Chapter 19

I felt my entire body become hot and felt as though my blood would boil within my veins. I ripped the paper in half before staring her down as I felt my eyes turn golden.

"Call him here NOW!" I growled and she froze for a moment, with her body becoming stiff.

"He's doing all of this to help..." Angie began, but stopped as she saw me stand angrily.

I leaned in towards her, "call your master, half breed. I hissed as my eyes turned deep gold.

She quickly picked up the phone and, with a shaking hand, talked to Ivan and insisted that he come immediately. As she hung up, she looked to me with fear. "He is in a meeting right now, but will be here within 30 minutes."

I turned around as I felt my blood boiled stronger. I looked to Cade and saw that he was even startled. "Go tell Ty and Luther to pack. We are leaving."

"But Ava!" Angie pleaded as I heard her stand and move towards me. I turned around and fought every muscle in my body in order not to grab her neck.

"Get out of this room. NOW! If you don't, I can't guarantee your safety."

She quickly rushed out of the room but left all the materials on the table. I look to Chris as I tried to calm down, but was impossible to do. "Cade, get out of here." I whispered as he looked me in with surprise.

"El," he whispered but stopped as he saw me began to pull on my hair so I would not scream. "I don't want you to see me kill another full blood."

Chris came over as I backed away but stopped as he grabbed my arm. He forced me into his embrace as I fought to get him off.

"Let go!" I demanded but he did not budge.

"What has made you lose your mind?!" he demanded as he looked to my face.

I felt tears coming to my eyes again, "when will I learn to never associate with other full bloods?! Other than Ty, they are all pigs. Worthless beast!" I squeeze his shiry my hands in order to not hurt him.

We all looked to Ty as he rushed into the room and Chris quickly let me go. Ty brought me into a tight embrace. "What is going on?"

I squeezed myself tightly to him as I finally began to cry, "I'm a fool to think I could trust anyone of the

pack other than you," I whispered as anger still lingered in my voice.

"What has he done to make you so angry?"

I shook my head violently, "I want to kill him!" I hissed, "the audacity of a second!"

"Get Collin," Ty insisted as he looked to Chris. Chris quickly left the room but returned just as quickly with Collin following.

"Has she told you anything?"

Ty shook his head before letting me go. Collin came and held my hand, but did not force me into

embrace as the other men had. I put my head on his shoulder as I tried to stop crying but it did not work. With my other hand, I squeezed the other side of the hand I still held. Ty knew that if anyone could calm me down, Collin would be the 1st choice. With his free hand, Collin began stroking my hair but did not ask me nor say anything to me.

"All I could get her to say was that she plans to kill him. That he has done something to offend her."

Collin sighed before pulling my face slightly off his shoulder so that we made eye contact. "Regardless of how angry you are, remember our situation. If you kill a full blood, you will bring attention to us again."

I stared him down with anger, "then I will burn him alive."

Collin chuckled slightly, "I don't see you doing that."

I closed my eyes and forced the tears to stop before looking back to him. "This time, I might."

"Are you going to him or is he coming here?"

"He's certainly is coming to me as I don't want this fight to occur in public. And I will not follow him anywhere until he answers my questions."

We all looked over as a knock came to the door, but no one came in. Ty went to the door as Collin grabbed on to my hand tighter. "You can't attack him El," he insisted.

I looked up to Ivan as he walked into the room with a smile on his face. I shoved Collins hands off of mine and walked over to Ivan. I shook as I pulled on his suit so that we were eye to eye.

"There is a line between aiding me and making fun of me! You have crossed it by leaps and bounds!"

He looked to me with surprise, "I do not understand."

I slapped him as everyone became silent, "you're just like him!" I screamed as tears ran down my face, "you're trying to control me!"

He grabbed my hands, "clearly something has been confused here. I would never think of such a thing!"

He yelled as he looked to me with worry, "I have no intention of anything other helping you survive!"

I shoved him away and grabbed the two pieces of paper on the ground. "A marriage certificate?!" I yelled before ripping into more pieces. I could feel energy coming from Ty and knew his eyes were golden. "Phones, a credit card, a house, a list of contacts, and a marriage certificate! Who would accept all of this from a stranger?! Are you insane!?"

"I never intended to do anything but help. That's all this is!"

I felt my eyes flash gold, "I see how you look at me," I

hissed as he looked to me with concern. I gave him an evil smile, "after all this time, have you become so weak to act like the humans?" I laughed as he scowled, "you have feelings for me! Feelings for a complete stranger and an alpha! You clearly

have been in this society too long. You are thinking like them, thinking of that silly thing they call love!"

His eyes flashed gold, "is that so wrong?!" He yelled, "I'm attracted to you and enjoy spending time with you! Is that a sin?!"

I walked over to the table, picked everything up, and tried to hand it to him. "I don't accept affection, nor charity. Take these things and leave!"

He crossed his arms across his chest. "Until we discuss this privately, I do not plan to change

my actions."

"What do you want from me?!" I yelled I dropped all of the items on the floor, "you are supposed to be

using me to get back at my mate! Then I can use you to survive! Nothing more!"

Ty walked over and stood between us, I think that's enough." I looked to his back and saw he was standing as tall as he could. "A first has asked you to

leave. I suggest you do so."

"Ty," Collin whispered, "don't talk to him."

"What are you talking about?"

Ivan smiled, "it's been a while, Collin."