
After enjoying their date Luci walked out along with both his girlfriends. Both of them were eating cotton candy while both of them had genuine smiles over their faces. Luci was also happy to see them this much happy. Then Luci saw someone which he didn't expect to see at least not here, not now.

Luci: This is quite a surprise, Maria.

Maria: I hoped that we didn't meet each other under these circumstances. Something happened and I need to talk with you. Can we go to your café??

Luci: Of course Maria.

After that three of them entered the car along with Maria and they headed towards café Morningstar. The three of them were sure that this was related to the slaughter that happened in the docks. They soon reached the café and Luci invited Maria inside. Maria took a seat and let out a big sigh.

Luci: So what happened??

Maria: Ok, I am not going to beat around the bush. I know that Bella you are the one killed slaughtered them in the docks.

Bella: Yes I did, so what now arrest me??

Maria: No no don't get me wrong, I am happy that you killed them. In fact, I wanted to thank you for doing that. Those mother******* deserved to die.

Luci: Then what is the problem??

Maria: We recovered the drive which contained the CCTV footage of the docks. We clearly saw Bella making her art but there was someone else who saw her art from some remote location.

Bella: You mean to say that someone else knows that I did this??

Maria: Yes exactly and I think that someone belongs to the Hand. So I wanted to give you guys some security.

Luci: We appreciate your offer Maria but I have to decline that. I can take care of my girlfriends and if Hand is stupid enough to come after Bella even after what she did then they are just simply stupid.

Maria: I know you are strong it was just a friendly gesture towards you from me and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Luci: Well then you know me.

Maria: Then I guess I will be taking my leave today and if they attack please inform me so I can clean the bodies.

Luci: That I will do.

After that Maria hands Luci her card and leaves the café along with her men. After they left Bella and Nat went upstairs to take a bath while Luci was downstairs scrolling through his phone. After some time the girls can down and Luci went to take a bath. After they had dinner all of them went to sleep.

During mid-night suddenly Luci and Bella opened their eyes and got out of bed.

Bella: I never thought that humans were so stupid.

Luci: Don't you remember D*ck Fury.

Bella: Oh, yes they are stupid, proven.

Both of them sensed about 50 men surrounding their café. Bella showed a bloodthirsty grin and was about to jump down and slaughter them but Luci stopped her.

Luci: You had your fun yesterday, I will take care of this.

Bella pouts but she didn't refute to Luci, she knew that if Luci decided to do something then no one can change his mind not even her. Luci snapped his fingers and disintegrated 49 men into a puddle of blood and stopped the last man from doing anything. Then they wore some clothes and went downstairs and Nat was also awake by now but she knew that she didn't need to go because they were already dead.

Luci: Bella read his mind and he is all yours. I want the name of who sent him.

Bella went out of the café and grabbed the man and read his mind. Then she turned towards Luci.

Bella: Some weird guy called Harold Meachum.

After that, she again grabs the guy by his neck and disappears by diving in her own shadow. Luci takes out his phone and calls Maria. Maria picks up the phone.

Maria: This is Agent Maria Hills who am I speaking with??

Luci: Maria this is Lucifer. Well they were stupid and they attacked us, I disintegrated all of them except one. Now there are blood puddles surrounding my café. I would really appreciate if you can send a cleaning crew.

Maria: Ok, but what happened to the one who you spared??

Luci: Well Bella took him somewhere, I guess she will make another art with him.

Maria: F*ck it…!! Is that all?

Luci: No wait, what can you tell me about Harold Meachum?

Maria: Well he was the owner of Rand Enterprises but he died a few years ago.

Luci: I can guarantee you that he is still alive.

Maria: Are you sure Luci??

Luci: I will verify that just text me his address or previous address.

Maria: Ok sure.

After a couple of minutes, Luci receives a text from Maria giving him the address and also saying that the cleaning crew is on its way. Luci unfurls his wings and disappears from that spot. Luci appears on the top of the building in the given address and starts to check around. He then found a man who is living on the top floor without any workers. Luci searches for Harold Meachum on his phone and matches the guy with the picture and it was the same guy. Luci touches the wall and blows a hole outside.

Inside there were only two men Harold and some unknown computer dude. Harold was shocked to see Luci enter his house while his wings were on the show. He was honestly scared to be said. He ran to a table and pulled out a gun and points that at Luci.

Harold: Who are you??

Luci: You are not needed here.

Luci snaps his finger and turns the computer dude into a puddle of blood. Harold saw this and became more scared. His hands started to shake which he turned completely pale.

Luci: I will ask you once nicely. If you give the answer your death will be painless like him and if not then you will just wish that you die.

Harold heard this and gulped hard, he knew that he will die today the question was if he was going to die painlessly or painfully.

Luci: Are you an immortal??

Harold: N—No, I am not.

Luci: So who asked you to kill Isabella Osa??

Harold: I don't know what you are talking about.

Luci: Unfortunately that was the wrong answer.

Luci snapped his fingers and broke the ankles and wrists of Harold and dropped to the ground while screaming his lungs out. Luci turned towards his own shadow and whispered Bella's name. Instantly Bella's head popped out of his shadow.

Bella: I was making another art why did you call me??

Luci: Read his mind and tell me who asked him to send those men.

Bella again dived into his shadow and came out of Harold's shadow. Harold was completely scared now. Bella read his mind and turned towards Luci.

Bella: Someone named Madame Gao.

Luci: Ok, did you see where I can find her or how does she look??

Bella didn't say anything and imprints everything into Luci's mind.

Luci: Ok take him with you.

Bella: Oh… Thanks, babe. I love you so much.

Luci: I just had to jinx myself before…..