Chapter 18

I shivered before Ty got up. I quickly pushed both of them out of the room, "what the hell?"

I unlocked the room across the hall and shoved them in. "I may love you but I don't want to hear you two."

Ty laughed as Luther blushed, "and keep it down. We are in a hotel."

As the door shut, I walked back into the room. I sighed as another shiver went through me, "are you cold?"

I smirked as I looked to Chris, "it has been a long time since I was near Ty when his instincts kicked in." I chuckled, "it brings back memories."

"El and Ty used to be partners during hunts and full moons."

"What?!" Chris yelled as he looked to Collin, "why have I never heard about this?"

Collin sighed, "that was long before your time and when Ty was just a teenager."

"I can never imagine you two together," Cade said as he stared at me.

"It was long before he became interested in men. He also had just left the pack to follow me so we did so out of need."

I saw Collin give Chris an evil smirk, "I took over after he moved on to men."

"Collin," I sighed, "are you trying to tell them everything?"

He chuckled, "that barely scratches the surface of what I know. Who knows how much is beyond my knowledge."

"I thought you two have always been together." Chris stated as he looked over to me.

"We have been each time I left the pack. It is too dangerous there for anyone to follow me. Not even Ty."

"So what's the deal with that new guy? Did you know him from the pack?"

"We never met before yesterday."

"And you just followed a stranger?!"

"I am not a fool, Collin. He and I share a goal, that is all. I am using him and he is using me."

"What goal does he have if you have never met before?"

"My mate killed his," I said bluntly as both familiars stared in shock. "He knows that keeping me hidden would hurt my mate more than killing me. He has even offered for me to live with him so that I can keep hidden."

"We are all going there?"

I stared Chris down, "I plan to live apart from you all. I figured this would please all of you as someone would be with me that intends on hiding me."

"That man does not look at you as a comrade," Cade said bluntly.

"What makes you say that?"

Cade looked to Collin, "why else would a full-blood help us and give another a fresh kill before getting his own?"

"Then I cannot have you live with him, El. He could have feelings for you."

I laughed, which startled all of the men. "Do not fool yourself. Love does not exist for members of the pack. It is nothing but a fantasy. He may seek me for comfort, but there is no love for us."

"If that's true," Cade said as he looked to me, "then why is this Ivan fellow so mad at your mate for killing his?"

"It's a matter of pride. Females in the pack are viewed as trophies. The better fighter and the better motherly instincts makes them more desirable."

Collen sighed again, "that is why he chose El. Of all the women in all the towns nearby, he chose her. He kidnapped her from her own bed and brought her to the king by force."

"What made you different than the rest?"Chris asked as he looked to me with curiosity.

"I'm a survivor," I responded as I closed my eyes as memories of my human life came back. Although they had happened so long ago, the wounds from the experience were just as fresh as they originally were. "My entire family was slaughtered while out walking in the forest. We were killed by the 1st ten. Although I later on saw the level and skill of the pack when I joined, I was able to survive my own attack."

"he was the only one to ever survive."

I felt my lips and my face began to shake as I fought back tears." They slaughtered my family but somehow I fought them off and got away. When we found El's family, we were sure that she was dead also. They had been missing for 2 weeks so we presumed that she had died but never was found."

I smiled slightly, even though my eyes stayed shut. "I hid in the woods for those 2 weeks. Every night, I heard the pack search for me in human and in wolf form."

"We were all in awe when El just showed back up in town. Then, just 3 days later, she was gone again and never returned. That was when she became part of the pack."

"I should not have run," I whispered to myself and then caught my breath as I realized the words had actually escaped me rather than just staying in my head. I look to the ground as I fought back tears that welled in my eyes. I knew that all 3 men were staring at me, but I could never look back to them. "I guess being reborn was my punishment for not saving my family and running away. The memories of my real family have haunted me everyday for over 4 centuries. I view it as atonement for my sin."

The phone in the room suddenly rang and startled all four of us."

Cade quickly got up to answer it. He began a conversation before looking towards me, "they say that Angie request to come up to see us."

"Send her up," I responded as I went and left the room. I leaned against the wall beside our room door. I close my eyes as I tried to regain composure from the horror I had remembered. I looked up when I heard quick footsteps coming down the hall.

Angie looked to me with excitement as he came over bouncing and hugged me. "Ivan has sent me with a few things."

"Would you like to come in?"

She nodded excitedly before following me into the room. I look to Cade before looking to Chris and then Collin and gestured towards Angie.

"This is Angie, a friend of Ivens that aids in the hunt." Angie smiled to the two unknown men as I looked to her. "These are my familiars, Collin and Chris."

"It's nice to meet you," Angie said before following me over to the small 2 person table. She rummaged through a large bag that had been on her shoulder and now sat in her lap. I could feel all three men watching us intensely. "Ivan thought you might need a few things to finally get comfortable in your new home."

In front of me she placed six phones, a gold card, and few papers.

She smiled up to me with glee, "Ivan thought it would be helpful for each of you to have a phone." Angie looked through the pile of phones and handed me one. "I already added Ivan, myself, and the other half-bloods to your phone."

"This is not necessary," I whispered before looking at her as she shook her head.

"He is beyond ecstatic to finally meet you and is very intrested in helping you." She laughed slightly, "he was hesitant to send me here as he knew that I would try to catch you before he could." I looked at her in surprise as she gave me a sweet smile. "Do not worry, I know that you are not on my team."

I sighed, "you are truly an odd person Angie."

She laughed before watching me pick up the golden card. "Its already in your name and linked to Ivan's accounts. View it as limitless as there is so much in his accounts the two of you would never be able to use it in a lifetime." She chuckled slightly, "well at least this life."

I picked up the top paper and then stared at her in shock.

She gave me a large smile, "he is purchased a home some ways beyond the city for your friends to stay in." With annoyance, I set down the paper before picking up the next one. "Ivan asked me to create a list of different contacts he has that your friends can use in order to get a job. He researched a few of you and found out what your previous professions were. He tried to stay within your realms of comfort, but different to make it so it was not connected with previous jobs."

I slammed to the paper onto the table as I felt a deep frown form on my face. I noticed that Angie became restless in her chair as I picked up the final paper. I felt my entire body become hot and felt as though my blood would boil within my veins. I ripped the paper in half before staring her down as I felt my eyes turn golden.

"Call him here NOW!" I growled and she froze for a moment.