

Luci and the girls have returned two weeks ago when Maria had asked Nat for the infiltration mission. Luci knew that the mission was not so dangerous that Nat or Maria would get hurt but he still decided to train them so that they could use their full power. He had already asked Nat and Maria make some time so that they could train. Luci had asked Tony to lent him a training space which Tony happily did. So currently Luci was standing in an open field along with Nat and Maria.

Luci: Ok lets me ask you first, do any of you feel something different in your personality.

Nat: Yes, I when I killed before I felt guilt inside. But now, it feels like nothing, just nothing. It almost feels like I couldn't care less about that. I don't know it is hard to explain the exact feeling.

Maria: Same like her.

Luci: That means your body has completely synchronized with your souls.

Maria: What does it have to do with our souls??

Luci: Both of you were born humans so both of you had human souls. Now when both of you were changed your body and soul were body modified so that they need a little bit of time to sync together.

Nat: So what does it have with our feelings.

Luci: Let me ask you something… how many humans care when they step over ants or insects?

Both Nat and Maria were shocked because they instantly understood what Luci was comparing humans with.

Luci: Have you seen any fisher or buthcher to cry over a fish or chicken??

Nat/Maria: No.

Luci: That is what it is happening with you. Your souls know that you are higher beings than humans so that stops your mind to react to killing humans or when you see humans die.

Maria: Are you saying that we despise humans naturally or something??

Luci: No, I meant that you will no longer care about any human lives as long as you don't consider him or her your family.

Nat: I understand, so what do you think of Tony and Pepper.

Luci: They are family.

Nat: But you are not close to them.

Luci: But you are… your family is my family. When Maria became my sis you also treated her like family. It works just like that, I don't know the exact work about but I know that if anyone in your family considers some outsiders your family then your whole family will consider him or her family.

Maria: Wow… just wow.

Nat: Some kind of connection I guess.

Luci: Yes, some kind of connection.

Maria: That means if I become Nick's friend that all of you will be too??

Luci: No, it doesn't work like that. Me and Bella don't like him much so first of all no matter how much you try you cannot befriend him because of our connection. Even if you successfully become his friend then we won't ever become his friend because we don't like him much from the start.

Nat: But I thought you hated him.

Luci: Hell would freeze over before I stoop so low to hate a human. Yes I don't like him and I would love nothing more than if he gives up and kills himself but I don't hate him.

Maria: I also feel the same. Is that the reason you spared Thaddeus Ross??

Luci: Yes… I find it more fun when someone gives up and kills himself.

Nat: But what does our feelings have to do with our power.

Luci: Your feelings come from soul so, now that your souls are in sync you can use your full extent of your power.

Maria: Ok, got it.

Luci: Ok now enough questions. Sis spread your wings.

Maria unfurled her wings.

Luci: See that tree, try to reach it as fast as you can and then come back at this position. Keep doing that until I say so. (He pointed at a tree which was pretty far, for a human)

Maria flies towards the tree but it was slow according to Luci but in case of humans it was pretty fast. Now Luci turned towards Nat.

Luci: Nat, I want you to extend your shadow.

Nat: I don't think that I have that power.

Luci: Yes you do, just think that your shadow is part of your body.

After that Nat keeps on trying, after about 30 minutes she was able to extend the shadow. It was nothing compared to Bella's power but it was still progress.

Luci: Nat stop, that is enough. Now you need to enter your shadow before you can manipulate shadows on a higher level.

Nat: Ok, I need to follow the same principle right??

Luci: Yep.

After that Nat started to do what Luci asked her.

Luci: Sis, stop come here.

Maria: I think my speed increased by a huge margin.

Luci: Yes it did. Now I want you to break that tree from here.

Maria: You think I have your telekinesis power??

Luci: Yes I do. Now work on this.

Soon the day was completely over and it became dark. Nat was able to enter her shadow and come out of shadows at close proximity. Maria was able to crack the tree at the end of the day.

Luci: Enough for today. We will continue tomorrow.

After that both Nat and Maria dropped on the ground. They were completely tired but they didn't complain a single time.


Luci: Ok girls, there is nothing more I can teach you about your power.

Maria: But I don't think it my full power.

Luci: It isn't, I said I didn't have anything more to teach you about your power. Now only thing you can do is improve on your own.

Nat: So what will you do.

Luci: Now I will teach you different kind of spells but you have to keep practicing your powers or you won't improve.

Nat: We understand.

Luci: Enough chit chat… let's start.


The day was almost over and Luci was standing in front of exhausted Nat and Maria lying in front of him. Luci had a huge smile on his face which was a smile showing how proud and satisfied he was.

Luci: Nat, sis I have taught you everything I can. All the spells which could be performed by you I taught them all to you and you both mastered them perfectly. I am very proud of both of you. Now you need to do only thing that is train your personal power so that you can perfect it too. Girls now let's head back…

(A/N: Maria has the power of flight same as Luci but she is slower than Luci. She has Luci's telekinesis power but a much weaker version. Nat has power over shadows like Bella but she nowhere near Bella. Nat doesn't draw power from Darkness she just have the power of shadows)