Happy Times

As soon as Luci has absorbed the stone the storm stopped and the wind stopped blowing. Luci looked at his arms and found the body of the dead dark elf. He threw away the body like a sack of potatoes. He started to look around and found a black space ship which actually looked like a pin hovering over them. Luci knew that having space ships around humans would be very much unhealthy so he decide to do turn the ship into scrap metal. His eyes changed into Rinnegan and he raised one of his arm.

Luci: Planetery Devastation.

The ship immediately got crushed from the centre. The ship was immediately crushed into a ball of metal. Thor has seen this ability before but he still gawked at the sight. The ball of metal which was previously a space ship then dropped into the river by Luci. Luci eyes then changed back to normal and then he looked back at Thor.

Luci: Sparky nice to see you here.

Thor: Seeing you here was also pretty surprising.

Luci: So can you tell me where are we?

Thor: As a matter of fact… I don't know.

Luci sweat dropped at his reply and decided to make a better choice than replying him. He took out his phone and checked google Maps. He got a location and called Tony. Tony picked up his call immediately.

Tony: Where are you??

Luci: I am texting you my location can you come and pick me up??

Tony: Yes sure we were still stuck in the traffic here.

Luci: Are you guys alright?

Tony: Yes everyone is fine, Bella was little worried at first then she shrugged it off.

Luci: O yeah… she knows there are nothing here that can hurt me I guess.

Tony: As soon as the traffic clears we will be on the way to pick you up.

Luci: Yes sure.

After that Luci cut the call and saw Thor was still staring at him.

Luci: Can I help you?

Thor: No I was just shocked of how easy going you are.

Luci: Oh what can I say… I hate serious stuff. I am still young after all.

Thor: If you don't mind me asking, how old are you??

Luci: 20. Ok I guess I have to wait a bit before they show up. Thor lets go and have an ice-cream.

Thor: What's an ice-cream?

Luci: Come I will show you. But first we need find an ice-cream parlour first.

Thor was confused but still followed Luci's heed and walked beside him.


Currently Luci and Thor were chatting like friends. Luci found Thor really interesting, he was a nice God not arrogant which was good in Luci's book. That is the reason he was still alive or else he would have already died. At first Thor was a little bit scared and angry on Luci since he was lover of Bella but when he saw how Luci was he decided that he could be his friend. Soon a cab came near them and Luci walked up to the cab. He waved back to Thor saying that he needs to leave now he was on a trip with his girls. Luci entered the car.

Nat: I see you made a new friend.

Luci: Well he was a nice guy. He is not like other gods who are arrogant.

Bella: You always hated the arrogant ones.

Luci: If he would have been arrogant, I might have already killed him.

Pepper: Is killing so easy for you guys?

Luci: Well it never bothered me if you are asking like that.

Then all of them noticed that the cab driver was watching them and hearing their conversation with wide eyes and his jaw was hanging down and fear was clear in his eyes.

Luci: The fuck are you looking at?

Driver: Uh.. Uh… please don't kill me.

Luci's eyes changed and put up a hand over his head and altered his memories and made his brain only function to drive the car for a limited time. Luci decided not to kill the driver.

Bella: I could have killed him you know?

Luci: Yes, killing him would have been more easy but I am not in the mood.

Tony: I never getting used to how does your brains work.

Nat: It is better you never know.

Luci: Our brain isn't similar to humans.

Tony: I know that so what happened to the storm?

Luci: Ok it was made by some dark elf. He was going to release darkness or something to all the 9 realms.

Nat: How did you find that out?

Luci: Thor told me.

Tony: What happened to the dark elf?

Luci: I snapped his neck.

Tony and Pepper sweat dropped at the answer and decided to drop the subject. Bella had a proud smile on her face and Nat has neutral expression. They decided to continue their trip, they visited Big Ben and started to check it out. All of them clicked a lot of pictures and have a lot of fun. They ate all kind of snacks, Bella and Nat were happy so Luci was obviously happy seeing them how they were. Tony and Pepper were having a private time at the side.

Bella: We should do this more.

Luci: We will, I will take you both to trips like this whenever I can.

Nat: Don't worry Luci, you don't need to push yourself.

Luci: But seeing both of you happy makes me happy so there is no stopping me.

Bella: Luci… are you having fun? I mean me and Nat are having fun but are you having fun?

Luci: Of course I am. Come here let me show you.

Luci first pulled Nat towards him and passionately kissed her and then pulled Bella towards him and kissed her too. A lot of people were looking towards the trio but it didn't matter to the three of them.

Luci: Was that a good answer?

Nat: Of course that was, but we should continue this in our room.

Luci: Of course girls.

Bella: So are we going back now?

Luci: No, the day is still young. We can't miss anything here, let's put our time at best use.

They were chatting among them, after some time Tony and Pepper also joined them.

Pepper: So where to now?

Luci: You guys decide.

Tony: Jarvis what do you recommend??

Jarvis: I would recommend…