Child without History

It's cold as I step through the forrest, my body feels numb, my breath is visible, the curtain of white stretches into what seems like forever as I keep walking forward through the endless line of trees, I look at my hands they're covered in a Crimson liquid dripping down. From head to toe I'm covered in it, as I keep walking all I can do is ask myself "is this blood?" as I look into the night sky I stare at the big beautiful moon, "it has the same colour as my hands", I think to myself suddenly my body collapses under it's own weight, all I can do know is lie there, asking myself "who am I? what happened?", Visions flash by of men and women being slaughtered, ripped to shreds, burned alive, screaming. As I lie there on the undisturbed bed of white, the Crimson colour being absorped into the snow, for what feels like an eternity, I hear people calling out in the distance, I cannot move my body anymore, as the people get closer to me, my conciousness fades and all I can hear is a gentle voice crying out "stay with me, don't close your eyes!, you're gonna be okay!".

My name is Titus, Titus Maxum, at least that's what the doctors told me after I woke up in the hospital. A couple climbing a nearby mountain found me passed out in the forrest covered in blood, as they brought me to the nearest hospital they told the doctors what happened and how they found me, barely conscious. As for any possesion with me, all I had on me was a corrupted ID-gem

displaying the following data:

[Name: Tit**us, Max*****um], [age: ***8***], [power: */*/*/*/*/], [status:*/*/*/*/*], [rank: ???].

This was unheard of, ID-gems are basically echanted gems that track who you are, what your status in civilazation is, how much power you possess and what your magic rank is. For it to be corrupted at all is bad, enchantments and high tier magic make it basicaly indistructible and even if you were to destroy one it would take the collective power of at least 3 Master mages using their strongest spells. This was done, so in the event of an attack or dissaster you would be able to identify the bodies and bring the families of the deceased some peace of mind. Taking the ID-gem away from someone is also impossible since it's given to you at birth and merges with your body through ancient magic, so whenever you need it or don't you can make it appear or disappear, though ranking officers have the authority to summon it for identification.

As soon as I woke up everybody started questioning me, "How did I get there", "Who was I?", "Where was my family?", "How come my ID-gem was corrupted?" I didn't have anwsers for any of these questions. Even the doctors were baffled by this, they said that I had amnesia and that it was the cause of me not remembering anything about myself, as for my memories they would eventually return givin time. As for now they wanted to do a couple more tests to see if anything was wrong and also to measure my magic prowess since it didn't show on the ID-gem, when first doing this they were confused and thought their equipment was broken, but when doing more tests it seemed the test results were correct, assuming that every test told them that I had a magic power of unmeasurable size.

In light of these discoveries and the fact that they couldn't find any siblings or other family to pick me up from the hospital, they decided to leave me in the hands of the people that found me, a decision everyone would have fought against were it not that one of the persons that found me came by every day to check up on me and ask how I was doing. Her name was Mia and she was a mage her partner's name was Stephan and they were adventurers, around the time they found me they were actually looking for a magical-beast, the beast was the mythical dragon of spirits, they didn't look for it to hunt no, they were looking for it to make a wish. It's said that if you find the legendary beast and offer it a special cristal it will fulfill any wish that you ask from it even create a life, the reason they were looking for it is because Mia wanted to wish for a child, she and Stephan had been trying for such a long time but it seemed impossible therefore once they learned about the legend they set out to find it, and make the wish.

Ever since they found me and brought me to the hospital she came by everyday to check up on me and everytime she was here, she always had some delicious homemade snack with her after a while it became routine for me to see her and today was no different.

As I lie in my hospital bed I look out through the window and try to remember how I got to that forrest, why I was covered in blood and what the deal was with these visions of people being killed.

"It just doesn't make any sense, what happened to me?"

"Thinking about what happened again?" a voice calls out.

I turn my head and a smile instantly forms on my face "Mia!" I call out. A tall but slender woman holding a bag stands in the door, long flowing blonde hair, baby blue eyes with long eyelashes and sunkissed cheeks, this was Mia Lightfallow for the last 3 months she had been coming here and ever since I woke up she was there for me. The nurses and doctors got used to it so much that they already saw us as family. Mia always treated me like a little brother and cared for me like a mother, when I would have nightmares and the nurses couldn't calm me down they would always call for her and in a matter of minutes she would be there singing to me so that I could get back to sleep, for the last 3 weeks or so she has been teaching me how to use magic, under normal circumstances I would already know how to use magic, since kids learn from the age of 4, how to use basic spells like [summon flame] or [cast bubble], these things were normal but because of my amnesia and incredible magic power I'm not that good at it. Everytime I try to cast a spell it either doesn't work or the power is so unstable that the spell backfires, hence why i'm still in the hospital and everytime that happens the nurses start to scold me and tell me to get a hold of my power before I blow up the entire block, Mia on the other hand always laughs it off saying that it's okay the first time she tried to cast a spell she nearly blew her father out of town so I don't have to worry I'll eventually get the hang of it.

"So are you ready for your lesson?" Mia asked.

"Yes, ma'am" I reply.

"Now now, why are we so formal today? It wouldn't be because I brought your favorite snack with me, now would it?"

Mia knows me all to well, she knows that when she brings hufflecakes with her I'm always yearning for them and willing to do anything she asks of me.

"No, not at all" I reply, blushing like an idiot.

The reason that hufflecakes are my favourite actually has to do with when Mia first came to visit me, when I had just woken up I was disoriented, I didn't know who I was or where I was and it scared me. Then one day Mia came by like every other time and brought something with her, hufflecakes the moment I smelled them memories came back, memories of me making something in the kitchen. They were good memories and for the first time since I woke up, I didn't feel afraid. Mia noticed this and since then she has been bringing them with her every now and then.

"Ha ha, you're adorable you know that?" She says a little mockingly.

"Look if you do well today you can have as many as you want but first, you need to be able to perform the spell [summon flame] without any problems. We have a deal?"

"Yes ma'am, I'll try my very best to make you proud!"