Don't Betray Them

Natalie started to live in the apartment opposite to Café Morningstar. She now has become a regular in their café. One week has passed since they had started surveying the young couple. Currently, Natalie was talking with her boss Nick Fury.

Nick: So what is the current situation??

Natalie: Sir, they seem kind of normal. I think they are just kids in love who like to earn honestly. But there is someone suspicious comes to their café.

Nick: How does he look he might be their handler.

Natalie: According to body shape it is a woman but she wears robes like some wizard, we never saw her face. But she is their regular.

Nick: That makes it a more serious situation. She might be the one who they relay their orders to and they keep living under the shadows.

Natalie: That might be correct.

Nick: Then even if they are not hand members I want to know their clear status if they are hostile or not.

Natalie: Yes, sir.

Nick: Steve and Jennifer are already on their way.

Natalie: Thank you, sir.

After that, she disconnected the call and got ready to leave for her cover job. She got out of her apartment and went to their café.

Luci: Hey Natalie take a seat I will bring your regular.

Natalie: Thanks, Luci.

After that Luci enters the kitchen and comes out with Natalie's regular. The café was full, it stayed pretty full the whole day except the time before closing. Luci's hands her the food and goes off to take other people's orders.

The rest of the day was normal for the young couple, the usual regular customers. In the evening Natalie came to the café along with Clint, Steve, and Jennifer. The café was pretty empty at that time. Luci looked towards the newcomers and with his usual smile greeted them.

Luci: Natalie you brought friends today. Clint, it's nice to see you again. Have a seat guys.

After that, all of them took a seat.

Clint: How is everything??

Luci: Everything is nice. Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?

Natalie: Oh yeah right. This is Steve Rogers (Luci shakes hand with him) and this is Jennifer Walters (Luci then shakes hand with her).

Luci: My name is Lucifer and I own this small café. So what do you guys would like to order??

Natalie: Usual.

Clint: The same latte.

Steve: I would like some coffee.

Jennifer: Bring me the same as Natalie.

Luci: Coming right up.

Luci goes inside and comes out with their orders and places them at their table.

Luci: Please enjoy yourselves.

After that Luci leaves them and starts cleaning the café. When suddenly Bella calls him inside.

Bella: Babe we are running low in our stocks.

Luci: Hand me the list I will go to the store.

Bella hands him over a list of stuff and he walks out of the backdoor. After Natalie and the guys finished their stuff they left the bill over the counter and went outside while chatting casually like complimenting their food. After some time Bella came out and started to clean the café. While she was cleaning she noticed that Jennifer was looking at their café from Natalie's apartment. At first, she dismissed the thought but then the thought resurfaced and she decided to check them out.

She quietly went to the back and merged with darkness and appeared inside their apartment, she was hiding in their shadows. She started to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Clint: I have lost sights of her, did anyone of you see where she went.

Jennifer: She went to the back of the café.

Natalie: I have eyes on Luci, he is exiting the grocery store. (She was using a drone)

Bella quietly came of their shadow and started to release killing intent. All four of them started to sweat by the amount of killing intent they felt. While shitting bricks they looked at their backs and found Bella whose eyes were glowing red.

Bella: B*tch he trusted you even though you told him a fake name. Humans will never change I will kill everyone here except you b*tch so that you can watch them die.

Every one of them took battle positions, Steve picked up his shield.

Bella: Do you really think that shield will save you??

She appeared in front of Steve it was so fast they thought she teleported. She punched at the shield, the shield dented inside that shattered Steve's left arm and he was blasted out of the apartment. Natalie reacted fast and tried to attack Bella with a baton. The baton would electrify anyone who touches it. Bella just caught the baton with her bare hands which shocked the three of them.

Bella took the baton from her hand and she lifted Natalie by her throat and stabbed her in the shoulder with the baton which pinned her on the wall. Clint shot her but the bullets just bounced off her skin. She was about to attack Clint but someone or something grabbed her and threw her. The throw was so strong that Bella crashed outside the city but she didn't have a single scratch over her body.

Jennifer: I will hold her, call Nick Fury and ask for backup.

After that Jennifer who was in her hulk form jumped out of the apartment and landed in front of Bella. Clint called Nick he picked up the phone.

Clint: Sir we have a huge problem.

Nick: What happened??

Clint: We were found out surveying them Isabella caught us and Steve and Natalie are severely injured and currently Jennifer is holding Isabella back.

Nick: What…..???!!! I will dispatch men immediately.

Clint: Sir that won't do we would need tanks or something I shot her two times and the bullets just bounced off her head.

Nick: Then I will bring the carrier to her location and nuke her. Take Natasha and Steve to the hospital.

Clint: Yes sir.

After that, they disconnected the call.


Jennifer and Bella were fighting. Bella tried to injure her with her darkness blades but her skin was too tough for those blades. So currently they were fighting hand-to-hand. Bella was still in her human form meaning she was just using some of her powers.

Bella: What the f*ck are you??

Jennifer: I should ask the same question to you.

Bella was about to answer her when suddenly a tank projectile hit her. She crashed near a hill and the place was hit by the continuous firing of tanks and missiles. After two minutes of firing only, they stopped and saw that Bella was standing over the hill as nothing happened. She was now in her true form and she was slightly bleeding from her head.

She was about to attack them but suddenly a boy with six wings appeared in front of her. It was Luci, he returned back to their café and saw that Bella was not there and heard the sounds of explosions nearby. He got worried and went there as soon as he could.

Luci: I am sorry I let them hurt you. I broke my promise, sorry Bella.

Bella: It was not your mistake we were betrayed by that red-haired b*tch.

Everyone on the battlefield was shocked to see the horns and wings. Now they didn't even know who these people were. The commander again ordered them to nuke them. A nuke was dropped where they were standing. The flames went out and they could see the boy and girl were not harmed even a single bit.

Luci's eyes were closed and he opened his eyes and they were changed. He raised his hand towards the sky.

Luci: Shattered Heavens…..