Chapter Fourteen

Pavel's POV

He just followed his gaze to the pale man who's running away fast. He can't be wrong but he really saw how flustered Dome was. He might feel hurt because of Dome's reaction but he just finds it totally cute.

A wide smile planted on his face. His dark aura that made his juniors afraid of became lighter. He scratched his nape, feeling shy not really knowing why. He bit his lips after and turned to Arche and Nine who looked really stunned on what they heard and saw.

"You can go now, Nong. Date your boyfriend and let me work on mine. Have a good date!" He said and followed Dome.

He searched for him in their department thinking that Dome might be there. Not seeing him, he drove on his car and searched on the sidewalk. And he's surprised when he sees the pale man walking like a zombie. His bag was almost hanging a little on his shoulder, his hair was messy and his walk was side to side.

He bit his lower lips thinking how cute the man was. He followed him in his car then suddenly screeched because the pale man just stopped on the sidewalk and made a peculiar move.

'Did he just slumped his body on the ground and messed his hair?'

He looked at him for a minute. Still curious what happened, he opened his car and got off. He walked directly slowly behind him.

"I should avoid him! Fuck, why we keep bumping on each other?"

Pavel raised his eyebrows. 'Was he talking about me?' He laughed internally. 'What an idiot, of course we're dorm mates so he can't do anything about it.'

"You're avoiding me for what reason?" He asked, leaning closer to his right ear. He sat with a squat position behind him and put his hands both on his shoulders. He felt him tense.


"Nope. I'm Mario Maurer." He chuckles on his own joke.

"As if!" Then he made a disgusted sound.

"At least, just pretend I am him—" Dome cut him off. He dodge him on his stomach that made him growl in pain. His ass kissed the ground.

Dome stood up putting his hands either side of his waist. He gazed his eyes on him below. "I can't! Oh my, I can't see even one percent of you becoming Mario Maurer. You're too—"

Before Dome could say anything, Pavel covered his mouth with his hand. He widened his eyes and glared. "Whatever. Now tell me, why are you planning on avoiding me?"

Dome's pale skin become paler than usual. His eyes looked either of his side, ears getting redder and redder that makes him more curious. He tried to stand up but Dome snapped and makes his ass kissed the ground for the second time.

"I better go. Stay away from me at least 1 ruler gap."

Finally, Dome looked at him steady. His eyes were screaming the other way. Before he could say anything, Dome flew away faster. He was left sitting, mouth widely open, stunned through the pale man's action and guilty because he seemed to scare him.

"What the fuck did I even do?" He asked himself. He looked at Dome walking—no, running his back away from him. 'Who say women are more complicated than men?'

He stood up after a few minutes and got inside his car. He knew that Dome would not get in even if he insisted so instead, he followed him with his car. Deeply inhaling, he patiently drives slowly behind the pale man. He knew too that Dome knew he's behind but the man was really stubborn. They got to the dorm without making any contact. He let the pale man open the door.

He sat tiredly on the couch, body slumping on it—half laying. He was startled when his dorm mate's door slammed hard. He sighed, creasing his forehead. That's the time he remembers his niece.

He hurriedly called Aki to check on Chen. "Hi, sorry for not coming to her on time. Got something on my way. Can you wait for me in a minute? Yeah, yeah sure. Thank you, Aki. Nope, just tired. Okay."

Without changing his clothes, he got back on his car and drove to get Chen. His niece was already outside the shop with Aki beside her. She was wearing a cheerful smile, he wondered why.

"Hi Phi! What took you so long?" Chen asked with a pouting face. Aki held him in his niece's bag. He smiled first at him before lowering his body to her.

"Phi just got into something. Anyway, lets go?"

"She's been asking me for about one hour where you were. She even thought that you didn't want her anymore. What a silly girl," Aki said. He chuckled because of his niece's thoughts.

"Thank you, Aki. We better get going. I'll see you at work!" Aki nodded.

"Is mommy already home? I really miss my mommy, Phi." Chen suddenly remarked.

Both him and Aki widened their eyes. Him, not knowing what to answer because of the sudden question and even the word mommy. And Aki with a curious stare at him. He clicked his tongue.

"Y-Your mommy was already home, little bun."

Aki raised her eyebrow. "Your sister came back?"

"Not her, P'Aki. My mommy is so handsome with pale skin. His lips are plum and he's smaller than Phi. I'll come here with my mommy, can I?"

He scratched his nape. He really doesn't know what to say. It was too awkward especially when Chen described Dome. He looked at Aki and she was glaring at him.

Then she smiled at Chen and patted her hair. "Of course, baby. You can bring your mommy here and let taste my cupcakes…" she said. "And I'm really, really curious about your mommy. I want to know him." She added, emphasizing the word 'him'.

"I'll explain when I come back to work. For now, I really need to go home. Thank you again, Aki." Aki just shrugged and rolled her eyes.


When they came back to the dorm, no things could be heard inside. It was lifeless. Dull. Just like before he met Dome.

"Mommy, we're home! Where are you, mommy?" Chen shouted right before they entered. Dome didn't answer back. He wondered if he's inside his room.

"Mommy?" Chen asked again, knocking on his door. When Dome didn't answer again, Chen opened the door when she found out it wasn't locked.

Even him sneaked to look for him but Dome wasn't inside his room. Chen turned to him with wide, teary eyes.

"Mommy? Mommy, I'm home! Where are you, mommy?" Chen shouted continuously around the dorm.

'Fuck! Where are you, Dome?' He asked himself when Chen started to sob. She dropped on her knees, crying. He cursed himself because if Dome really left, it was all his fault.

"Phi, mommy left us?"

Before he could answer, the room's door opened, revealing the pale man. Handling an ice cream bucket and plastics of something. Dome smiled at Chen but faded in a second when he saw Chen was crying. He dropped the food on the center table and came faster to his niece.

"What happened to her?" Dome asked him, accusingly.

"Your fault!" He barked out even if he knew it wasn't really his fault.


"I mean, she was looking for you and didn't find you here. She got scared that you left…" He explained with a smug face and looked at his food. "Not knowing you just bought an ice cream."

Dome's face got reddened. He rolled his eyes on him and turned to Chen. "Mommy, I thought you left us."

"Sorry, little girl. Mommy was just hungry so I went outside to buy. I won't leave unless there's a reason for me to do that." He said with an assurance. Dome's last remark was for him because the pale man was looking at him when saying that.

'What did I do again?'