Meeting Stephan!!

I wake up back in my hospital room, I feel something heavy on my body it's Mia she's lying on my leg sleeping. As I look outside it has become nighttime.

"I guess I passed out again" I tell myself.

"you could say that again" I hear a very masculine voice say, as I look around the room I see a figure standing in the corner covered in shadows.

"Who are you?" I ask with a shiver coming from my voice.

"Hello, squirt my name's Stephan and I'm the man that saved your ass."

I look at the man standing in the corner, he's big and very muscular, he has white hair and red eyes and I can feel a very hostile pressence coming from him.

"Liking what you see?" he asks annoyed.

"I hope you understand what you did back there and what would've happened if I didn't intervene."

It all comes back to me now, the flame, it becoming so big that I couldn't control it and the voice that terrible voice telling me to lose control. I look at Stephan with a worried look and ask him.

"Did anyone get hurt?"

"No, but that doesn't mean you're of the hook. You almost hurt Mia with that stupid stunt of yours, what would've happened if she got hurt, what were you thinking?"

I lower my head down in shame as tears start to fall from my eyes I begin to cry and begin begging for forgiveness.

"I'm sowwy, I diwn't mean to huwt anybowdy, if anythwing I wanted to mawke Mia pwaud. [sniffle, sniffle]"

I can't contain my emotions anymore and start to bawl my eyes out at the same time Mia wakes up from the commotion and ask sleepily what's going on.

"Huh, what's going on? What all this commotion about?"

"Miwa iwm sowwy, I diwn't mean to hurt you or anybowdy and now everybowdy is mad at meeee!"

Mia looked around and saw that Stephan was standing in the corner indifferently.

"What the hell is wrong with you Stephan?!" Mia shouted angrily.

"Can't you see that you made the boy scared, and don't you care for what actually happened?!"

"It wasn't his fault, he only did that because I asked him to!"

Mia was furious at Stephan for making me cry but this didn't help it only made me cry more. The reason I cried was because everytime Mia would talk about Stephan she would have this sparkle in her eyes, this made me believe she cared a lot about him, she cared so much about him that I sometimes even became jealous, this was because it made me feel like she would rather be with him than with me, even if she came everyday to see if I was ok and even go out of her way to teach me magic.

"Ack, I'm sorry honey, I obviously didn't think the situation through but could you blame me when I arrived the kid was standing there with a fireball the size of a great Sectans looking straight at you, not to mention the colour it was emiting. And I don't want to think what could've happened if I acted a second slower for all we know he could've blown the entire hospital to kingdom come."

Stephan was apoligizing profusely but Mia didn't want to hear any of it.

"So that gives you the right to scare the poor boy to tears?!"

Mia was really mad now, she became so mad that she started emiting a green aura of pure magic around her body, the aura felt terrifying, this wasn't good news if we couldn't calm her down she was gonna explode.

"Honey take it easy you don't want to do anything you might regret."

"Ow really now!"

Mia's fuse had blown and before Stephan could react he was punched over the head and went head first into the floor a loud crack following his fall. This was also good news because now Mia had calmed down a bit for, one she wasn't emiting that terrifiyng aura anymore. I covered myself under my sheets praying that everything was gonna be okay and as soon as I looked up Stephan was lying on the ground knocked out cold. Mia was calming down apoligizing to me for Stephan's behaviour.

"I'm sorry Titus, I didn't mean for things to get so out of hand."

She said this with a gentle voice trying to calm me down.

"Is this all my fault Mia? [sniff, sniff]"

"No of course not, while Stephan is a wonderful guy he just doesn't know when to let things be!" She screamed to the poor passed out man.

"Now why don't you get some rest and I'll see what we can do about him, that sound good?"

I nodd in agreement and go lie back down just as Mia is dragging Stephan out of the room. I can't seem to fall asleep so I'm thinking about what happened, that voice who's was it and what did it mean by my power? these were questions for another day as I lay myself comfortable and turn in for the night.


I wake up in a black void, I can't move, everything around me is darkness when suddenly pillars of fire erupt from tbellow me, I'm encircled by flames not touching me but making a kind of magic seal around my body

"What is going on?!" I shout in confusion.

"So you are finally able to see." a familiar voice says.

"Wait that, voice I recognize it!" It's the same voice that told me to lose control when practising magic with Mia the day before.

"A pact has been made, the agreement has been settled, now a boon is required." The voice sounds grim and makes every pore of my body scream with anguish.

"What are you talking about?! show yourself where are you?" I try to look from where the voice is coming but it is nowhere to be found.

"remember this young lord, for power does not come free, if my services are requited a boon must be fulfilled."

The moment the voice said this all of the fire accumulates to one spot and a giant Dragon with red and black scales is revealed.

"Remember my name and remember the price."

"My name is Interitus, The world eater!!! Until we meet again young lord, never forget power comes with a price and a boon shall be named!"

As soon as the dragon finished his words he shouted a mighty roar and dispersed back into the void.


I'm sweating profusely as Mia is trying to wake me up.

"Titus! Titus wake up!"

I jolt up from my bed screaming and flailing my arms through the air, Mia holds on to me telling me everything is alright that I'm safe.

"Everything is alright, your safe no one is going to hurt you."

I pant from exhaustion whilst Mia is conjuring up a spell to check if everything is alright with me.

"What happened all of a sudden you started shouting? Did you have a nightmare again?"

I look pale as I look up to Mia with fear in my eyes and start explaining what had happened.

"I-I was in a black void, fire was surounding me and there was this dragon, it was telling me things, I-I-I don't know what happened."

Mia looks at me confused, it wasn't the first time that I had nightmares since I woke up but this she had never seen before.

"Poor thing you must have had a terrible nightmare but rest easy now everything is alright, just get some sleep and we'll talk in the morning ok?"

I nodd in response and lie back on the bed.


Mia turns her head in response.

"Yes, Titus?"

"Will you sing me to sleep, I'm afraid."

Mia notices the fear in my eyes and sings me a lullaby. As soon as she starts singing I fall back asleep.