Chapter Thirteen

Dome's POV

Their class ended up earlier than usual. Nine told him that he will introduce him to his wife. 'Oh, he had a girlfriend. What about Ben?' They waited on their usual spot which was the Meds cafeteria.

"Honey Vanilla Sweet Cupcake!" Nine said with an excited tone. 'Fuck? Why so many call signs?' And why did he giggle like a freaking woman? He stood up and greeted the person behind Dome who he thought was his girlfriend.

"Hi Sugar SweetyPie!! Hello P'Ben. And?"

He choked on his drinks when he heard a baritone voice. 'Huh?' He's just imagining that Ben's girlfriend is pretty but wait, why did he sound like a man? He peeped a little bit behind him and was shocked. He's really a man! A tall slim man. Nine was clinging his arms on his neck then kissed him on his cheeks that made Nine blush. Ben just shrugged his shoulder like it was used to both of them.

"Honey vanilla! Just introduce me to your new friend." He pouted. 'Wow! He looked like a man who can sweep people away in a second but did he just pout?'

'What's new? Pavel was always like that. A dickhead but can be cute at the same time.'

Dome's eyes followed Nine's boyfriend, how he held Nine's waist and guided him to sit. "Sweety, this is P'Dome. Dome this is my lover, P'Arche." Nine introduced the man to him.

They waii to each other. "Lemon cake, I'll be late later. Our seniors just gave a sudden task to us." Arche said.

"Of course, juicy. I can wait for you." Nine said with a sweet voice.

"No need. There's many mosquitoes out there. I don't want you to get bitten. I am the only one who can bite you, deep!" Arche showed his canines, bit lightly Nine's neck. Dome and Ben choked after.

Nine moaned a little. Both Dome and Ben rolled their eyes. Fuck these two! Can they lessen their sweetness because he was about to throw a tissue to them in a minute.

"Dome will be with me. Right Dome?" Nine's attention drew to him then wink.

"What?" Dome asked for shock.

"You'll be with me, right? Ben won't be because he needs to go home early." Nine made a puppy look. So he just nodded.


Nine was chasing Dome around the department they headed after their last subject. Dome tried his best to escape and go back to their own department. He just noticed that Arche was an engineering student because they're on fucking Engineering faculty. He didn't notice earlier because Arche wasn't wearing a blue jacket like Pavel.

Dome didn't know why but he was scared of bumping into Pavel at any time. He managed somehow to avoid his dorm mate because he realized that things are getting awkward after what happened.

Unlike before, no one intimidate him. But after Pavel happened to his life, awkwardness already became his surname. He may trust his mind sometime and not his body. It reacted differently when Pavel was so close to him. Like he can feel a sexual tension between them or it is just him feeling that.

"Nine, I just remember that I need to buy something. You can go by yourself na?" He pleaded. Not really wanting to make contact with his dorm mate.

"No, come here Dome! Just for now na?" Nine tried to grab him but he ran faster. The engineering students were looking at them like they went crazy.

"Shia! Dome look out!" Nine shouted unexpectedly.

Before he could stop, he already bumped on something. "What are you, 6 year old kid?" Or someone. He looked up and met the tan man's frowning face.

He lost for a moment. Those tantalizing eyes captivated his soul. He was caught off guard. 'How can I avoid you if you keep on walking into my life?' His eyes grew wide when he suddenly felt Pavel's grip tightened to his waist.

He was stunned, of course. He tried to escape when Pavel enveloped his arms on his body even tighter. "Let me go!" Dome got panicked but the tan man just smirked.

He gave him a boring face trying to look like he was really pissed. He heard some voices telling him that he's dead and Pavel will surely punish him. 'Why the hell was that?'

"S-Sorry, Phi. Dome didn't really mean it, sorry. Please have mercy on him na?" Nine with a scared tone pleaded.

"Shia! Nine, why the fuck you're begging? This dickhead can't do anything to me!" He hissed.

But Nine opened his mouth like he was about to say something but then closed it again. Nine looked like he was about to pass out and even the other students around.

"Pavel, let go!" He growled.

But the tan man just shook his head. "I won't ever let you go, Dome."

His eyes widened with his tone. 'Fuck this man.' Without a second thought, he stomped on his feet. "Fuck you!" Then a loud gasp can be heard around them. He just smacked hard the tan man's head that almost got bent on the ground.

"Idiot! I can't breath already." He said. Pavel pouted and let go of him.

"I'm gonna be stupid with that anytime, Dome." He pouted more that made Dome flicked his forehead this time.

The students even Nine can't believe what they just saw. The terror head hazer just got a smack from the pale man. And the head hazer didn't even complain and just pouted.

"Nine let's go. Just see your Arche fast and go home." Dome said. He crossed his arms on his chest.

Pavel arched his eyebrows with questioning eyes. "Oh, you're looking for my junior?" Pavel turned his gaze to Nine.

He frowned when Nine stepped backward and really got pale. "Y-Yes Phi." Nine stuttered and looked away quickly.

'Why the fuck they're so afraid with his dorm mate?' Dome asked internally.

"Just find your lover so we can go home already. I'm too tired and hungry." Dome scratched his stomach and frowned.

Pavel eyes widened. He quickly signed one student to come near him.

"Tell Nong Arche to come here as soon as possible." The student ran faster.

"Why?" Dome asked. He never got this tan man.

"You said you're hungry and tired. So just let Nine see his lover then you can go home."

Nine looked at Dome with curious eyes. Dome just shrugged because he also didn't expect that. Then after a minute, Arche jogged near them. He kissed Nine and Dome just rolled his eyes again.

"Sweety Cup—" Arche's hyper voice was cut off.

"Nong, just take your lover already." Pavel's voice raised.

Arche must not realized Dome and Pavel was with Nine. He shyly nodded. "P'Pavel! Sorry I didn't noticed you first. Hello P'Dome."

Pavel just ignored him and turned to Dome. "Let's go home na? I will cook for you."

Dome saw how Nine, Arche and the students looked shocked because of Pavel. But they were more shocked when Dome..."Shia! I rather die hungry than tasting your awful cook!"... said that and smacked Pavel, again.

"What? You said you're hungry. So you must be tired to cook." Pavel pouted. He set his arms to Dome's shoulder.

"No, thanks." Dome snapped and said his goodbye to Nine and Arche.

He left Pavel there with a sad face. Before he already left, he heard some curious questions.

"They're living together?

"They're so cute!"

"Does our head hazer really have a boyfriend?"

'Oh my!' Dome smacked his forehead after realizing what he had done. Instead of walking, he ran—fast. He catches his breath when he notices he's already far from the Engineering department.

"What have gotten to you, huh?" He winced to himself. He made the situation more complicated and awkward between them.