
Luci was currently floating over the city to find the docks in which Aldrich Killian was hiding. He checked the memories he got from Bella and those were about some docks before he was sent to Café Morningstar. At first Luci had decided not to get involved in small matters like this, this was bellow him. But when Aldrich Killian decided to attack his café, he decided that instant that he will kill Aldrich Killian before sunrise.

After sometime Luci located the base and flew over it. He could easily sense them because of their aura or whatever that was which Luci could sense. He had already encountered seven of them, so it was pretty easy now. He floated over the docks and located the if any normal human or was there or not. If not he could let loose easily.

Fortunately for Luci there was no normal humans in the docks. Luci flew down but didn't land. He was still floating over the docks about 50m high. Luci's eyes were already Rinnegan so he spread out both his hands. He started gathering his power and released it in a moment.

Luci: Shinra Tensei (A/N: I know this is USA and nobody talks in Japanese but I think Shinra Tensei is cooler than Almighty Push. It was really cool when Pain did it over Konoha. Please comment if you like the English version or the Japanese one? )

In an instant an invisible force erupted from Luci and started crushing everything in its way on the docks. In a blink of eye the whole dock was transformed into giant crater with nothing but dirt present there. Luci looked at his handy work and smirked. He was also like Bella, he liked his art or destruction he did all around.

Soon about 15 people crawled out of the debris. Some were missing body parts were some were mangled up a little bit. Luci let out a sigh and landed on the surface. He clapped his hands together.

Luci: Animal Path Summoning.

Out of thin air two Leviathans appeared with Rinnegan in their air. The Leviathans were not as huge as the chitauris but a little bit smaller. The Leviathans waited near Luci for orders.

Luci: Go have a nice meal and leave that one for me. (Luci pointed towards a man he recognized the man as Aldrich Killian who was missing an arm from the memories he got)

The Leviathans didn't wait and immediately flew towards the targets and started munching on them. Soon only Aldrich Killian was left and soon as the rest were eaten as the Leviathans have appeared out of thin air they disappeared. Luci raised his hand towards the remaining man.

Luci: Bansho Tennin.

The man immediately flew towards Luci. Aldrich Killian tried to stop himself but it was of no use he ended up near Luci who grabbed his throat with his bare hands. Luci looked at his face and saw utter rage, then Aldrich did something which he shouldn't have done. He spat on Luci's face, Luci used his telekinesis power to wipe it off. Luci found that very amusing because of rage on Aldrich's face and humiliated because what Aldrich did so he decided to punish him.

Luci: You are interesting for an insect.

Aldrich: I will kill you, why did you interfere??

Luci: Gods don't answer to mortals insect.

Luci immediately dropped Aldrich on the ground and used his telekinesis to prevent him from moving. Luci used Naraka Path and healed Aldrich in an instant. Aldrich looked confused then Luci grabbed his hand and used Preta Path to absorb all the energy of Extremis treatment inside of Aldrich. As soon as Aldrich felt his power disappearing, his face filled with utter terror. Soon Luci sucked out all the power inside him.

Luci: Now you are a normal healthy human without any special power. But you won't be healthy for long.

Luci grabbed Aldrich's head and used Human Path to erase all his memories of research about Etremis so he could not remake it. He would remember everything else but nothing about Etremis. He also found about a woman named Maya Hensen who was his research partner. Luci was going to visit her after this.

Luci got up and used his telekinesis to break one of Aldrich's leg in such manner that he could never be healed no matter what. Aldrich screamed on top of his lungs and then passed out because of pain without saying anything.

Luci unfurled his wings and disappeared and appeared in front of Maya Hensen's house. He walked to the front door and pressed the calling bell. All the lights were off in the house which indicated that she was sleeping since Luci could feel her inside. Soon lights turned on and she opened the door slightly and peeked. As soon as she looked into Luci's eyes she felt terrified. Her face filled with dread and horror.

She immediately closed the door and tried to call 911 but before she could do that her locks started to open on their own. She was so terrified that she dropped her phone. Luci used his telekinesis to open the door from outside. He stepped into the house and looked at her. She was completely terrified.

Luci: Don't be scared I won't harm you.

Maya: Stay away from me. (She said stuttering)

Luci: If I wanted to harm you, you would already be dead. Not shut up and listen to me.

Maya: What do you want from me?? (Stuttering)

Luci: I want you to stop researching about Extremis.

All the fear immediately disappeared from her face and it filled with anger.

Maya: What?? I am doing that to help the disabled and you want me to stop that.

Luci: Like you helped Aldrich??

Anger disappeared from her face and fear appeared again but she still held her courage.

Maya: I don't know what you are talking about.

Luci: You know exactly what I am talking about.

Maya: Ok, I helped him and he is helping others now but what he does after that are none of my business.

Luci: Ok, I guess it would be wrong of me to stop your treatment for the disabled, you can continue it but I would like if you alter the medicine so that they won't gain super powers or whatever that is.

Maya: That can be done, but to that I need Aldrich's help. I don't have money for that.

Luci: Don't worry I will arrange money because Aldrich will be not of any help.

Maya: What did you do?

Luci: I gave him the same fate which he avoided but he won't heal again because I extracted his powers and removed his memories about Extremis.

Maya was again scared now.

Luci: Don't be scared as long as you don't turn out like him I won't do anything to you. Now good night I will be going. Tomorrow morning stay in the house, someone will come and helo you financially.

After that Luci unfurled his wings and disappeared leaving a scared and confused Maya behind.