not approve anything which affects badly."

"Are you okay with moving out from village which my father worked very hard to protect until his death. are you ready to forget the shelter given by the village when you needed...think about it"

Ted didn't believe Raymond first.but after Joseph's triumph return he knew what Raymond told him was true. he knew following Joseph is better for the future but he remembered the kind middle-aged man who helped him.ted felt his debt towards this man shacked him here. after thinking a full night Ted decided to not to follow Joseph and support Raymond until village stabilizes and leave after without burden.

next day Raymond visited Ted again.but his purpose made Ted bewildered.he wanted Ted and family to join Joseph.

"why do I need to follow him?"

"brother Ted, I know you stayed not because you love me but finish debt towards my father. you help me this time. i will consider your debt finished"

"what I needed to do? I will tell you before you asking I will not do anything against my belief"

"tch.. brother Ted what you think about me. I am not a Willian. I too have a dream. I just wanted to be like my Father."

"then, what you need me"

"you just need to inform me something big happened or tell some good word for us if needed. I don't want them to attack me for resources after building village"


"Ted what are you dreaming while fishing"

"nothing, old matters"

"Joseph is calling you for a meeting"

"Why, there is no hunting today"

"I don't know, it's something to do with hari"

"then it must be something big.mark my word this hari is a peace breaker"


"Achooo.... some young girl is thinking about my handsome face. god you are too cruel to make me this beautiful to hurt others feeling"