
A/N: She-Hulk didn't beat Bella she was injured due to barrage of missiles and tank projectiles. And during the fight with She-Hulk, she was in her human power which limited her power drastically. Bella could gain control of the mirror dimension in her human form because it was small. Today I was out of town so late chapter. I will update my other fic also but it will take some time.


Everyone on the battlefield was dumfounded as a matter of fact what was happening. Some were still confused as if nothing happened. Suddenly the light from the moon was covered and everyone looked above and that was it for them. everyone gave up any hope of living after that they knew they were going to die.

Jennifer: Is—Is this the power of Gods??


Clint: We might have awoken the sleeping beast.


Nick: How can anyone summon a meteor of this size??

Suddenly a portal opened behind him and Ancient One came out of it.

Ancient One: You made a huge mistake.

Nick got surprised and he pulled out his gun and pointed at her.

Nick: Who are you, lady??

Ancient One: Because of your stupidity lots of humans had already lost their lives which I think is enough for today so if you want to save your men let me talk to him and no attacks.

Nick: Why would I trust you??

Ancient One: I am your best hope so seeing tomorrow's sun.


A meteor with a radius of half a mile was currently falling over the army. Jennifer was trying to get away as fast as she can from the drop-zone. Soon the meteor dropped and the whole world felt the earthquake due to it. The whole battlefield was covered in dust, none of the soldiers have survived the attack. A whole company of army was wiped out in an instant which resulted in the death of approximately two hundred soldiers.

Jennifer had survived the fall but she was injured but she was also going to die because Luci was standing in front of her along with Bella. Jennifer knew begging would be of no use here but she was still afraid to die, tears were falling from her eyes.

Luci: Who ordered you to put a surveillance on us?? If you tell me I will kill without any pain.

Jennifer was conflicted if she answered then Nick Fury will die along with other soldiers. But if she didn't answer she was facing torture and death which she didn't like at all. She was just cursing her luck thinking that she took up the wrong mission.

Luci: I see so you made your choice. Bella read her mind.

Bella didn't say anything and directly dived into her mind. She got all the required data in just two seconds.

Bella: His name is Nick Fury and currently he is on his way to here on something flying in the sky.

Luci: I will bury him in the sky, none of his body will touch the ground. Now let's start with you.

Jennifer was scared, she knew Luci will torture her then either she will die of pain or he will kill her later. Luci snapped his finger and Jennifer's wrist broke she screamed on top of her lungs. Luci was about to break her another wrist but he stopped because he saw Ancient One came out of a portal beside him.

Ancient One: Haven't you taken enough lives??

Luci: Then started it, I will finish it.

Ancient One: But I brought you the one who was giving orders to them. That girl was just following orders.

Nick Fury came out of the same portal, it was still open. He was still holding his gun thinking he was still high and mighty and if something happens to him others will track them down and kill them but he was so wrong.

Nick: I was the one who gave them the order to put surveillance over you both.

Luci: Why would you do that??

Nick: I have the responsibility to protect us from people like you.

Luci: So why the roundabout way you could have directly came to us and asked us. This lady is also a protector of Earth but she came to us. Now I trust her.

Nick: Like that could have worked now you are responsible for the death of all these men. You will be under arrest.

Luci didn't say anything and snaps his finger and a loud cracking sound was heard over the silent battlefield. Luci broke Nick's both wrists and ankles and he dropped to the ground in kneeling position while he screamed on top of this lungs.

Luci: Don't try to put that blame on me, they died because they were following your orders. Like everyone on that ship.

Luci looked up and saw life signs because his Rinnegan was still active. The helli-carrier was flying over them while it was completely invisible to normal peoples. Luci raised up his hand while his fist was open. He closed his fist and the ship was crushed into a ball that dropped beside them. Nick's eyes were wide open.

Nick: I will kill you no matter where you hide.

Luci: I don't need to hide from pathetic humans like you I will be in my café if you need to find me. But everyone you send will die and their deaths will be on your hand if you have hands.

Nick: Why are you doing this??

Luci: You hurt my Bella, I never killed any humans here even though I wanted to but I found them nice so I let them live. We never bothered anyone we just wanted to live freely together in our small café. But you came along and threatened our peace.

Nick: Boy, you lost your peace I will tell you. Kill me and see what happens.

Luci: Who said I will kill you?? I will make an example of you.

Luci snapped his finger and Nick's both arms were torn off like toothpick while he screamed on top of his lungs.

Luci: I will let you keep your legs so that you can visit all the funerals of the soldiers who died here today because of you.

Luci then touched Nick and healed his ankles using VM. Luci than turned towards Jennifer whose eyes were filled with utter horror. She never thought that she would ever see a day like this. So many deaths without no reason that is what she thought.

Luci: This is your lucky day unusual goblin, this lady here saved your life. Now take care Nick and unusual goblin.

Bella: So what now??

Luci: Nothing changed we still have our café…..