
Luci and his girls were sleeping in his room while Pepper was sleeping in the guest room. Maria still didn't return from her job. According to Nat after Maria killed Alexander Pierce, she responsibilities and work load have increased ten fold. Maria would not get much time off like she used to get. Luci had asked Maria that she didn't care for human lives so why she was still continuing this job. Maria told him that it was true that she didn't care for human lives but she cared out her job like Luci did about his café.

Though café Morningstar wasn't huge but after being renovated it was made quite big. Due to that they had more rooms now. Luci and the girls were peacefully sleeping when suddenly Luci's eyes shot open. His eyes started rotating and transformed into Rinnegan. He silently got up from his bed without making a single noise and used magic to form clothes around him. He exited the room and immediately disappeared.

Luci has placed several sensor seals around half mile radius of his café that whenever any person or whatever enters that place with malice towards the café, Luci will be immediately notified. That is what has happened now. He felt several sensors going off like this which woke him up. Luci appeared on the roof and saw 3 choppers which were equipped with weapons approaching his café. Luci wasn't happy, in fact he was he down right pissed which was never good.

Soon the choppers stopped in front of the café and launched missiles towards the café which pissed off Luci even more. Luci raised his right hand and all the missiles stopped mid air. He then used Ashura Path to create a volley of weapons and launched them towards the choppers who were just sitting ducks and were hit. The choppers exploded and dropped on the ground while burning. Luci jumps down from roof and snaps his fingers and the missiles that were hanging mid-air exploded. Luci uses Preta Path to absorb the power of the explosions without letting energy to go to waste.

Suddenly all the wreckage started to move and 6 people came out from the burnt choppers. Though they were heavily injured but they were healing at a slow rate. Two of them were women and 4 of them were men. Luci was about to kill them when he suddenly felt something.

Luci: Bella, you can kill all of them but extract information from them before that.

Bella was looking from the window along with Nat about what was happening. Both of them have woken up as soon as they heard the explosions. Luci sensed that they were already awake decided to allow Bella to have some fun. As soon as Bella heard her name a sadistic grin appeared on her face.

She immediately drowned in her shadow and appeared beside Luci. Luci saw the happiness in Bella's face and couldn't stop himself to smile. Bella immediately disappeared and ripped off head of one man and smashed it into a women's head. The smash was so powerful that the women's head exploded. Bella looked into other man's eyes and read his mind but before he could attack her she plunged her hand in his stomach and pulled out his spine. The remaining 3 we're completely scared now. Belle formed two blades and jumped on another man and bisected him vertically. Before the rest two could do anything she lofted off both their heads.

Luci: Good riddance now what should we do with the thrash?

Bella: Call Maria and ask her to send a squad.

Luci: Sounds like a plan, so what did you learn?

Bella came near Luci and imprinted everything she learnt about them into Luci's mind.

Luci: Nat will know something about them I guess.

After that both of them entered the café and went upstairs when they heard someone puking and Nat was standing near the door.

Luci: Pepper saw Bella??

Nat: Yes, I asked her to leave but she didn't.

After a few seconds Pepper came out but her eyes didn't contain any disgust when she saw Bella which Luci and Bella clearly noticed.

Luci: I thought you would hate Bella after what you saw.

Pepper: First of all she is my friend. I would never hate her and second I knew about her victims. Tony told me, but when I saw with my own eyes I couldn't stop myself from getting sick.

Bella: So, you will be fine, right?

Pepper: Yes, don't worry. I am fine now.

Luci: Ok since that is out of the way. Nat I need you to do something for me and Bella call Maria and ask her to send a cleaning squad. Pepper you go back to sleep.

Pepper: Don't worry I am fine, I lost my sleep. Why don't I sit with you guys.

Bella: I guess that will be fine too… let me make some snacks and coffee.

After that Bella went to the kitchen and started making snacks and coffee. She took out her phone and called Maria. After a long ring Maria picked up her phone, hearing her voice Bella understood she was sleeping.

Maria: What do you want?? I was sleeping.

Bella: Can you send a cleaning squad near our café. Some insects thought of attacking us.

Maria: Ok, I am sending them and if you or Luci kill anyone else leave them there. Someone will definitely take care of them later. Don't disturb me now, I am going back to sleep.

Bella: Fine with me.

After that Bella cut the call and after sometime all snacks were prepared. She poured the coffee in cups and took them to where Luci and rest were sitting.

Nat: So what I have to do??

Luci: Give me every information you have on AIM.

She searched about them on SHIELD database and gave all the information to Luci.

Luci: So what exactly is this Extremis??

Nat: It is kind of medicine or treatment which fixes someone's disabilities and makes them complete again. SHIELD also doesn't have a lot of information about them. They seem to be pretty secretive.

Luci: This will be their last day. If they want to keep their secrets it is ok, I will bury it along with them.

Nat: Lair, after you are done with them their will be nothing left to bury.

Luci: What?? Why?

Bella: Because you are stupid, you cannot bury blood puddles.

Luci: I guess you are right.

All of them then looked towards Pepper who was looking pale again. She was imaging all the scenarios of what Luci and the girls were talking about.

Pepper: I think I should stop hearing your conversations.

Nat: I think it will be better if we stopped talking about it.

Luci: Ok, I agree with that now Bella hand the snacks and coffee.

Bella: Here you go.

After that she handed everyone their coffee and snacks and after their small party Luci was about to walk out when Bella told him what Maria has told her. Luci grew a sadistic grin on his face.

Luci: Well that will be more fun…