Madame Gao

Then Luci reluctantly returns to his home since he didn't have any idea where Madame Gao would be this time. He searched every memory of Harold but didn't find anything regarding Madame Gao's home. Luci unfurled his wings and appeared inside his room and saw Nat was waiting for him.

Nat: Where is Bella??

Luci: She is busy.

Nat: So did you find who sent these men??

Luci: These men were sent by Harold Meachum but he was asked by someone named Madame Gao to send these men.

Nat: But that can't be Harold Meachum died a few years ago.

Luci: He was alive but he won't be any longer.

Nat: Oh ok, I guess.

Luci: Is there a problem you are not looking so good.

Nat: I am having a problem with my senses I have been facing this problem since I became a devil but I thought it was pretty normal.

Luci: Actually that is pretty normal after a human is converted into a devil their senses or internal organs are slightly impaired because your whole body is being converted cell by cell.

Nat: So that is why I was not well on that ride.

Luci: Yes that can happen.

Nat: So how long will it take my body to completely recover??

Luci: Maybe another month but not more. Usually, your body becomes fine only after 3 weeks of conversion and in some rare cases, it can take up to max of 2 months.

Bella came out of a shadow but this time she didn't have any blood on her body.

Bella: What are you guys talking about?

Luci: Oh so you are back? Nat's senses are still impaired.

Bella: Ohh… Nat don't worry it will only take another month.

Luci: So did you had fun? I don't see any blood on you today.

Bella: I had my fun and I didn't want their blood on my clothes. So what happened with that old fart named Gao??

Luci: I will take care of her tomorrow. As a matter of fact, she has her office on the 13th floor the Rand Enterprises.

Bella: I cant wait for that.

Luci: No, both of you will stay here and look after the café. Bella, you had enough fun today, I will let you have your fun but that must have a limit.

Bella: Uhhh… Ok.

Luci: So where are the bodies??

Bella: There was no body left after I finished.

Luci: Oh… good then. Let's sleep now it has been a long day.

After that Luci and Bella took a shower together and then they decided to call it a day and went to sleep.

The next day Nat and Bella didn't wake up Luci since they thought that Luci was really cute while sleeping. Luci woke up late and checked his mobile to see the time and it was already 10. He jumped out of the bed and immediately got freshened up and went downstairs. He opened the fridge and found that Bella kept some breakfast for him. He ate that and then he kissed both Bella and Nat goodbye and booked a cab for Rand Enterprises.


Luci got out of the cab and entered the building and saw that the building had tight security and they wouldn't let anyone enter without identification of the company or an appointment. Luci exited the building and went to an alley near the building. He unfurled his wings appeared near the 13th floor and busted the glass and stepped inside and hid his wings. He started walking through the floor and soon started to find out unconscious men on the floor.

He kept walking inside and found 3 attackers, two women and one man attacking Madame Gao. Luci's arrival stopped the fight and everyone separated and all of them could feel chi so all of them become wary of the newcomer except the men and women who were fighting from Madame Gao's side.

Luci: I have no business with you three get aside.

The 3 attackers didn't know what to do since they didn't know if the newcomer was an enemy or an ally.

Luci: Oh well.

Luci waved his hand and the three of them thrown to the side. Luci walked forward and stood in front of Madame Gao.

Luci: You are a hard person to find you old fart, but I needed to meet you and talk with you. Since you are here your dogs are no longer needed.

Before Madame Gao could have replied to him Luci snapped his finger and all the underlings of Madame Gao disintegrated into puddles of blood. All the remaining 4 humans were horrified and terrified of the scene that happened in front of them. Madame Gao used chi and attacked Luci but it only resulted in just fluttering of his clothes.

Luci: Is that how you dry your clothes??

Madame Gao: Wh—What are you??

Luci: Your death. Now you have two options in front of you, first, tell me where are the rest of Hand leaders and I will kill you like them without pain and second option you don't tell me and die after I torture you.

Luci was waiting for her answer while the three attackers got up from the ground and now they were standing at the side. The man wanted to interfere but both the women stopped him.

Madame Gao: I don't know what are you talking about.

Luci: Unfortunately wrong answer.

Luci snapped his finger and a loud crack sound was heard throughout the room. Luci broke both the legs of Madame Gao and she dropped to the ground screaming in pain.

Madame Gao: Wh—Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?

Luci takes out his phone and shows her a pic of Bella and Nat.

Luci: Since you will die, I can tell you. Both of them are my girlfriends and you sent these insects to kill them.

Madame Gao: Please forgive me… I promise that I will leave all of you alone without any retaliation.

Luci: Of course you will not retaliate, because you are going to die now.

Luci pulled his hands backward and he pulled out Madame Gao's broken bones from her legs. She let out another blood-curling scream. The two attacker women were looking away from the scene while the man was ready to burst out. The man was unable to stop himself any longer and screamed out.

Man: What the hell do you think you are doing??

Luci turned towards the man with his usual look on his face and the two women were scared shitless of what would the unknown person do to them.

Luci: And who the f*ck are you supposed to be….??