

It was any regular Monday for Malachi, get up, get dressed and go to school. Later that morning when he gets on the bus his friend hope sits next to him.

"Morning Mal," she says happily.

"Good morning Hope," he says while looking out the window off into the distance.

"What's wrong" she question?

"Nothing," he says "why do you ask?"

"I don't know," she says looking down at her shoes "Hey mal, I have a question."

"What?" he says still staring off.

"Ummm," she says flattening out her skirt "do you wanna go to the abandoned factory after school with me and some of our classmates?"

"Sure, why not I got nothing planned," He says shrugging his shoulders.

"Ok see you outside after school," she says smiling.

Later on that day.

"Ok it's 3:05 just a few more minutes," he says to himself.


"K that's my cue", he says "now I just got to wait for them right here."

"Mal you came!" Hope says with a surprised voice.

"What do you mean ?" Malachi says.

"Well I thought you wouldn't come," she says looking at the ground, "oh well, come on we're wasting time follow me" as she jogs down the road.

"Hey, wait up!" he says running after her.

About 20 minutes of running they both come to a dirt road that trails off into the darkness.

"You sure about this?" Mal says looking nervously.

"Yea I go down her all the time," she says "come on it's a shortcut,... are you chicken," she says smiling.

"N-no I'm not a chicken," he says.

"K then let's go," she says while walking into the dark forest.

A few minutes later they come to a clearing where in the middle is a huge old abandoned factory.

"That's it ?" mal says looking a little disappointed "I expected a little more… you know pazazz."

"Pazazz, really man? It's an old run-down piece of scrap metal factory! Where the hell are you gonna find pazazz in that." she says with her arms on her hips?

"Sorry sheesh calm down," he says "so you said your friends were gonna be here, where are they. Hmmmmmmm?"

Then out of nowhere, 3 people walk up next to hope.

"Oh," Mal says?

"Mal, I would like you to meet Joe, Jazz, and Aaron. Guys this is Malachi the guy I told you about," she says gesturing to mal.

"Nice to meet you," says jazz " I can tell we're are gonna be friends," she says smiling.

Jazz had green eyes and dirty blond hair and was wearing a plain white shirt and a black skirt.

"Hey," Joe says.

Joe had glasses and brown hair, and he was wearing an old worn brown sweatshirt and jeans.

"Sup" Barron says.

Arron has black hair and white ghost-like skin. He was also was wearing khakis and an old blue shirt.

"Uh hey," Mal said looking a little overwhelmed.

Mal had ginger hair and blue eyes, he was wearing jean shorts, brown shirt, and an old tattered grey sweatshirt.

"So enough lollygagging let's go," hope says full of excitement.

So the kids entered the old factory through the air duct.

"So how much longer….." said Joe then all the sudden they heard a loud *creak*

"What was that" jazz whispered?

"I don't know," said mal?

"Shut up" barked joe!

As soon as Joe said that the vent gave way making the group fall to the floor.

"See what you did" mal barked at joe!

"Me, what did I do," Joe says defensively!?

"Both of you shut it," hope says "we're not alone!"

"What do you mean…" said joe?

All of the sudden a bright light was shined on the group along with the sound of gears moving. Then two robots emerge out of the shadow. They were both hard to see, all that was visible was their silhouettes due to the bright light.

"Huh, what are…." jazz started to say but was immediately grabbed by the right one along with hope!?

"Hey let go of them you bucket of bolts" shouts joe as he throws a piece of the fallen debris at the left one, but as soon as the debris left his hand he and Aaron were grabbed by the other one! Leaving Malachi all alone in the pile of debris unnoticed by the robots. Just as the robots were out of his sight the searchlight turned off leaving mal alone in the dark.

(great not only did I get stuck in an old factory with two robots that stole my friend, but I can barely see two feet in front of me) mal says to himself quietly. (better go find where the robots took them.)