First Kill

My head span as I tried to get a good look at my blurry surroundings. I shook my head in a desperate attempt to stop the weird screaming sound I heard in my ears, I glance up to be met with the glass window of the bank. I must have stumbled in this direction when the meteor came down, wait the meteor. I looked up suddenly to seen nothing, when I look back down I'm met with a strange yellow icon floating about a half metre in front of me.

"Huh!?" I exclaimed, it kind of looked like a mail icon you see on your phone or PC. I tapped it sheepishly but my hand just passed right through. " Am I just hallucinating?" I pondered before suddenly being startled out of my stupour by a scream.

The scream came from inside the bank towards my left, I turned my head and peered inside the bank window to be met with the startled gazes and points of the bank tellers inside. I got a sudden bad feeling from behind me which told me to hit the deck, so I did. The window of the bank then resounded with a loud thud before I stood back up looking in awe at the abomination before me.

It was a zombie, a full fledged bonified zombie. I quickly snapped out of my daze and stomped on its head with my heavy duty boots. I took a look at the gruesome scene and lost my lunch over the zombie's lap, suddenly a brisk note played in my ear accompanied by a blue holographic screen hovering in front of my slightly startled face.

[ Common Zombie Killed 5 Exp Awarded ]

[ Hint: Collect Evolution Material ]

I looked in awe at the notification floating in front of my eyes before remembering a popular MMORPG which had the same concept when killing a mob, there would be a crystal embedded in there skull. A look of lust flashed across my face as I looked towards the now unmoving zombie sprawled on the ground. I jumped towards the corpse taking out my switch blade as I did so, I drove the clean blade into the broken skull and started digging before spotting the strange grey coloured crystal attached to the main brainstem, I severed it and got another notification.

[ Obtained Common Zombie Core ]

'Yes' I thought as I did a fist pump, 'OMFG, its a fucking zombie apocalypse RPG' I had been waiting for something like this for so long, preparing over the past four years after that whole Covex-21 fiasco. I didn't expect that this system would be in place tho, that's an added bonus.

I snapped back to my senses to see the bank tellers staring at me through the window I walked away. As I began to go quickly in the direction of my house I got another notification.

[ You Have Unread Mail ]

'So that icon before was a mail icon' I thought to my self as I ducked behind a dumpster in an alley. I thought about the mail icon again and it popped up I thought about how to open it and then tried to simply say "Open mail" and it worked, a panel popped up.

[ Mail - Unread (2)]

"Open unread mail one" I said. The mail read as follows.

[ Congratulations, You Have A High Immunity To The End Of The World Virus.]

[ You have been granted a status screen and the ability to evolve through the crystal in your brainstem, use this gift well and conquer your enemies goodluck. ]

"Wow!" I exclaimed out loud, "Okay open unread mail two."

[You are one of the first humans to kill an infected.]

[You have been granted a new skill but all other skills will be erased up until this point. Will you accept?] {Y/N}

"Um, duh I probably don't even have any skills anyway, I accept."

I slapped myself and stared in awe at the blue screen just to check I wasn't hallucinating, I then thought of something. " Open status" I said with a grin on my face, a blue screen popped up.


[ Status:

Name: Ezekial 'Zeke' Andrews

Status: Recruit

Lvl : 1 {5/100 EXP}

Evolutionary progress: 0/100

HP: 100/100

MP: 10/10

STR: 1

AGI: 1

DEX: 1

INT: 1

VIT: 1

Skills: - {Easy Learn (lvl.MAX)

System Skills: - {Inventory(lvl.1)

- {Examine(lvl.1)

- {Translator(lvl.MAX)

Stat Points: 30

Skill Points: 1

Currency: 0 vis


It looked like a pretty standard RPG starter character's status page I decided to put a point into each stat just to see if there was any noticeable difference. There was no noticeable difference in any of them except for INT and VIT, the former increased my max MP by 10 while the latter increased my max HP by 10. I tried opening the 'System Skills' section but I couldn't. The status screen said that I only had one skill so I checked it out,

{Easy Learn [Passive] (lvl.MAX) - Allows the user to cut learning time down by 50% [MP cost 0]}

I had no idea what that meant, could it be for like learning skills or for like education or something? I had no clue.

The skill didn't use any MP so I decided to put points into everything except INT. So the status screen looked as follows:

HP: 170/170







I figured that strength, agility and vitality would be more important so I put a lot of points into them, I had no clue what dexterity would be used for so I only put a few points into it. I looked back at the status screen confused by a few things, but I decided against investigating now. I then stood up from the ground and ran back towards my house, I needed to make sure my sister was okay.

Whilst I was running back I encountered three zombies at three different times. I killed them easily by sneaking behind them and stabbing them in the base of their skulls, taking the crystals and placing them in my back pocket. As I took my fourth crystal and placed it in my pocket I realised that the other three had disappeared.