'Oh, so should I use all of my GT then or what?'

[Game recommends that you use one now and save the remaining ones]

'Okay, so how do I use them?'

[Just say the amount of GT you want to use and I will do the rest]

'Ok use one GT'

[One GT removed from inventory now generating random item]

[Rewards: [Dungeon Key: Allows host to enter the dungeon and fight monsters]

'Wow so is it like those RPG games?'

[The Dungeon is a place where the host can level up by killing monsters and find items that will help the player survive in this new world. It also has another feature time dilation current time dilation is 1:2 two seconds in there is one in real life. If the host dies in dungeon host will die in real life too so be careful and don't go too deep into the dungeon]

'Will I age faster in there?'

[No host will not age inside the dungeon]

Now, what shall I do I could enter the dungeon but I only know one spell and I have nott eve used my stat points not that I need to.

'GAME am I able to bring people with me into the dungeon?'

[Yes but they will not gain any experience GAME recommends that you only let people that you trust into the dungeon]

'So should I bring Mirko into it?'

[Host have known Mirko for barely a day THE GAME does not recommend you bring her into the dungeon]

'Okay, could you open status?'

[The Status of Yuki Kanon]

[Lv:2] [Exp:0%]





[Stat Points:5]

'Why is my class still none?'

[Host has only chosen the mage kit player has not chosen class. Currently, the host is not able to choose a class that will be for later]

'Okay, could you put two points into STR and put the rest into DEX'

[Done This is Host's new status]

[The Status of Yuki Kanon]

[Lv:2] [Exp:0%]





[Stat Points:0]

'Thanks im going to bed know goodnight GAME'

[Goodnight host]

The next day I woke up to a knock on the door and Mirko saying breakfast was done.

[Mirko] ''Good morning sleepy head did you have a good sleep?''

[Yuki] ''Yeah I had a goodnight's sleep so what are you going to do today?''

[Mirko] ''Actually were going to go and get your quirk registered''

[Yuki] ''Ah but do I have to tell them what my quirk is?''

[Mirko] ''Yes but is there any reason you don't want to tell them about your quirk?''

'GAME what am I supposed to do you said that I should not tell people about you?'

[You could tell them that your quirk is inventory and keep the rest to your self]

'True I will probably do that thanks GAME'

While Yuri was discussing what to do with the game Mirko was looking at her confused. 'Why would she not want to tell them about her quirk it does not even sound like a quirk with lots of drawbacks or other things what is she hiding?'

[Mirko] ''Yuki is there something wrong with your quirk?''

[Yuki] ''No it's just that I have a hard time trusting people''

Hmm, shes lying butt everybody has secrets that they keep to themself.

[Mirko] ''Okay but if you ever have a problem with your quirk im here for you alright?''

[Yuki] ''Thanks for telling me but when are we going?''

[Mirko] ''After lunch so do you want to do something before that?''

[Yuki] ''No I think im just going to read a book or something see you later''

In Yuki's room 'Time for some power leveling with mana manipulation'

At lunchtime, Mirko walked up to Yuki's door and knocked

[Mirko] ''Lunch is ready''

After not getting an answer for a few seconds she opened the door and saw Yuki meditating and Some kind of Blue energy all around her gathering into a ball in her right hand. Mirko was amazed at what she was seeing Yuki could manipulate some kind of energy what it was she did not know yet but it gives off a feeling of power and a bit of danger.

Yuki who was currently trying to make her mana form a ball in her hand heard something in her room and stopped what she was doing and opened her eyes and saw Mirko.

[Yuki] ''H-hi so what are you doing in here?''

Mirko who was still shocked snapped back into reality

[Mirko] ''So care to explain what you were doing or what that blue ball in your hand was?''