Reality Stone

Currently Luci and the girls were in front of airport waiting for Tony and Pepper. Luci have thought of booking normal flight but since Tony was also going with them they didn't need to worry for that. Tony owned private jet so he happily offered his jet for the trip. After waiting for another 15 minutes a limousine came and stopped in front of them and Tony and Pepper got out. Happy was also with them and wanted to join on the trip but Tony rudely denied him.

Luci: Finally…!!!

Pepper: Sorry guys… we were late because of last minute packing.

Nat: At least you guys are here now.

Bella: I am so excited.

Pepper: Yes that is right.

Tony: Let's go guys.

After that everyone followed Tony's lead and followed him through the airport. They were stopped by customs and Tony showed his special permit or something similar. They were immediately allowed to enter inside.

Soon they reached a airstrip and saw a jet waiting for them. The jet opened and all of them entered jet and became comfy.

Luci: I have to agree that this thing is VIP.

Bella: So this is how rich people's roll??

Pepper: Ooh please… it's nothing much.

Nat: That must be a joke right.

Luci: Whatever Tony and Pepper thank you.

Tony: Never mind the small stuff. You are our friends, we can at least do this much and it was your idea to have a vacation.

Pepper: So it is more like thank you guys for asking us .

Bella: You are guys are now my favourite humans, equal to that old bag of bones.

Tony: Who are you talking about??

Nat: She is talking about Ancient One.

Pepper: Who is that?? I don't think I have ever heard about him.

Luci: It's a her and she works from behind the scenes and she protects our reality. She deals with threats which are out of others reach.

Tony: So I think your first encounter was very interesting.

Bella: Yes it was. After I whooped her ass she gave us the building for our café.

Tony: Wait she fought you and she didn't end up as your art????

Bella: I don't know what happened but my instincts told me to spare her life.

Tony: But it is still shocking. I guess at that time you guys cared for human lives.

Luci: Oh… at that time we resented humans and we were somehow controlling ourselves from killing every human around us.

Pepper: Wait what art??

Luci: It will be better if you don't know.

Tony: I agree.

After that the jet took off.


Luci: So this is London??

Nat: I have come here before but it was for mission.

Bella: The climate is quite different from New York.

Luci: I guess people will also be different so do go killing anyone without provocation.

Tony: So what now?? Should we head to someplace or head to hotel first??

Luci: Let's head to hotel first then we can visit Big Ben. I always wanted to see that.

After that they hailed two taxis and headed towards their hotel. After a drive of 45 minutes they reached the hotel and went inside with their luggage. It was a 5 star hotel (A/N: You see I am soooooo poor that I can't even afford to write about 7 star hotel. Mwahahaha…!!!). They checked in the reception and that were shown to their room. They decide to get fresh and change their clothes after that leave.

Soon they were done and booked a excel cab (A suv cab something like that). They started to head towards Big Ben when suddenly the sky darkened and great gusts of wind started to blow. They were not so worried about that, they were waiting in a traffic signal when suddenly a car standing beside them disappeared. Everyone inside the cab was shocked and astonished to see that. Luci immediately opened the door and stepped out.

Bella: Luci wai…

Before Bella could finish Luci disappeared from their sight. Everyone sweat dropped seeing that and then all of them shrugged their shoulders and let the matter slide like nothing. They knew nothing could happen to Luci so they decided to wait for him pop back.


Luci appeared in a grass field and saw Thor throwing hammer towards a black elf looking guy. The guy was giving off power like Infinity Stone. Thor's hammer reached that guy but he side stepped to dodged.

Luci: Oooohhh… Lucky me…!!

Luci exclaimed and both of them turned towards Luci and Thor's jaw immediately hit the ground but the dark elf still had smug on his face. Luci turned towards Thor and glared at him.

Luci: Sparky stand down I have some business with him.

Thor didn't say anything but he was smart enough not to deny Luci's order or command. But the dark elf just snorted and attacked Luci. Big Mistake…!! Luci just grabbed his fist like nothing and started putting force in his fist. The dark elf screamed when cracking of bones were heard and he kneeled on the ground.

Dark Elf: Who are you?? ( He asked weakly)

Luci: Just a tourist.

Luci extended his hand and started to extract the reality stone. Soon Luci absorbed the reality stone in his body. Luci used the same hand and grabbed the neck of the dark elf and snapped his neck immediately killing him.

Luci: Let's see now where am I…