Chapter 3

He sighed as he leaned in his chair, "Sometimes I wonder if I should just give up and let myself change back during the full moon. It would lessen the pain."

I looked to him sadly, "You want to go back to the pack?"

He shook his head, "Of course not. I can't marry my destined one; I can't be with a woman. Luther is the only one for me."

"What will you do when he dies? As lychanthrope, we can't keep them for long."

"I will pass on my soul to my next body when he goes. Maybe I will like women."

I smiled, "You have not been in this body long."

"How long have you been? I've forgotten."

I leaned on his desk, "I have been with this body since the late 18th century but did not leave the pack until the 19th century."

"Shouldn't it wear out soon?"

"I have found ways around it. I don't want to have to start over as it took a lot of work to leave and find a place in the human population."

A knock came to the door and Ty sighed, "Remember, don't come the day after tomorrow. We are going to Minneapolis for a meeting. We will be there about 2 weeks." I nodded before leaving the room. I smiled at the man waiting before he went inside. I went back to my desk as Heather rushed over after I sat down.


I sighed, "Going to be going on a trip in two days with the boss. Minneapolis meetings for up to 2 weeks."

"That sucks! Well I'll catch you at lunch!" She said before leaving me to my work. I become completely engrossed in my work until my phone vibrated.

I saw a text from Cade, 'can we meet?'

I sighed before texting back, 'you left a mark so no. I will find someone else for next time.' My phone began to ring, so I quickly sent it to voicemail before putting it on silence. I got back to work and did not look up until Heather knocked on the wall of my cubicle.

I looked up as she smiled, "Let's go to that sub place, my treat."

"Perfect," I said before standing up and putting on my coat. I grabbed my purse and followed Heather out of the building. "So how was the date last night?"

Heather groaned as she leaned on me, "Why are there no good men left in the world! He was a complete weirdo and was rude!"

"It takes a lot of looking before you can find the one."

She gave me a cruel smile, "Maybe I should just go to the churches and find me a minister."

I rolled my eyes, "With your mouth, no religious leader would handle you."

She laughed loudly, "Don't ruin my fun! You're too cruel, Ellen!" I looked to her as she suddenly grabbed my arm, "Hot damn!" She whispered to me while we still walked. I looked to her with curiosity, "Ten o'clock, punk hottie. Damn, I would let him do anything he wanted to me!" I looked over and, with shock, locked eyes with Cade. He quickly stomped out his cigarette before coming our way, "Oh my god! He's coming this way!" She squealed as I felt my stomach flip.

"I couldn't remember which building you worked in, so I just waited here." Cade said as he came near us, "Can we talk?"

Heather pulled me closer to her, "You know him?"

I nodded, "Can you grab me my usual? I will meet you back at the office."

"Uh, sure. Later," She stammered as she walked away. I quickly grabbed Cade's hand and dragged him to an empty sitting area nearby.

I shoved him so that he sat down while I looked down to him. I felt my instincts of asserting dominance coming over me. This half-blood is getting too cocky when he can easily be replaced. "What in the hell do you think you are doing?"

He stared at me in surprise, "I wanted to talk to you, but you didn't answer your phone. I was worried."

I crossed my arms over my chest, "I will contact you if there is a problem. You don't need to worry about me, I am more than capable of taking care of myself in this society."

He pulled his fingers through his hair with a sigh, "I wanted to say I'm sorry." He looked to the ground, "I shouldn't have left a mark on you. It could have messed things up."

"Damn right!" I hissed, "You are a child!" He looked to me with annoyance that I did not worry about, "You know nothing!"

He stood with anger, "I am not stupid, El! I know a lot more than most my age!"

I smirked to him, "You're all knowing, huh? Have you ever seen a transformed full-blood during the full moon?" He shook his head as I felt sadness coming to my face, "why do you think we are so rare?"

"I thought most enjoyed the pack."

I felt tears welling in my eyes, "It is because few can make it through the pain! I have lived for four decades of this pain! Every month I go through this just to stay in this world!" I looked away so that I would not cry, "Everyone in my life is disposable and temporary. You seem to forget that." I looked back to him as tears did fall, "You are just another passing ship in my life, so do not get ahead of yourself. I smiled even though I still cried, "I can pick another half-blood any time and leave you. Don't forget that."

"El," he began but I shook my head and wiped my tears.

"I will call you or come to the bar if I need you." I stared at him as my eyes sparked gold for just a moment, "If you interfere with my life I have made, I will take you out. I never form emotional attachments to anyone, so do not think you are any different. Sex is just that; nothing more. If you are getting feelings, then you need to stop helping me." I quickly walked into my office building and went up to my floor. I rushed to Ty's office and knocked.

"Yeah?" He asked and I quickly came in. I shut the door before going over to him. "Have you been crying?"

I rushed over as he stood and embraced me as I began crying again, "The nerve of him!" I hissed as he pulled me closer to him.

"You smell of half-blood. Was it the one helping you through urges?"

I nodded, "He left a mark and then came here to find me." I squeezed his jacket in my hands, "He is nothing, yet he wants to mess up my plan? I should rip his head off!"

He sighed, "You cannot kill him, just kick him to the side. Find another like always."

I looked to him slightly, "But I have never found someone so compatible. He actually fills my urges in one go."

His wide eyes stared at mine, "With one round?"

I nodded as I finally let him go, "Every time, it takes one round. I cannot imagine how intoxicated I be if we went for more than one."

"You're not falling for a half blood, right?"

I gave him a dirty look, "Of course not! It's just a physical relationship! I could never have feelings towards a half blood!"

"Just make sure it stays that way. Otherwise, you'll ruin your life and mine."

"I know," I whispered before going to the door, "Thanks Ty." I went back to my desk and closed my eyes until Heather bringing me my food.

"I took extra time, just in case you wanted a second round." I rolled my eyes at her as she sat in the chair for the next cubicle. "Who would have thought a minister's wife would get a side boy like that!"

"My husband is great; he just does not meet my needs. He's just a friend, nothing more."

She leaned back in the chair, "I would leave my husband for him in a heartbeat! He is beyond hot!"

I began eating my sandwich as I looked to her. I swallowed a bite, "I actually ended our relationship."


I pointed to the spot Heather found earlier, "He left a mark, which was one of our rules. If he messes up my marriage, I will not know what to do. He is not worth my children and husband. We have only met a few times and every time I regret it. I should just be happy with what I have."

"If you are looking for a side piece, then you aren't happy."

I sighed, "I just want to have a happy marriage, so I want to make it work without anyone else. I cannot imagine my life without my husband and kids."

"Well, let me know if he wants another 'friend'." She winked at me before going back to her cubicle. I finished my food before going back to work. As four o'clock came around, I finished up my project and grabbed my things. I quickly made my way to my car and hustled over to the elementary school. I waited outside until Lindsey and Zach came out. I hugged each of them before we got into the car. I brought them home and began cooking dinner.

When Jonathan got home, we ate, and the kids went outside to play. I knew it was time to begin my performance. I went to the living room and laid out on the couch, closing my eyes. "Are you alright, Ellen?" Jonathan asked as he came over to me. He kneeled by my side as I opened my eyes.

"I am feeling really weak. I noticed it at work, but it is getting a lot worse. I don't want the kids to know, but now I am worn out."