Pym Family

Two weeks have already passed since the meeting happened and Maria had declared that they won't fight to protect humanity any longer. The whole have turned into chaos after that. It was like a situation of 50-50. A lot of people were supporting the decision that super powered humans won't be running around anymore.

While the other part of the populace was protesting the decision made by the leaders and they were asking to request to change their decisions. But the leaders were adamant on their decision saying that they didn't need their protection, their military power would be enough to face anyone.

They had also made clear that they would be getting those stones back from Maria but none of them still made any moves so they were still breathing.

Tony and Pepper have already prepared the apartment across the road so that the heroes who decided to no longer involve themselves in the world of these selfish leaders could reside there. Though Luci didn't show any care regarding that but he will clearly kill anyone who would try to mess up his peace. It was clear that the leaders were plotting something against them but they still held back because of Luci's presence.

Bruce and Betty happily resided in their given room. Tony and Pepper also decided to stay there. After two days the meeting happened something shocking and surprising happened which shocked everyone.


Maria: Why are you two here??

Steve: I said we would protect humans but they what they are asking of us is against our principles.

Sam: If we stayed there we would have lost our rights as humans.

Maria: Fine stay here but if you betray us you clearly know what will happen to you?? It is not a good thing to have super powered humans after you.

Steve: We know that. Don't worry even though I care about humans live. I don't want to lose my human rights.

Maria: I guess that is good for you.


Currently Bella was staring at 6 people's with blank expression on her face.

Bella: Though I would like to rip out your spines I can't do that now. Maria would complain to Luci and he will chew on my head.

Nat: You are saying that if you don't see Maria as your big sister.

Bella: To be honest I do. But it has been long I have ripped out spines… it is getting so frustrating.

???: Uhmm… can you please not talk about ripping out our spines in front of us??

Bella: Did you fucking order me mortal?

???: No… it was a kind of request.

There were 5 adults, 2 men one younger and another older and 3 women. 2 young and one old and one was just a small girl. She was the reason Bella gave them a chance to speak for themselves instead of ripping out their spines or lofting off their heads.

Nat: Can you start with your name??

Hank: My name is Hank Pym.

Nat: Wait I know you. You have been on SHIELD shitlist. Wow I am shocked.

Janet: My name is Janet Pym wife of Hank here.

Nat: Last I heard of you, you were strangled in Quantum Realm so I guess they brought you back.

Bella: Nat I am impressed even after quitting your job you kept quite the info.

Nat: It is my job. Now continue on.

Hope: My name is Hope daughter of Hank and Janet.

Nat: Wow another criminal. Now you smartass.

Scott: Well you know I am not so interesting….. my name is Scott Lang. (Bella glared at him with her glowing eyes)

Nat: The whole group is filled with criminals and seeing the glare of the white one I think I know who she is. Ghost, right??

Ghost: Let me go…

(A/N: In this story I have decided that events of Antman and the Wasp have already happened. And I know it is regrettable but Civil War won't take place here because Luci and rest's involvement. I tried to do it but I didn't find any way of Civil War happening without Luci killing half of the Avengers)

Nat: If I let you let you go now you will die in a very gory and messy was which can leave grown humans traumatized and we have a kid here.

Cass: Hello… my name is Cassandra Lang.

Nat released Cass from the spell and started to stroke her hair.

Scott: Please don't do anything to her.

Nat: That depends on you. Ok now that introductions are over tell me why did you people tried to sneak in??

Hank: Sigh… we heard that this place was asylum to everyone who don't want to be heroes so we came here.

Bella: That we do but even Steve came from front door.

Hank: Sorry for being like this but we can't trust you right??

Bella: Pffttt… hahaha…

Nat: Hahaha… !!

After a few moments they calmed down.

Bella: Let me get this clear, you thought that we would attack you and steal your power??

None of them replied but their expression gave her the answer which made Bella and Nat laugh out again.

Bella: That is pretty pathetic… for us your power is pathetic too. I don't know what your powers are but knowing humans it must be pretty pathetic.

Nat: They can become small and big.

Bella: So I can squash them right?? I mean when they become small??

Nat: Normal humans can't since they still retain their normal power but possibly you can do it anyways.

Bella: That means insects become real insects… Puwhahaha…


Bella: Phew… I haven't laughed that hard since a long time.

Nat: I know, I laughed too.

Cass: Big sister… do you think you can let go of my father?

Nat: Yes little one…

After that Nat did a spell which formed magic circle below them and disappeared. After that she released them.

Bella: Don't attack the spell she did will restrain you as soon as you decide to attack us or use your power.

Nat: If that happens we will simply throw you out but if Luci or Bella catches you will die in a rather disgusting manner.

None of them answered but just nodded their heads.

(A/N: This was the last chapter of this ARC, from tomorrow new ARC will start which will be the last. Please support the work I would highly appreciate that. Today I was free so I made three chapters)