A day with Mia

As we walk away from the city gates I look around to see a lot of people coming and going from the market. Many of the people we pass are dressed in combat gear, from armour that looks like it could fall appart at the seems to very powerfull but practical pieces.

"Mia I forgot to ask but where are we?"

"Oh that's right you don't know." Mia says with a bright smile "We are in the city of Estarossa, it's one of the biggest adventure guild cities in the West."

"Adventure guild cities?" I ask with a look of confusion.

"Yes, it's a city that is build and managed by the adventurerers guild."

"Does that mean there are only adventurers allowed in here?"

"No normal people can come and go as they please but most of the population are adventurers for two main reasons."

"What are those reasons?"

"The main reason is that the city is relatively safe since there are so many adventurers here, the second is that it is one of the best cities to start if you want to become an adventurer." Mia expained for about an hour what the advantages would be if a new adventurer would start here. I listened very intently to what she was saying but after a while I became hungry.

"Oh my, look at me rattle along. What would you think if we went to get something to eat?" Mia said with a wink.

"Yes please, can we go get some hufflecakes now?" I look at Mia with an innocent smile.

"Now now, if you only eat hufflecakes and nothing else you'll become fat you know." Mia says a little teasing.

"But you promised." I say with a look that would make any parent stop in there tracks and do immidiately what was asked of them.

"Okay okay but only this one time, tonight you eat what we serve understood?" Mia says a little annoyed.

"Yes mommy!" Mia looks shocked at what I just said, just a few moments later tears of joy start to emmerge and roll down her cheeks.

"Mia? what wrong?" I ask worriedly.

"Oh nothing honey, it's just, that I'm so glad." She says tears streaming down her face. "Come on let's go get you some hufflecakes and after that we'll go shopping for clothes agreed?"

"Okay, hufflecakes here we come!" I shout with joy.

After we went to the nearest bakehouse and bought about a dozen or more hufflecakes it was time for me to get some new clothes, the clothes I got from the hospital were nothing special but not very appealing to the eyes and defenitly not comfortable. It consisted out of a white shirt with brown troussers and a pair of leather shoes that were at the least two sizes to big.

"Mia, Where are we going to get clothes?" I asked pointing to the less than comfortable clothes.

"We're going to a place that's owned by a good friend of mine and Stephan's, so be at your best behaviour when we arrive." she said with a hint of necessity. I nodd in agreement.

It didn't take us long to arrive at the building, it looked like your generic shop with some very nice suits and dresses showcased in the window stall, at the door hung a sign with the words written on it. When we entered a voice spoke out.

"Good day to you, with what may I be of service?" The voice came from a beautifull woman who stood behind the counter, she was tall and had shoulder lenght black hair and brown eyes.

"Good day to you is the master tailor available?" Mia asked.

"Mia? Is that you?" A voice called out from behind a curtain, after a moment a middle aged man appeared from the room.

"Edward, good to see you how are you?" Mia asked as if she hadn't seen the man in years.

"I'm doing very good as is the business, Now who is the young lad behind you?" He asked curious.

"This is Titus and from today forth he is my ward." Mia said with a sence of fulfillment. "Now now Titus don't be rude and introduce yourself." Mia nudged me on.

"Good day to you I'm Titus Mia's son." I said with a deep bow and blushing cheeks, Mia hearing this all of a sudden got flustered and began to blush as well.

"Well well, a very well-mannered young man aren't we?" Edward said with a hint of satisfaction. "Now how may I be of service to you both?" He asked.

"Well" Mia started of "We need some clothes for Titus, he's been in the hospital for a couple months and all they had that would fit him were these clothes." Edwards was looking me up and down nodding in response. "Would you be so kind as to help us get him some better clothes?" Mia asked with a bow in toe.

"For an old friend like you? Always." Mia's eyes immidiatly lighted up at Edwards response. "But first we'll need to make some measurements, come with me little Titus we'll get this done as fast as humanly possible." After half an hour of measure tapes and sticks had passed was I finally able to relax and sit down.

"I'll be done in about an hour or two." Edward said. "Until then you can stay here and enjoy some tea, sound good?" Both Mia and I nod in agreement. Edward took out a couple cloths from the closet and dissapeared into the backroom. "Oh sarah, be a dear and give our guests a cup of thinweld tea and one for me too please." Sarah was the pretty lady that stood behind the counter, she dissapeared to the floor above and moments later she returned with a plate filled with the requested beverages.

"Is everything to your liking?" She said with a small smile. "Yes, thank you very much." Mia said with a nod of gratitude. After 2 hours of waiting was Edward done, He emerged out of the backroom with two sets of clothes one very clearly made for daily use while the other looked more like a suit that you would wear at a royal banquet.

"What is the second one for?" I asked confussed. "Ah this one is made for when you meet Mia's parents." Edward said with a big smile on his face. "Edward!" Mia shouted. "What's wrong Mia I thought you would introduce him to your parents at the very least." Edward looked confused at Mia's sudden outburst. "You know what will happen if I do that." She said with a look of shame on her face. "Mia, It's been ten years don't you think it's finally time for you to release that grudge and make peace? At the very least introduce the boy to your family." He said with a low gentle voice. "Maybe" Mia said hesitantly. "But how will I explain Titus to them? He isn't part of the family and they would never accept him." At this I turn my head. "Mia what do you mean?" Edward has a look of shock on his face at my question. "You haven't told him yet?" He looks at Mia. "I haven't had the time to tell him." She says a hint of sadness in her voice. After a couple moments pass Mia finally has the courage to speak again.

"Titus it's time I let you know who I truly am." Mia says with a voice and look of determination.