A fresh Start

A couple days have passed since the incident, today is the day that I get to leave the hospital, Mia couldn't be here because she had to take care of some business so Stephan came to pick me up. After Mia had punched him into the floor his attitude towards me changed for the better, we we're now getting along fine he even offered to teach me in Mia's place much to her dissagreement.

"Hey squirt, ready to finally leaves this place?"

"Yeah although I'll really miss the great food here" I say with a little sarcastic tone.

"I bet the nurses are glad with the 'blowing everything up' thing and all"

"Hey it happened one time and don't act like that or Mia will get mad again when she hears."

stephan's face turns pale at the thought of Mia pissed off again.

"Let me give you one piece of advice kid, if you ever get a girlfriend or get married never piss them of, fighting a hedgebeast is less frightening than that." I nodd in agreement, seeing Mia angry for the first time terrified me and I wouldn't want that to happen again.

"Now that you mention it what is a hedgebeast?" I ask sincerely.

"Well a hedgebeast for a lack of a better term is a magical beast, magical beasts are very common in the wilderness and even appear around cities and towns but no one knows how they came to be. A hedgebeast could be considered a C class-threat." I look at Stephan with confusion.

"A C class-threat?"

"Yes, I'll explain it to you, the system goes as follows." Stephan takes a few steps back and summons a magic circle where images appear. "The lowest threat level a magical being can be is F it then goes on to E, D, C, B, A and finally and most dangerously S, though no one has seen an S class-threat in over two-hundred years."

"What would an S class-threat be considered then?"

"An S class-threat would be able to wipe countries of the map without much effort, therefore whenever an S class-threat had been identified in the past the adventurers guild would incite the help of the kingdom and the mages association, though even with the added help it would still be a difficult fight, now any more questions or are we ready to hit the road?" I shake my head and step through the door together with Stephan.

As we head down the hall I spot the head nurse talking to the doctor that helped me. I head towards them and thank them for taking such good care of me over the last couple of months, I even appoligize for the incidents that happened whilst I was practising magic with Mia, the doctor laughs it of and wishes me well, the head nurse on the other hand has a gloomy look on her face and asks me to not come here again in the near future, because of my "playing around" she had had a rough time at work even going so far as to become depressed at the mere sight of Mia approaching my room, praying that nothing would happen this time around. I bow down to them as a sign of respect and head outside where a carriage awaited us.

"That's strange what is a carriage doing out here?" I ask Stephan.

"Sh*t, not now." Stephan says with a worried look in his eyes.

"Stephan? What's wrong?" I ask in a slightly worried voice.

"It's nothing to worry about squirt, they are just some people from my other job." Mia had mentioned that Stephan was just an adventurer when he had the time, but she never told me what he actually did for work.

"I'll go talk to them to see what they want, wait here will you." Stephan went over to the carriage, right as he approached it the door flung open and a very well dressed man exited the wagon, after exchanging a couple words and some shouts from Stephan did the man bow down to him and went on his way.

"I'll have to drop you off with Mia squirt, it seems my services are requested back at my job" Stephan said with a depressed look on his face. Then he took out a little magical devise and talked to Mia on the other side of it, asking her if she could come and pick me up at the city gate, he would explain the situation when they met.

After a walk that lasted about half an hour we arrived in front of the city gate, on the way here I got to see a couple of shops and even got a pickled apple from Stephan as an appology for needing to leave me, even though he had promised to take me to the market for some new clothes. After we waited for about thirty more minutes we heared someone yell in our direction.

"There you are!" A very out of breath Mia shouted. "Sorry hun, the job requested me so there's no escaping it" Mia looked at Stephan with a very worried look on her face.

"Why are you needed now, didn't you say that you got the day off?"

"It looks like some bigshots are making a mess of things, so I'm required to pay them a visit to instill some respect and loyalty into the stupid idiots and probably to make sure nothing is out of order."

"When will you be back?"

"If things go fast in about an hour of three, is that okay with you?" Mia nodded and wished him good luck.

"Mia where is Stephan going?" I asked because I didn't know.

"Stephan is going to the militairy" she said with a sadness to her voice. "He'll be back in no time so don't you worry your lovely little head over it." As I look back I see Stephan enter the carriage that waited for him at the hospital but I couldn't stop wondering what the militairy needed him for that they would take him away with such necessity. And even Mia didn't buy the story he came up with.

"By the way Mia what business did you need to attend to today so you couldn't come and pick me up?" I asked out of pure curiosity. "Oh that's right I totally forgot to tell you, I went ahead and signed the paperwork for you to become our ward."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that both I and Stephan are as of today your legal guardians or to put it more mildly we're your mommy and daddy from now on." I was not expecting this and Mia could see it.

"Titus what's wrong?"

"I-I..., I don't know how to react." I said still in shock of the news, it was actually a wish of mine that after I was released from the hospital that I'd get to stay with Mia.

"I'm super happy!!!" I screamed with joy to the annoyance of everybody around us.

"I'm glad but let's get you some new clothes first, if you're gonna live with us you at least need something more fitting than the clothes the hospital lend you, don't you think?"

"yeah okay and afterwards can we go eat hufflecakes?" I said with a grin from one ear to the other.

"Only if you behave." Mia commented to remind me we we're still in the middle of the city.