Learning magic Hurts!

It's been almost a month since Mia started teaching me and though I understand the rules of spellcasting it is still difficult for me to perform even the simplest of spells without any problems. With my potential it should be a walk in the park but it's actually the reverse.

To perform a spell you must first visualize what you want to do, after visualization is complete you then infuse magic into your body, use to much magic and the spell will backfire, use to little and nothing will happen. Though the premise is simple enough controling the amount of magic you use is essential, the main problem I have is that my magic feels untrustworthy as if someone else has gifted it to me therefore it is more difficult to control. Today is a sunny day so I asked Mia if she would mind if we practiced spellcasting outside for a change, that plus it would put the nurses at ease since when we're outside we litteraly couldn't blow anything up or hurt anyone surrounding us, the nurses had been on guard ever since the incident where I almost destroyed my room trying to produce a simple fire spell and hurt myself in the process.

After walking to the court and making sure no one was around us Mia started the lesson.

"So today your objective is to produce the spell known as [summon flame], i'll show it to you once, after that it's your turn."

Mia stepped up to the middle of the court and closed her eyes, she focused her magic into the palm of her hand, when she did this her body started emitting a green glow, when she opened her eyes again they we're emitting the same green hue, even her beautiful blonde hair had turn green thanks to the magic running through her body when she was ready she said the words [summon flame], a little flame then appeared out of thin air in the palm of her hand.

"Now it's your turn Titus"

I walk up to the middle of the court and do the same as Mia, I close my eyes and start to visualize on what I want to create, I see a little flame in the palm of my hands, next i'm focussing on collecting my magic, Mia told me that when i'm focussing my magic it should look like I'm collecting little lights to the part of the body that i'll use, I see the lights scattered throughout my body and bring them togheter in the palm of my hands.

"Good" Mia exclaims "now, try and create the spell."

I do as i'm told and open my eyes apparently when using my magic the glow that I produce isn't green like Mia's it's actually a golden yellow, I feel the power collecting in my hands and try to cast the spell.

"[summon flame]"

Nothing happens, I look at Mia and ask.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No, to me it looked like you did everything right, strange." Mia looks to the ground with a sad look in her eyes. I just hope that she doesn't blame herself, she's been trying to teach me magic for so long and sometimes it works but nothing major like creating a little wind or even displacing water doesn't seem to be a problem but when it comes to creating things like fire or earth it never works.

"Mia? are you okay?"

Mia didn't seem to notice but she had been staring at the ground for about five-minutes now.

"Yes, I'm alright." she said a little flustered, she obviously didn't notice that she was staring for so long " let's try again.".

I once again close my eyes and visualize what I want to happen, I collect the magic in the palm of my hands and open my eyes this time it worked a little blue flame appeared in the palm of my hand, I look over to Mia and she's smiling.

"Good job, maybe you are not as useless as I first thought." she says with a big grin on her face, even though she says this I know that she really is proud of me, I respond by saying

"Well maybe if you were a better teacher it wouldn't be so difficult."

"How dare you, I guess if you really think that then maybe I schouldn't give you any hufflecakes." my face became pale as I heard what she said

"No, please I didn't mean any of it, please forgive me" I say with puppy eyes

"Okay, but on one condition."

"I'll do anything, anything you ask."

"try and enlarge your flame"

I look at Mia scared, for I know if I try to make the flame larger or add any more magic to it, it would probably get out of control again.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, what if it gets out of control again?" I ask fear comming from my voice.

"Oh, does that mean you don't want a snack?" I know what she is trying to do, she's trying to push me so that I can learn to control my magic better, but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to control it and I don't want to hurt anybody.

"I believe in you." those word resonate in my head unlocking a memory. A young girl with blue hair tells me she believes in me, this gives me a boost in confidence.

"Okay, here I go"

I close my eyes again and start collecting as much magic as I can, as I am doing this I'm thinking grow, grow, grow bigger flame, please grow bigger, suddenly I hear Mia shout

"Stop you're making it too large!"

I open my eyes again and the little blue flame I held seconds before now suddenly grew gigantic, as I see the look on Mia's face the tought goes through my mind, what if I lose control? I'll hurt Mia! With this fear in me I feel the magic going rogue. I hear a rough voice calling out to me saying

"Let go, lose yourself to my power, feel it's strenght, It's ancient power, LOSE CONTROL!"

As I realize that I'm losing control over my magic to this voice I cry out to Mia

"I can't control it, get out of here before I hurt you!"

The blue flame now turns Crimson red, It's too late I think to myself when suddenly a magic circle appears under me and I'm completely covered in signs.

"Stephan!" I hear Mia cry out.

The Crimson flame dissapears just like the voice in my head but before it fades completely it tells me

"A contract has been made, a price agreed upon, if you want to use this power a boon must be paid."

Just before I pass out from exhoustion and the pain of losing control I see a tall muscular man with white hear and a blue aura surrounding him approach me, who is this man? I think to myself right before I pass out I manage to ask.

"Who are you?"

Everything fades to black as I hear Mia call out my name.