Chapter 12

My apologies for not updating yesterday. I had a lot going on personally but everything is good now! To make up for it, two chapters are coming out today!!

Chris scratched his head as he yawned, "Ty's flight is coming in soon. Ours got delayed during the departure and landing so they caught up to us. Are you alright with waiting?"

I nodded as I sat beside him at the table. I pinched his cheek as he groaned in pain, "That's for earlier." I smirked before leaning on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and gently rubbed my shoulder.

"You must have been really tired," Collen commented as I met his blue eyes, "You slept through a hell of a flight."

Chris grunted in agreement, "We hit a lot of turbulence."

I yawned as I closed my eyes, "It has been a busy week."

"I left a note at your old house," Collen said as I looked to him with surprise, "I said you were leaving to find a cure for your illness as it was getting worse."

I nodded as I looked to the table, "It is for the best. I am glad Carley will still be there to keep an eye on the kids."

Chris groaned, "Are you serious! We should have been on your flight!" I looked up and saw Ty running over to me. I rushed to my feet and ran into his arms. I felt relief as he hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead before resting his head on top mine.

"We made it out alive," he sighed, "I got really worried after that ambush."

I buried my face into his shirt as I hid my welling eyes of guilt. The first time we have a chance to be alone, I knew I would have to tell him. "I love you."

"I love you more." He whispered with a chuckle.

"Surprise!" Luther sang as I heard Collen and Chris stiffen.

"What were you thinking!" Chris hissed as he rushed past us. I got out of Ty's grasp as Chris grabbed someone's shirt.

"Chris!" I hissed as he turned to me. I froze as I saw who he held, "What is he doing here?" I looked to Ty, "Did you do this?"

He shook his head, "I tried to stop him from getting on the flight! Luther got in the way so that he could follow."

I stared at Luther and he stiffened when my eyes flashed gold, "I thought you were on our side."

He rushed over to me, "I am, El! I see how you look at each other and I can't let you leave him. You need to know what could come of this!"

I looked down, "You really are just a human," I whispered before storming away. Ty grabbed my arm and I shoved him away, "Keep your pet under control!"

"El!" He hissed as I turned to Chris.

"He's not worth your time. Let's go." As I walked towards Collen, Chris rushed over to us. I walked out of the airport as they followed.

"There's a shuttle to the hotel." Collen said as we followed him. I hurried to the back of the shuttle on a large bench. Collen sat down as I sat next to him. I leaned on his shoulder as Chris sat beside me and took my hand in his.

We all looked over as Ty, Luther, and Cade came into the shuttle with their suitcases. Ty grabbed Luther's shoulder as he came close to us. By my gaze, Ty knew not to come near. He forced the two other men to sit in the middle of the shuttle with him. I stared outside as I felt Cade watch me. I met his eye and he saw mine spark gold multiple times before I looked to Chris as he squeezed my hand. "When we get into the hotel, we need to get you some clothes." He smirked, "You look like a teenager wearing her boyfriend's sweatshirt."

Collen groaned in annoyance, "You picked one too young, El. He's still a child."

Chris frowned, "We were chosen at the same age!"

"When we were growing up, I was the age of a father. Everyone my age had one or two children." He scoffed, "You were still a boy."

"That's enough, you two." I whispered as I leaned against Collen, "We only have each other. We can't squabble."

"Yes, ma'am," Chris said as he kissed my forehead, "You do feel like you are running a fever now."

"Even if everyone is arguing, Luther will need to talk to you." I nodded before looking up to Collen, "I need to speak with each of them. I need to get him to go back. He doesn't belong here."

The shuttle stopped so we exited and came near the men. Ty looked to me with worry, "You don't look so good, El."

"She has a fever," Collen admitted, "Can you look at her, Luther?"

He nodded, "Of course."

"We are putting her under your protection, Ty," Chris said as he stared down Ty, "We need to go get the essentials."

