A New Home

After All, Might left Yuki peeked outside her tent and looked for anybody to talk to it was a new experience that she enjoyed.

The closest person she could find was a black-haired detective so she went up to him and said ''Hi my name is Yuki what's yours''

[Detective] ''Hi Yuki my name is Tsukauchi Naomasa. Yuki what are you doing outside your tent?''

[Yuki] ''It was boring and im looking for All Might''

[Tsukauchi] ''All might is over there in the big tent to your right''

[Yuki] ''Thanks and have a good day bye''

As Yuki was walking towards the tent she started to overhear a conversation that she probably should not have heard.

All Might] ''She needs help from a psychiatrist she showed zero reactions when speaking about her parent's death or the fact she has been isolated for 3 YEARS!''

[Nighteye] ''I agree with that statement but I think we should at least ask for her opinion about the matter where she would live''

Yuki who was listening in tried to peek in without getting noticed tripped and fell right into the tent. She started to think what she should say she would prefer to stay alone butt get visited some time rather than live with someone else she had gotten used to the quietness of her cell.

[Yuki] ''I would want to live alone again if that is not a problem I enjoy the quietness''

[All Might] ''Hi Yuki we understand that you might want to live alone again but you're 3-year-old that's way too young of an age to live alone''

[Yuki] ''Butt will I at least have my own room?''

[All Might] ''Yes you can have your own room but we need you to have someone staying in the same house so that they can help you if it's needed is that alright?''

[Yuki] ''Fine but I still want to take care of my self but if I need help with anything they could help me if it's like that I would be fine with it''

All Might's thoughts that sound work but who is she going to live with?

Just as All Might was about to ask Nighteye who Yuki should live with or if they should putt her in an orphanage a hero with bunny ears walked up and joined the discussion.

[Bunny Hero] ''So All Might what are you guys talking about over here?''

[All Might] ''Hi Mirko we are currently discussing where young Yuki should live''

[Mirko] ''Hi kid where do you want to live?''

[Yuki] ''Hi Mirko I want to live alone because I can take care of my self and have been doing so for 3 years''

[Mirko] ''I like this kid she says what she thinks like me. Want to live at my place?''

[Yuki] ''Gladly as long as you don't interfere to mutch with me''

[Mirko] ''DEAL!''

All Might was now in panic Mirko was going to take in the kid whos most likely traumatized. He does not have anything against her butt she is known to just say what's on her mind and think that it's cowardly to ask for help. That does not fit together with taking care of Yuki in his opinion butt what kan he say about it when the deal is done?

[Mirko] ''Nice to meet you Yuki my real name is Rumi Usagiyama butt you can call me Mirko I prefer my hero name actually''

[Yuki] ''Nice to meet you too Mirko my full name is Yuki Kanon call me Yuki''

[Mirko] ''Okay kid do you need to gather your things or need my help with it or anything else?''

[Yuki] ''Could you go with me back to my cell so I can get the stuff I owned?''

[Mirko] ''Shure need help carrying your stuff?''

[Yuri] 'Game would I be able to fit all my things in my inventory?'

[Yes you would your inventory is infinite]

[Yuki] ''I will carry all my things I have a quirk so il be fine bye All Might and Nighteye''

[Mirko] ''let's go then and pick up your things should be able to fit them into my house you will get the guest room''

Mirko and Yuki went and grabbed all her things Mirko was surprised by the fact that Yuki casually disintegrated all the things in her room on second they were there and the next they were gone.

[Mirko] ''So Yuki what did you just do with all your things?''

[Yuki] ''I put them in my inventory. What do I do now should I wait in the tent or follow you to your house or what?''

[Mirko] ''We will go to my house after I finish some paperwork then well go there. Btw what is this inventory you're talking about is it your Quirk?''

Yuki was about to answer when THE GAME Said [Do not tell her about my existence say that you have an inventory and some other small bonuses that you would want to keep quiet about]

[Yuki] ''I have a Quirk that gives me this inventory with some other small bonuses''

[Mirko] ''That is use full you know being able to bring your whole house with you where ever you are!''

[Yuki] ''True but I want to just sleep now so could we hurry towards my new home im excited to see where my new life will begin!''

[GAME recommends Player to open up inventory when alone att you're new house to open your starter kit]