Hidden Personalities

Currently Maria was watching Thanos's army slaughter humans with a bored expression on her face. Thanos was still beside her and decided not to attack her because she didn't got in her way that was what Thanos was thinking.

Maria: I have to say... This is rather bland. Your army lacks art...

Thanos: I don't understand what you are trying to say.

Maria: Slaughtering enemies is an art... And slaughtering arrogant humans is even more fun. I myself had the luck to enjoy it myself... Ah good times...

Thanos was quite shocked when he heard that but he could sense that Maria was not a human. He had never encountered another being like her before this.

Thanos: Though you still look like humans and live among humans.

Maria: Even I live among humans I don't even care in the slightest if they live or die. Yes there are few friends whom I find important and would rather find disturbing if they die.

Thanos: You must be quite arrogant to think that.

Maria: Aren't you too?? You attack this planet and from what I have heard you have done this to other planets so you shouldn't be making comments like that.

Thanos: But I am not like you... I am doing this to bring balance to this universe.

Maria: Let me ask you who asked you to do this?? You are just a Selfish being pushing your principles on others.

Thanos: No matter what you say... I won't budge and I am inevitable.

Maria: I won't think that... You are lucky I don't even care about humans getting slaughtered or I would have attacked you.

Thanos: Good for you... If you had attacked me I would have to cut you down like any other opposition.

Maria: Don't think so high of yourself... If you are so strong you wouldn't have needed the stones.

Thanos: So you know about the stones?? So will you tell me where the rest of the stones are??

But before Maria could give any kind of answer missiles started to rain down on them and they could see a few jets flew by.

Thanos: Destroy any kind of resistance my army.

After that immediately his ship started to launch beams all around. Some small rings shaped ships flew out from the main massive ship and and flew towards different directions.

Maria: So what kind of resistance you were talking about??

Thanos: Any kind of military resistance on your planet.

Maria: Ah.... And I think you already know where the stones are.

Thanos: That I do. I know they are in a city far from here but I was hoping to draw them out here to give the stones to that I would leave this wretched planet but since that is not happening I personally go there and take those stones.

Maria: Well what can I say... Good luck with that.

After saying that Maria used the spell which she prepared beforehand to teleport back to the cafe. Thanos saw that and grew a small smirk.

Thanos: I would also see your face when I kill you.


Maria teleported inside the cafe with a bright flash of light. Luci and the rest of them were watching news with a bored expression on their faces while the customers were little bit scared but they knew that these heros would move to protect them as soon as they decide to attack New York. This was proved when Maw attacked New York. Thogh the humans have few casualties but they were protected by the heros who live there.

Luci: So you are back??

Maria: Yeah... It was quite boring... They have no art.

Bella: I could have shown them real art but I would avoid any action due to my condition.

Nat: So was it Thanos??

Maria: Yes that was the purple ugly creature. I have never thought that someone could more ugly than the abomination Ross was keeping as his pet.

Luci: That ugly??

Maria: Yes... Unfortunately.

Tony: So what are we doing??

Maria: Nothing until those stuck up fuckers show right in front of me calling themselves my bithches.

Luci: Damn sis you are sadistic. Are you in bondage too??

Maria: I would rather not discuss that here.

Bella: Maria... I have heard something about someone going on a date with someone.

Maria: I don't know what are you talking about.

Nat: So... You were just playing with Infernos??

Maria: No... I honestly like him.

As soon as Maria said that she clasped her hands on her mouth realizing what she have said. Luci and the rest of the gang had a smug smile on their faces.

Luci: Good for you sis...

Nat: Don't be shy... Come on spill out the beans.

Maria: I have nothing to say... What I do and whom I date is my business.

Luci: You just sound like a teenager in love.

Bella: Yeah... Hormonal teenager.

Maria: Damn you two.... Shut up. Ok fine... I have been dating Infernos for two weeks and he is a nice guy. I don't know if anything permanent will happen or not between us but I hope it happens.

Luci: Awww... Who could have thought you had a girly side.

Maria: Fuck you...

Luci: Better not... I don't promote incest.

Luci's gang started to laugh out loud.

Maria: Fuck you assholes... All of you... Hmph.

After that Maria didn't say anything and ran upstairs.

Tony: She is behaving like a teenager in love. Damn...!!

Pepper: All of you don't be mean to her.

Luci: Don't worry she will be fine... It is just rare for a chance to tease her. I would rather not miss it.

Bella: Whatever I hope at least she finds happiness with him.

Nat: I hope that too.

Luci: But before that I would love to have a brotherly chat with Infernos.


Infernos suddenly shivered and a cold chill ran down his spine.

Infernos: Someone might be thinking of doing bodily harm to me.

LD: Because you think like that you never get a girl. What does Maria sees in you is beyond me.

A cloud of depression appears over Infernos's head.

Subzero: Back in my days if you want to marry someone you just have to court her...

LD: Shut up... or I will kill you...

Subzero shivered hearing the threat.

LD: That purple bastard is doing that again. He always overloads the system. After Luci sends him here I am going to enjoy when I shred his soul into nothingness. Kukukukuku... (In certain dimension a white pale snake like man sneezed really hard)