Chapter Twenty


His almost lifeless eyes shot right through the tan man. His eyes were tightly close. Dome measured his feelings before lifting up his hands, barely touching the tan man's back. He tapped it gently. Assuring him that he will hear whatever he wants to say.

Pavel started to say something. Dome gasped a little when Pavel's breath made it through his face and neck.

"Sorry is not enough. Saying sorry then give reason after is stupid. But hear me out. I'd been a jerk for not understanding my own feelings fast. I thought I was just being touchy and nothing else. I didn't know…" Pavel stopped. His voice cracked.

"that it's the feeling of being in love. I learned about it late—"

"You're in love?" Dome cut his words.

Pavel leaned backward. He shyly scratched his nape. "Y-Yes. I'm in love with you." He bit his lips after.

Dome's mind went blank for a while. When the words sank in his mind, his eyes burst into tears. He throws his hands around the tan man's nape and moves him closer. He can see how confused the tan man was so he let his action instead tell everything about it.

He slammed his lips to Pavel's. Not moving, just touching and feeling its warmness that enveloped quickly on his whole body.

'I don't care about anything he wants to say. All I need is that I know now that Pavel is in love with me. That's just what I want.'

He pulled out, searching for the tan man's eyes. And there it was, he can see right through them how sincere he was.

"W-Why did you cry? And kiss—"

"Pǒm rák kun."

"W-What? Love me?"

Instead of answering back. He pulled him closer again. Pavel bent more for him. Dome kissed the tan man gently, just feeling his lips against him at first. His kiss became aggressive that made Pavel gasped and clasped his hands on his hair, wanting support like it was the only best option to hold on. Dome's warm mouth was making its way to part the sweet and soft lips of Pavel. It sends mixed emotion that he didn't feel after a long time. The sensation was too much. His lips were shaking because of excitement. Before he dived deeper, Pavel was already kissing him back. More than the intensity he was giving to him.

Dome gasped on Pavel's mouth. There was a peculiar sensation tingling on his stomach. Gentle, then a peck, becoming deeper after, licking the kissed him harder again till Dome tasted the best feelings he didn't know that the man was capable of giving him.

"If you want me to stop, just tell me." Dome heard the tan man but his voice was like pleading not to more than to stop what they're doing. 'Crazy!'

"I will count one to three okay? If you didn't tell me to stop till three, you know this will be going to be a long, long day," Pavel said. Dome felt him smirked between their kisses.

"One…" Dome slightly lifted the crook of his lips.

"Two…" Dome teased Pavel.

"Two and a half…" Dome licks the tan man's upper lips.

"Two and one fourth…" Dome feels the tan man's upper teeth.

"Two and—"

"Just kiss me. I know you don't want to end this too." Dome hissed.

"Too? So you really want to do this like me?"

"Shut up and fuck me."

Dome mentally slapped his mouth for his sudden words.

"What do you want?" Pavel asked him in a most sensual way. His hands gripped both on the pale man's shoulder.

"Kiss…" Dome bite his lips. He wants more but doubting that he can't say it for being shy. "Grind. Thrust. Sex." He said after a minute of arguing to his mind.

He let his loud voice roam to the four corners of the room when Pavel pulled away, lifting him up into his arms, throwing him into the bed. Dome was shocked and excited. He knows that what will happen now will be forever in his memory. 'I want this.'

Pavel placed himself between Dome's legs. Like they had their own mind, Dome's legs entangled around Pavel's waist, making him pull the tan man closer. Pavel looked at him with an assuring eye. He bit his lips, gesturing to the tan man that he was alright.

His hands roamed themselves to Pavel's neck. "I know this is a little bit faster for both of us. But…" He paused. Pavel watched him with an amused face and he didn't know why.

"But what?" Pavel asked, leaning a little bit closer and suck-teasing his lower lips.

"But can we turn off the light?" His face flushed. He knows that he looks like a red tomato in front of the tan man. He was excited yet too nervous.

A sudden laugh came out from Pavel. He rolled over and laid on his back at the bed, still laughing. Dome glared. He slapped his arm lightly.

"Sorry. I thought you're gonna say something like 'Dude, this was too fast. At least we should know more about ourselves first.' Fuck, Dome! You're really full of surprises." He told him while wiping his eyes, Dome guessed.

"Laugh all you want. I'm going outside!" He hissed, moving his body on the bed.

But Pavel grabbed his arms and he landed on his chest. "Sorry, sorry. So where are we?"

Dome rolled his eyes. Before he could say anything else, Pavel moved his way back on what they're doing. He rolled his body over him and now he's under the tan man.

"Top or bottom?" Pavel asked, grinning.

He tapped his cheeks. "I don't mind it. Just come on! Can we please continue this fucking fuck that I was waiting to do since day one?" He angrily snapped at the tan man.

Like it was the only cue, Pavel moved his lips on him. He was forcing him to open his mouth and when he did, Pavel's warm tongue explored inside like it was looking for a treasure. He fought for dominance, he pushed the tan man a little. And it's his time to devour his lips. He sometimes sucked his lower lip, biting it then sucking his tongue.

While Pavel let him do the work on their kiss, his hands explored his body. Touching him everywhere. He arched his back when Pavel's hand found its way to his waist and pinched it. He then massaged it and lately, moving up his hand to his one nipple. Pinching and massaging. He moaned because of that. The heat between them was increasing and it was burning both of their minds. He can't think properly anymore when Pavel's other hand slowly runs his forefinger and middle finger down to his waistband, like teasing him.

He grinned and thrust, making him moan loudly. He left his lips and arched his head with his mouth widely opened. Feeling the pleasure circling on his stomach. He can feel his own hard member poking and twitching, same with the tan man's.

Pavel looked at him, grinning like a child. He shook his head either side and clicked his tongue. But he didn't say anything. Instead, he tilted his head lightly and sucked the base of his throat. He moaned.

He moved his lips to his jaw, to his cheek then stopped to his lips. He gave him a peck kiss. He lifted his head and looked at him with loving eyes.


"I love you."