Rinne Rebirth

Luci appeared back inside his room and found that Nat and Bella were chatting with each other. They were still awake now, Bella and Nat both noticed that Luci have returned and a small smile appeared on both their faces.

Luci: Why didn't you girls sleep??

Nat: We were waiting for you.

Bella: Sleeping without you is quite uncomfortable.

Luci: I see… let me take a quick shower then I will join you girls.

They didn't reply and just nodded. Luci went to take a shower and after a few minutes he came back and saw Nat and Bella were both naked on the bed and Nat gestured Luci to join them. A small smile appeared on Luci's face and immediately jumped on the bed between the girls. But before they started anything Luci activated the silencing spell in the room. And let's say that it was a long night of pleasure for the three of them.

The next day they woke up late so their café also opened late. The morning was quite normal except Luci called Tony to inform that his small problem so that Pepper can return back. Pepper was waiting for Tony in the cafe's kitchen while talking with Bella. Nat and Luci were back to their usual posts. Until Luci was graced by an old friend the Ancient One. She came back after a long time. Luci was happy to see her because they were meeting the first time with each other after the war with Loki.

As soon as she took a seat Luci went inside the kitchen and brought her favourite food. Luci took the seat in front of her.

Luci: Where were you??

Ancient One: Some of my disciples have betrayed me after the war in New York. I was hunting them down.

Luci: You could have told me, I was worried.

Ancient One: My, the one who kills hundreds with a single move, cares about me?? Aren't I lucky.

Luci: That wasn't funny really.

Ancient One: I guess it was. But I was alive you should know that.

Luci: I knew that, that is the only reason I didn't raze down Kamar Taj.

Ancient One: Ok sorry, I shouldn't have worried you. It is just that I didn't have much time.

Luci: So I guess you hunted all of them down??

Ancient One: No, a small group is still alive. They are quite good at avoiding me.

Luci: I guess your old bones can't keep up any longer.

Ancient One: You know, if anyone else had called that I would have messed up his reality.

Luci: Bella always does that.

Ancient One: Except her too.

Luci: So how are you??

Ancient One: I have been better. But there is something I need to tell you.

Luci: So it that the reason you came to meet me??

Ancient One: Just listen to me, don't interrupt.

Luci: Ok fine.

Ancient One: The future has changed because of your and Bella's appearance. Something will happen which shouldn't have happened. Nobody will be able to stop it except you or Bella. Maybe Nat or Maria could do it too but I won't be sure because they would only have 20% chance to win.

Luci: If you know that, tell me so I can tell Maria before that happens.

Ancient One: Are you worried about humans?? That is something new.

Luci: I just don't want to lose my peaceful business and café customers. I have come to like it.

Ancient One: I guess so, but it can't be stopped. It is just a matter of time now. I come to know about future but I can't see exact future I just get some signs or images.

Luci: I get it I get it.

Ancient One: I just know that it will be related to some infinity stone.

Luci: I have acquired three stones and I have lent I stone to Tony and Bruce. Is it some new stone?

Ancient One: Soul stone is on Vormir and getting that is quite challenging and Power Stone is somewhere in the space.

Luci: So I think it is sure to say that it is unlikely that those two stones will be used. There is no one who can take stones from me meaning Mind Stone.

Ancient One: I agree with that. I can't even imagine someone taking a stone from you.

Luci didn't argue again and takes out his mobile and calls Tony. The call keeps ringing but no one picks up the phone. Luci gets worried and seeing Luci's expression Ancient One understood that something has happened. Luci grabbed Ancient One's hand and disappears. Nat saw that and shrugs it off thinking nothing of it. All the customers already knew that Luci and the girls had super powers so they also thought nothing of it.

Luci and Ancient One appears on Stark Tower currently known as Avengers Base. He walks inside along with her and sees that the base was completely destroyed from inside. There were no bodies only everything was destroyed. Luci and Ancient One started to search for Tony. They reached Tony's research floor and found something which made Luci angry which was never good. Tony's body laid on the floor completely cold. Tony was in his suit but a metal rod was plunged into his chest. Luci looked all around and saw signs of battle.

Ancient One: I am sorry Luci, if I have come sooner he might not have died.

Luci: No, it was not your mistake. Though it doesn't matter now.

Luci's activated his Rinnegan and kneeled beside Tony's body. Ancient One thought that Luci was said so she tried to support Luci by holding Luci's shoulder. Luci grabbed the metal rod and pulled it out of Tony's body. Then suddenly huge amount of power emerged from Luci's body.

Luci: Outer Path: Rinne Rebirth.

Tony's eyes opened and gasped and got up and looked at Luci and a bald woman. He was sure he died but he then remembered Luci can bring back the dead.

Tony: Oh… I see you brought me back.

Luci: I told you I will bring you back.

Ancient One saw that and her eyes were about to pop out of her head. She tried to say something but words came to her mouth.

Tony: But I have to say dying was no a good experience.

Luci: Sorry, I don't much about that.

Tony: I don't want to do that again.

Luci: So what happened here.

Tony: Someone attacked…