Same Result More Effort

(A/N: Ok I have decided not to involve X-men and Phoenix Force since it would be more confusing for me.

Another thing someone told me that Lady Death choosing who should Luci revive or not was not acceptable. But LD never said to Luci who he should revive or not. I know it is Luci's power to revive anyone but if he keeps doing that it will mess up natural order of souls. Yes there are other artifacts or other ways to revive someone but they are mostly one time usage. Even if someone uses infinity stones that also destroys user's body. Luvi can revive anyone without any huge effort or damage to his own body that doesn't mean he should mess up natural order. And it is LD's duty to maintain that order.)


Thor: Father why have you brought me here??

Odin: My time is nearing son, I have not much time left.

Thor: What are you saying father?? There must me some way I can ask my friend.

Odin: No son, my time has come. I have lived long enough no its my time to pass on. I am proud of you my son of how have you grown up and I couldn't have been more proud of you. Though I regret how you brother ended up and your mother also passed on but still I am happy now.

Thor: Don't worry father I would still make you proud.

Odin: Now Thor tell me how much do you trust this friend of yours??

Thor: I trust him completely.

Odin: Could you call him please, there is one more thing I have to take care of before I pass on.

Thor didn't ask anyone and made a magic circle and hologram of Luci showed up.

Luci: What's up my friend??

Thor: Can you come to my location now??

Luci: Wait a second.

After that the magic circle disappeared and Luci appeared beside him with a gentle gust of wind. Luci hugged his friend then looked over to the old Asgardian.

Luci: It's nice to meet to Odin but I hope it could have been under better circumstances. Not like when you are just holding onto your life with sheer will.

Odin: Me too… but I have something important to tell. I have a daughter.

Thor: What…???!!! Father why didn't you tell me before??

Odin: Let me finish son, the problem is she is not like anyone of us. When I was young I was quite different I just wanted to conquer and subdue every realm under me. That is when I had her but later I changed for better but she was unable to change and still wanted to conquer everything by any means necessary.

Thor: But why haven't I heard anything about her?? And where is she??

Odin: I was coming to that, I had no other choice but to seal her in other realm. I couldn't defeat her she was stronger than me. I know I made her like that and I honestly regret that with my whole being. If I could change the past I could give anything to change the past.

Luci: I understand everything but why are you telling me this??

Odin: Because as soon as I die, she will be free and she will try to cause destruction and chaos. I request that you put her to rest.

Thor: Father, what are you saying. Maybe she can change…

Odin: No, you can try but I already know how she will react.

Luci: So why am I here?? I not so good in family dramas.

Odin: Can you please kill her??

Luci: I don't think I should involve myself in your family matter.

Odin: If she is let to be free then she will do what she was doing before she was sealed.

Luci: Ok if she tries to mess up with my peaceful life she will die.

Thor: But at least give her a chance lets talk first.

Luci: Of course my friend.

Odin: Now, goodbye son and Lucifer Morningstar my time has come…

After that Odin closes his eyes and his body turns golden dust and disappears. Immediately after that a green coloured portal opens and a woman walks out of it with a smug smile on her face. She was wearing a black and green armor on her body and she had black eyes and her eyes we're glowing green.

(A/N: Ok, I have changed Odin a little bit but Hela will be completely a bad character here, in my story she will just want to kill and cause destruction)

???: I get the old senile has passed on.

Thor: Yes sister, father has passed and I want to apologize about what happened to you and what father did to you.

???: You are Odinson?? Well brother my name is Hela. Now what do you want to do?? Will you support me brother or will you oppose me??

Thor: What do you want to do sister??

Hela: I want to take what I have been denied.

Thor: And what is that??

Hela: The 9 realms, I will be destroy anyone who comes in my way of conquest.

Thor: Sister please reconsider this, I know what father did was wrong but please prove him wrong.

Hela: Wrong?? I know what I have to do and I have been denied that before but not now. And who are you?? Are you another Odinson?? (She asked pointing at Luci)

Luci: My name is Lucifer Morningstar, I am a half angel and half devil.

Hela: Never heard of those before, must be a weakling. Now brother make your decision and you too half angel half devil??

Luci: I deny, I have no wish to conquer. I like my life here.

Thor: Sister please change your decision, I don't want to lose my only family today.

Hela: I see… so you two will not support me?? Then die.

Thor looked at Luci and nodded.

Thor: Friend do what you have to do.

After that Thor turns around and walks away with sadness clear in his eyes.

Luci: Usually I don't do this kind of stuff but seeing your power and your nature I know you must be killed or you will bring destruction to all the realms. Though I don't care much if others live or die but it will ruin my peaceful life which I can't accept.

Hela: I guess you will be the first kill for my conquest.

Hela didn't say anymore and starts raining swords at Luci who just stood there without moving. Hela gets a smug smile on her face seeing that Luci didn't even move from there. But as soon as the swords touch Luci they immediately returned towards Hela with triple speed. Hela gets completely shocked and didn't get any time to dodge and gets impaled by several swords but the smug smile didn't leave her face.

Hela: Well that was shocking. I didn't expect that.

Hela made another sword in her hand and destroys all the swords which impaled her. The wounds immediately healed which were on her body.

Luci: That is an amazing healing ability but you will still die.

Luci's eyes started to rotate and transforms into Rinnegan. This shocks Hela heavily but she didn't lose her confidence. Luci snaps his fingers and tried to make her a blood puddle but she was powerful. Luci just ends up breaking all the bones in her body. Hela screams on top of her lungs but immediately gets healed. Luci decides to use more power so he raised his hand and closes his palm trying to crush her head but skull turned out to be very hard, her skull got fractured but it was not enough to bash in. Hela healed again . Luci was shocked for first time that his telekinesis was completely useless against her. But he remembered that Odin told him that Hela was stronger than him it turned out to be true.

(A/N: I didn't nerf Luci but try to understand that Hela would have died the first time Luci broke all her bones but she survived due to her immense healing factor)

Hela: What got tired??

Luci didn't say anything but raised his palm towards her.

Luci: Bansho Tennin.

Hela immediately shot towards Luci who pulled his fist back and Luci punched her on her chest using his full power and VM. Luci immediately heard several cracks from her body before her body exploded in a blood puddle (A/N: Same result but needed more effort). The land behind her cracked and made a huge canyon (Imagine Saitama's punch against Genos)

Luci: Heal from that bitch…