Cleaning House

(A/N: I have thought of making this chapter about the training and powers of Maria and Nat but I decided that first I should finish this ark then I should write about that)

Maria, Jennifer and Steve took off in the quinjet towards the Triskelion. Maria decided that they would currently need some plans since Steve and Jennifer were not un-killable like herself.

Maria: Steve and Jennifer I am going to drop you near the lake so you two quietly enter into the base.

Steve: So what about you?

Maria: I am going to crash into the building directly.

Jennifer: What…??!!! Are you out of your mind. You don't need to kill yourself, we can do this.

Maria: What pfft… a small crash and fire won't kill me.

Steve: What are you even saying?? You said you are going to crash the ship.

Maria: Yes that will be small crash for me. Well what to say I am quite un-killable. It is not a common knowledge but I am un-killable, most weapons won't even scratch me. You see these bullet holes in my clothes. (She shows them the bullet holes in her clothes)

Steve and Jennifer were completely shocked. Jennifer was also hard to kill but not like this. She gets injured and feels pain but Maria doesn't even have a single scratch. After Maria showed them the bullet holes both of them checked her whole body for bullet holes. Her clothes were filled with bullet holes from head to toes. Then they decided to drop the subject completely since Maria proved her point.

Maria: Ok good thing for us is that you guys don't need to differentiate anyone kill anyone who comes in your sights. Everyone in this base is HYDRA.

Steve: Ok.

Jennifer: Yeah, if I have to hole back it would have been a real issue.

Maria: Steve you don't need to push blindly.

Steve: Yes don't worry I know I am not un-killable like you guys.

Soon they reached Triskelion, Maria slowed down and dropped Jennifer and Steve near the lake and then she flew away and then turned the jet around and crashed the jet in the 2nd floor. A huge explosion took place and the 2nd floor caught fire completely except the opposite side. Maria walked out of the ship without a single scratch and her clothes were completely burnt away. The explosion happened because she detonated all the missiles on the jet when she crashed inside.

Maria's body started to glow and her body was covered with a new set of suit. She enhanced her clothes to be fire-proof. She then walked towards the lift. She pried opened the doors and unfurled her wings. She appeared on the 6th floor with the lift doors busted outside. This floor was still intact, soon men surrounded her with guns pointed towards her. Maria just raised her snapped and all their necks broke and dropped on the ground.

Maria: My transformation really changed me, if I did this when I was human I would have surely felt a little guilt but now it doesn't even bothers me.

She then started walking towards near floor killing anyone who came in between her destination. She wanted to reach Alexander Pierce. If she wanted she could have crashed the jet there she could have been killed her instantly but that would have not satisfied her. She wanted to kill her after she told him that his plan failed. Maria picked up a gun from a soldier along with extra magazines. She loaded the gun and started to kill whoever came in between her and her objective. She avoided the to count her kills and started to walk upstairs.


After Maria crashed the jet inside both of them walked started to walk towards the base through the forest. Soon the reached the wall of the base.

Steve: Should we be stealthy or go inside guns blazing??

Jennifer: Guns blazing, I will attract the attention towards me and you will enter silently.

Steve: I guess that works too.

The Jennifer changed into her She-Hulk form and busted the wall. She entered and saw that everyone was running inside. But as soon as the men saw Jennifer they decided to stop and fire on her. Bullets didn't do much damage to her, she just shrugged it off. She jumped towards them and smashed them which she did best. Steve entered from the hole after a few minutes and saw the base completely empty. Only he and Jennifer were standing there.

Steve: Is it me or the base is really empty?

Jennifer: This base is really empty.

Steve: I think Maria drew all the attention towards her.

Jennifer: I think so too, I can still hear the shots coming from inside.

Steve: Ok, let's go

After that both of them entered the building and reached the 2nd floor which was still on fire. As soon as they reached 5th floor they started finding the bodies of men. Bodies were littered throughout the whole floor. They kept quiet and kept walking upstairs. The scene was the same, the floors were littered with bodies of men. Soon both of them reached the top floor and heard shots being fired. They followed the sound and found Maria killing about 10 men who were guarding a sealed office.

