Arriving at my new home

When we arrived, I looked at my new home and turned towards Mirko and said ''Nice house quite a big one do you have a family?''

[Mirko] ''Nope I live alone here''

[Yuki] ''So where is my room I would like to offload all my things?''

She motioned me to follow her into the house.

The house had two-levels and a basement, a kitchen, a general room, and two bathrooms, also a master bedroom plus two more guest rooms overall a nice home to live in.

I turned towards her and smiled and said that I will be back in a bit just want to unpack. Went ahead and unpacked all my thing and fixed up my room. And when I was done I looked at the items that I still had in my inventory I had a notebook some pencils and a few other misc things butt one this stuck out.

[Starter Kit: Player may choose a weapon based on what kind of class they are aiming toward obtaining. choices are Mage, Warrior, Thief]

'This was interesting what kind of class would I want?'

'GAME what would you recommend?'

[GAME recommends you to go dor a hybrid between thief and mage as both are good for survival and damage. But as a start, I would recommend the mage kit.]

'Okay GAME I choose mage kit'

[Player has chosen MAGE KIT player will now receive items.]

[Player has obtained]

[Basic Mage Staff: Allows Player to cast mana arrow]

[Beginer Mage Robe: Gives player 1.5 time the mana regeneration and has an option to makes all damage received drain mana instead of health for 4 times the damages taken]

[Do you want to equip new items?]


The second she answered a simple black robe appeared on her and in her hands a metal pole with a crystal on top of it blinked into existence.

'Wow GAME how do I use them?'

[To use the staff pointe the staff att your target and think the keyword [Mana Arrow] and it will appear. For the robe just think the keyword [Mana Robe]

'Wow, so where can I look at what they do in detail?'

[In your skill tab]

'ok thanks open skills'

[The Skills of Yuki Kanon]

[Passive Skills]

[Crafting: Lv 13 By trying to create something out of a material or in this case Lego Player have gained skill crafting when Player is trying to make something this skill will help Player achieve that]

[Pain resistance: Lv 3 Player has gotten hurt and felt pain thus a new skill has been made to alleviate the pain reduces the pain Player feels.

Higher Lvs vill reduces it more.]

[Physical resistance: LV 16 Player has withstood physical damage thus a new skill has been made. Reduces physical damage the Player takes.]

[Hyper Regeneration: Lv MAX Players Race:??? grants player extreme regeneration if the player loses an arm player will regenerate it back in milliseconds. As long as The Player has more than 0 HP player can regenerate anything.]

[True Vision: Lv MAX Player Race:??? Grants perfect vision no matter how bright or dark it is.]

[Sprint: Lv 13 Increses speed and decreses stamina loss]

[Active skills]

[Focus: LV 63 When the player is concentrating boost perception by 63%]

[Meditation: Lv 15 When Player meditates they will regenerate mana at three times the speed. Also passively give's users better control over mana and all manipulation skills.]

[Mana Arrow: Lv 1 Shoots out a small arrow made of mana. Damage scales with INT cost 5 mana per arrow]

[Player can hide equipment so that people don't ask how you obtained such items. But they will still work like normal.]

'Hmm that's cool can you do that I think im going to go and explore the house?'

Later that day when she and Mirko were going to have dinner.

[Mirko] ''So do you like your new home?''

[Yuki] ''Yeah it's considerably bigger than the cell''

[Mirko] ''What do you want to be when you're older?''

'Hmm, what do I what to be probably a hero that sounds like fun?'

[Yuki] ''Probably a hero it sounds like a fun job to just walk around and stop villains]

[Mirko] ''So you want to be a hero certainly not a bad job it pays well and it's fun. I am a pro hero so I say that it's fun to run around and beat up villains''

[New Quest]

[Become a pro hero]

[Rewards: ???]

Later that day when Yuki was in her room 'GAME what's the next step for magic?'

[The next step is [Mana Manipulation] to learn this skill you need to meditate and try to feel the mana inside you and try to move it around un till you're able to move it freely inside your body]

After a few minutes of meditation, I could feel the mana but trying to make it move was near impossible.

'GAME any tips for doing this?'

[Host needs more willpower so I will not give any more help with this]

Well, fuck that did not go how I wanted it to go.

So I sat down and continued to try and move the mana but it didn't want to move I regret choosing mage now.


When I had my small (slammed my head into my table) outrage the mana moved just a little bit but as soon as I got happy and stopped concentrating the fucker went back to normal!

'Please little mana friend move just a few centimeters and I will be really happy PLEASE'

[New Skill have been created]

[Mana Manipulation: Lv 1 Allows host to manipulate mana at her will higher levels equals more control and the amount of mana host can manipulate]


[Congrats host for obtaining a new skill here is your reward]

[Rewards: 10 Gacha Tickets (GT)]