I stood on my toes and kissed each familiar on their cheek, "Be safe. I will be fine." I said before walking inside. I went to the desk and was given the keys to two rooms. I handed one to Cade who looked to me with surprise. I stared down Ty and Luther, "I need to speak you two," I looked to Cade, "privately."

"Lead the way," Luther said as he and Ty followed close behind.

I stopped as I reached the elevator, "I will meet you up there." I whispered before going to the stairs. I made my way up three flights before coming to the room. Ty held open the door as Cade brought three suitcases inside and shut the door across the hallway. I came in and shut the door before locking it. I looked to them as they stared at me in confusion, "I can't have others see this."

"Is everything alright?" Ty asked as I finally lost my composure. I collapsed to the ground as I cried loudly. Ty rushed to my side and embraced me.

I looked to his face, "I let you down. I'm sorry!"

Ty picked me up and carried me over to the bed and set me on the side of it. Luther and Ty sat on the opposite bed on the edge near me. "What are you talking about, El?"

I looked to him, "You will know soon enough," I whispered through my tears and looked to Luther, "I fucked up my wrist."

"What happened to you, El?" Luther asked as I shook.

"He found me," I whispered and both men froze, "He got into my hotel room while I was showering."

"You can't be serious," Ty whispered as I looked him in the eye. I pulled off the sweatshirt and looked to the floor. From the bite marks, it was clear what happened to me.

I looked up when I heard Luther begin to cry and then looked to Ty, "I lost control."

"How did you get away?"

I held up my wrist as they both caught their breath. I untied the rag as the blood began to flow again, "I thought I would have to cut it off, but I was able to save some of it." They both just stared at me with horror, "He shackled me to the bed." I looked down to my body and saw the extent of my injuries.

"How did he find you?"

"The 9th called him. He followed me all the way from the office building." I shook as I looked down to my body. It was bitten all over, "He used his strength to make it so I could not leave. He tuned into my primal needs from the full moon." I looked away, "I couldn't control it. I barely kept my form and was at his mercy."

"How many times?" Ty asked as I refused to look to him, "Three?" I heard Luther cry harder, "Five? Ten? Tell me, El!"

"19," I whispered as Ty began crying, "He wanted to have a child."

"Then he shackled you to the bed?" Luther asked in gasps, "How can he claim to love you if he does that to you!"

I laughed as I cried, "Love is not involved in eternal mates." I stood as I wiped my cheeks, "I should shower again. Ty," I whispered as I began shaking again, "can you come and sit with me? I am scared he will show up."

Ty nodded before following behind me to the bathroom. I undressed completely and saw his eyes rim with tears, "Have you told them? Do they know?"

I scoffed as I continued to cry, "I can never let them know." I got into the shower and felt relief as Ty leaned on the tub so that I could see his shadow. "They would both go back and hunt him down. They think they could kill him. As if that is possible."

"I still don't know how you got away."

"I got the shackle off by forcing it off." I sighed as I fought the tears to stop, "I knew I only had one chance and did it before I could chicken out. Then I ran," I chuckled, "I ran out completely naked!"

He chuckled, "Of course you would find a small bright moment in such a horrible situation."

I turned off the water, pulled back the shower curtain, and took the towel Ty handed me. "What am I going to do, Ty? What if he was successful? I will have no choice but to go back to the pack."

Ty stood with a sad smile, "If that happens, we will say it's mine."

I looked to him with annoyance, "If he found out, he would hunt you down."

Ty shrugged, "He won't find us again, El. Cade is going to help."

"I'm going to send him back."

"He could make it so you can survive full moons without calling for him."

"I will find a way to make it through without him."

"You have feelings for him."

"I feel nothing towards him. He's a half-blood."

"He's able to bring you back to your senses during full moons. That can't happen with just anyone."

I stared at him with anger, "We are Lychanthrope, Ty. We are not meant for love."

He smiled slightly, "I found it." I gave him a sad smile but looked to the door as a knock sounded. "Yeah?"

The door rattled, "Why the hell are you in there when El's changing?" Chris hissed as I sighed.