Chapter 17

I was trying to catch my breath and tried to tell Cade how tired I was, "pa...".

He put his hand over my mouth quickly as tears of frustration flowed down my face. "It's not enough," he sighed, "but I don't want to push your body."

I closed my eyes as I tried to stop crying but opened my eyes as he suddenly embraced me and aided me back to my knees. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I bit in the same spot on him.

I could feel his heartbeat race as he rushed to undo his pants as I shivered and felt my body crave him. I was startled that we both shivered slightly as we were connected. My body instinctively followed his movements. He quietly grunted as he sped up his thrusts. He began slamming us together as we both quickened our movements. It felt like we could not move fast enough, as though my urge could not be quenched.

I groaned as I suddenly felt him become larger. I could tell that he was straining to keep it inside. After a few intense moments, Cade finally released and my entire body shook. After a few deep breaths he tried to separate us but I quickly grabbed his hand and brought it back to my waist.

I finally decided that I was stronger than this, stronger than the wolf. My instincts were being met outside of my mate. There was something special about this man; Ty had guessed it.

I squeeze my arms around his neck as I finally released my jaw from him. As I brought my lips towards his ear, he seemed to startle and freezed.

"More," I whispered as my body finally allowed me to say something other than that cursed name. I nearly screamed by how ferociously he impaled me. I pressed my body against his as I felt him enlarge and felt myself about to release also. I fought the urge so that we could do it together, even though I did not understand why.

I had never wanted to be treated like this when instincts were involved. No one treated me like this before. This felt like something completely different than what my instincts usually caused. I allowed myself to let go of my mind and focus on him. Although I was scared the cursed word would come out of my mouth, I also felt like it may not.

I felt a warmth and tingling inside my chest that I had never felt before, nor never heard of. The only thing I could equate it to or find that would be similar was something my kind could never have. I suddenly felt as though I could not hold it any longer. My mind raced as it came out of my mouth before I could think.

"Cade," I gasped and right as I was about to let go, Cade released with a grunt as I followed. I let out a gasp that seemed to increase him pleasure. I quickly looked into his eyes before kissing him intensely. He looked me with confusion as I pulled our lips apart. "I'm sorry," I whispered.

"What for?" He asked as he looked directly into my eyes with worry.

"I've made you have to do this with me."

He smiled before kissing my forehead, "nobody forces me to do anything, especially not this." He looked back at my eyes as he whispered, "I wanted to do this. I wanted you. I don't care who your mate is. I don't care about our blood. I don't care about your past. I don't care if we make love when we eat or not. I don't care about anything but you." I looked to his eyes as I noticed he was about to cry, "I love you, Elenor," he whispered as I felt my heart stop.

Men had said this thing to me before, but my heart had never hurt. I had to find out why it hurts so bad. I looked to the door,

"We should be getting back. Otherwise we will worry the others."

He nodded before aiding me to my feet. He knocked on the door and it was quickly unlocked from the outside. Cade took my hand and led me out before smiling to Ty.

"We should go," Ty stated before turning to Ivan, who stood in the doorway of the other room. "Thank you for your help."

Ivan smiled as he put a cigarette into his mouth, but did not light it. "Let's get you home," he stated before leading us out to the car. I got in the passenger seat once again and felt Ivan staring at me through the corner of his eye. "I received some information this morning that I feel may be important to you hear."

I looked to him as he began driving and lit his cigaret. "Go on."

He sighed and let out a puff of smoke. "As you know, he has sent out alerts to all the 1st to aid in searching for you."

I nodded as I felt Ty and Cade tense in the back of the car. They were still unaware.

"He put a reward towards information about you." I turned and looked out the window as he sighed again. "Nothing substantial to the 1sts and 2nds, but very important to younger pack members."

"What did he offer?"

He let out another puff of smoke, "a change in rank within the pack."

"He has lost it," I mumbled as I continued looking out the window at the things that passed by.

He grunted, "I know he's looked for you in the past, but I've never heard of anything like this."

I smiled to myself slightly, "I think I may have hurt his pride this time. He was sure that I was his and that he had captured me but I still got away."

"From my informant, it seems as though he is frantic this time. He said that there has never been this much insistence on finding you.

"This adds a lot of challenges in determining what my steps will be for this new life." I looked over as he smirked slightly at realized I had not shared any information with the man in the back seat.

"My offer still stands. I believe it would help you in being successful."

"What offer?" Ty asked as I shook my head but did not look to him. I looked back to the window as I heard Ivan put the cigarette back in his mouth. He knew not to speak about it.

"It's nothing of importance."

I could hear Ty take a deep breath in order to yell at me but I stopped him by turning around and looking him in the eye. "This is neither the place nor the time to discuss this. I will talk to you about it later."

With that he, looked away from me with anger. Soon after, Ivan stopped in front of our building. "Let me know if you need anything else," he stated as he handed a note towards me. "I know you have not got any communication but there is a phone in your room. Its my direct number, if you realize you need something."

Ty spoke up before we could get out of the car, "why are you so intrested in aiding us? I don't believe you are to be trusted."

Ivan chuckled slightly but he did not look back to Ty. "Don't worry yourself. I am an ally of Ava's mission."

"What is it that you want of us?"

Ivan laughed out loud before looking towards me. "I want nothing from you other than to keep Ava hidden. My only mission in life is to make him suffer and this is the best way to do it."

Before they could argue further, I hopped out of the car and walk towards the hotel. I stopped when I saw Chris leaning against the wall of the building. He locked eyes with me as I stopped in my tracks. He walked over, but not towards me. He walked directly towards Ivan and got into his face.

"Who are you?" he demanded.

I went over and grabbed his arm, "Chris," I said so that he would look towards me and saw my eyes flash cold. "He's an ally and that's all you need to know. Don't mess up something that can help us."

As we went into the building and Ivan went back to his car, I headed straight for the staircase. I was surprised that all 3 men followed me and did not take the elevator.

"I'm sure it'll be a while before you are comfortable using the elevator again," Chris commented as I nodded but did not look back to him. As we came upstairs and went into my room, Luther tackled Ty. I saw his eyes flash gold and felt his instincts flood over.