"The Guild is a multiworld organization. almost every mana introduced the world with intelligent life form have a branch of 'the guild'.and I am the chosen guild master of the guild on your planet. the Guild primary responsibility is to improve the living quality of intelligent creatures in man introduced the world by training them to survive, teaching them to how to improve their strength. and increase the evolution rate."

after saying this hari looked at surrounding hunters. all hunters looked at him like 'what is the crazy thing he is saying'.after few minutes Joseph came forward.

"hari, we know the Guild building in the top of nirvana mountain is not from our world. we want to ask you about it. then we know you asked Agnes and Billy to work for you and asked them to collect gold and silver. so we thought you will one day tell us about what do you need us"

"Actually I want you guys to join the Guild."


"what..? you don't understand, you need to pay the registration fee to join guild"

" Okay, how much kilo meat"

"not meat, you need to pay 5 silver coin"

"We don't have silver coins"

"you can sell your game for coins, I think you need almost one-week worth game for 5 silver coin. and I forgot to tell you, non-members, only get 10 percent less money than members"

" Okay, no problem"

"hmm...I know you guys will not agree to join. that's why I bring.....what did you say?"

"brother hari, we believe you.we are ready to join your guild."


"We know we have nothing an organization like the guild want.and for paying money for joining this type of organization is believable.and we trust your words"

" how can I show off my new sword and make you guys jealous"


"guys bring your stored meat, let me join first. then I will exchange money for you later." Joseph asked some hunters near him.

"Hey, guys look at my new sword.."

"Everyone go back and took all your stored game"

"look how shiny it is"

"let's meet in half an hour"

"don't leave me alone"


"total meat is worth 11 silver 23 bronze coin"

hari calculated total meat sold by the hunters. its first time most of them seeing coins. even before cataclysm villagers mostly used bartering system, only Joseph and Ted saw coins before.

"who is going to register now?"

hari picked two membership registration form and given to Joseph.

"what's is this?"

seeing printed paper Joseph felt incredible. he only saw thick animal skin books before. and seeing printed words he felt that writing style in form is very beautiful and symmetric.

"you just read a write your details"


looking at faces of hunters hari knew no one knows how to write or that time a hunter who was stood last came forward.

"I know how to read and write"

"you are.."

"brother hari, I am Ted"

"Ted I don't know you are educated. did the old leader teach you ?" Joseph asked.

"my family was a merchant family they teach me how to read and write from young"

"Ted, then let us register now. plese fill my details too" Joseph told Ted.

"what about brook.."

"don't worry he can join tomorrow or day after tomorrow"

Ted started to write details. that time hari decided to check there status.




XP: 0 STAR (99%)


SPEED: 0 STAR (89%)






XP: 0 STAR (99%)


SPEED: 0 STAR (99%)


after finishing writing forms hari decided to tell Joseph how to improve their strength.

"Joseph and Ted, welcome to the guild. as a member, I checked your status and found that you guys both reached the zero-star peak. you guys are ready to improve so listen carefully.

Joseph your strength and endurance is already zero-star you need any of these statuses peaked monsters fresh blood which is taken out within 24 hours. if you can find monsters with dual-status peaked it will be can bring animals blood here for Checking for suitability.

as for Ted, your speed status is maximized in zero stars. so you can use wind wolf blood for upgrading to one star.and if you guys don't get suitable blood you can buy it from the guild."

hari have enough money to let everyone join guild.but he know if we get anything without work it have no value in the eyes of others.

"brother Joseph what do you think of this sword"

"Actually I am very interested in this sword. but we don't know how to use it properly.i was only foot soldier who trained in the spear."

if hari knew this before he might buy spear instead of the sword. he makes mental note for buying spears after everyone left.

after few minutes hunters started to go back. when hari, Joseph and Ted were in mountain Ted came forward told them he wanted to ask them something.

"Brother Joseph, you know previous village leader was a fatherly figure to me.i cannot do anything for him. like you, I too don't like Raymond but I want to give him same helping hand his father gave me"

"what you want to say?" to everyone's surprise Joseph didn't get angry hearing Raymond s gives more courage to Ted for talking.

"I want to let them know about the guild. I also want them to have the dream of better tomorrow like us too. i wanted to go back and inform them"

"brother Ted, even if you don't ask me I will send someone to the village a few days later.even though they have a different view as me that doesn't mean I hate them. I still consider them as my friends. atlest we lived very bad times together. if you wish to go now you can. "

"brother hari are you okay with them joining?"

"the guild is an open organization. my personal feelings don't matter"

after hearing this Ted left the mountain. but Joseph still didn't leave.

"Brother Joseph, why are you not leaving"

"hari, did guild buy gold"

"yes, but there is no gold in the village. I already sold everything"

"Actually when I heard Billy buying gold for you. I too bought some parallelly. to give you a suprise gift. thats why I called your morning."

"then hurry up, give me"

"no, now I decided to sell to guild"

" no brother..why??"

"because l don't like your new sword"