Maria sensed them and pointed her gun towards them.

Jennifer: Maria, it's us.

Maria: Oh… sorry. I didn't thought that you will join me so quickly.

Steve: We saw you took your time coming here.

Maria: Maybe I was late coming here.

Jennifer and Steve walked towards Maria and saw the sealed room. Jennifer started to check the door.

Jennifer: I don't think that I can break into this room.

Maria: But I can.

Maria pushed Jennifer aside and kicked the door. The door didn't break in but a massive dent formed on it. Steve and Jennifer's eyes almost popped out of their sockets when they saw her power. Maria kicked again and this time the door busted in, the hinges were unable to hold the force and the door blasted inside. Maria walked inside and there were 10 men including Rumlow and Alexander was standing behind them. All of men started shooting at Maria and they just bounced off of her body. Rumlow was holding an rpg and launched it at her. The rpg hit her and exploded. She still walked out of the fire holding her gun.

Maria: Are you done??

Pierce: What are you?? (He asked her while stuttering)

Maria: Your death. (A/N: I know this is cliché but what can I do, the situation called for this)

After that she immediately shot the rest of the men except Rumlow who pulled out a knife and attacked Maria. Maria just raised her left hand and Rumlow plunged the knife in her hand. The knife just got crushed when it touched her palm. Rumlow just gawked at what he saw. Maria grabbed his neck and snapped it like a twig.

Maria: Alexander Pierce, I thought you were smart but you are the most idiotic person who have walked over the Earth.

Pierce: Why…? (Stuttering)

Maria: You knew about Luci and Bella and still made this plan of world domination. You must be fucking stupid.

Pierce: What do you even know about them?? You are just their handler. (Enraged)

Maria: Since you are going to die today let me show you something. (She unfurled her 4 wings)

Pierce along with Steve and Jennifer were shocked. They already knew that she was un-killable the way Maria herself explained. But still they didn't expect her to pull out wings from her back. Maria satisfied with the reactions retracted her wings.

Maria: Lucifer Morningstar is my brother.

Pierce: Impossible. (Stuttering)

Maria: So tell me Pierce, how do you feel?? You whole plan failed, you fucked up.

Peirce: No matter what you do here HYDRA will still prevail.

Maria: Is that so? Pity then, you won't be there to see them die.

Maria vanished from her spot and appeared near Pierce and grabbed his neck and raised him in the air. He started to choke and his legs started to twitch. Maria was slowly increasing her force in the hold. Soon a cracking sound was heard and his neck was snapped. Pierce's body stopped moving and Maria dropped his body on the ground.

Maria: I was expecting a little more challenge. I guess that was a fool's dream.

Steve: So what now??

Maria: Nothing, we cleaned the house and now we rebuild. Jennifer check the logs of inventory and see where is Loki's scepter stored.

Jennifer: Ok. (She changed back into her human form and started checking the logs on Pierce's computer)

Jennifer: There is nothing related to Loki's scepter here.

Maria: I thought so.

Steve: So HYDRA must have the scepter and they are using it to make weapons I think.

Maria: Obviously they are making weapons. Ok I will ask Luci to locate the scepter.

Jennifer: I don't want to be rude but how will he do that?

Maria: Let's go back and gather everyone, I will tell you after that.

After that Maria pulled took a phone from a man and called Nat since her phone was destroyed when the crashed the jet. Nat picked up the phone after sometime.

Nat: Hello who is this?

Maria: It's me Nat.

Nat: Where the hell were you!! I have been calling you for 15 minutes.

Maria: My phone was destroyed so I had to improvise.

Nat: So I guess everything is fine on your end?

Maria: Yes completely. What about you?

Nat: Done and done. Did you get the scepter?

Maria: As we thought they are using the scepter to make weapons.

Nat: So I guess the mission is still on-going.

Maria: Yes it is. Bring everyone to our heli-carrier, we will talk there.

Nat: On the way…

(A/N: This was a long chapter, also I had to do some research to complete this one so only one chap today)