

Currently Maria was standing in front of Cafe MORNINGSTAR with a shit eating grin on her face. It has been been 4 hours since Thanos had attacked Earth with his army. Army had tried anything and everything in their disposal but they were not even able to do any damage to Thanos or his army. The army generals have tried to launch nuclear attacks when they gave up on other means but the moment they launched nuclear warheads or something they were destroyed by Thanos Army ships.

So the Earth has now turned back to their heros they have decided to shun. So currently the world leaders have decided to come New York but since they decided to enter through front doors Maria decided to give them a chance to beg. Soon the leaders arrive and seeing their grim expressions Maria's grin grew wider. The leaders didn't like that, that was sure but they didn't have any other options left regarding this matter.

Leader1: Thank you for hearing to us.

Maria: I am very busy you know...??

Leader2: How dare you freak?? You stay on our planet and dare not listen to us.

Maria raised her hand towards Leader2 and closed her hand, immediately the blood burst out the man's mouth, nose and ears. Maria used her telekinesis to crush the man's heart. All other leaders got scared when they saw that but few still got back their arrogant faces.

Leader5: How dare you?? You stay on our planet you owe us freak.

Maria didn't answer again the same thing happened again.

Maria: Dare me again and none of you gonna leave from here alive. Honestly I don't care if humans live or not but I will protect New York since these people always supported us.

Leader1: We request you please protect us... You are our last hope.

Maria: Last time we spoke I clearly remember you told me you won't need me or us.

Leader6: We have been wrong... We have tried everything and failed.

Maria: So you have now come here to beg to us.

Leader3: Yes... There is nothing left that we can do against them.

Maria: I am still not convinced.

Leader7: So I guess you won't be fighting for us for free??

Maria: Nothing should be done for free... And never do what you are best at for free.

Leader8: So what are your demands??

Maria: Ok... I don't need money. Let's make some agreements. Any of us will be able to freely move to any country or regions without any problems.

Leader1: This is too much.

Maria: I don't give a flying fuck.

After that they started to discuss among the other leaders.

Leader3: Ok we agree but no unnecessary killing without any valid reason.

Maria: For your information none of us go around searching for people to kill but I agree.

Leader7: So next??

Maria: Some of us will like to work saving humans but no snatching their rights as humans or something like that. If that happens I personally will snatch your life.

Leader1: We agree. So is there anything more.

Maria: No more demanding anything from us... Stones stay where they are or whatever we gather something similar to that.

Leader3: Is there any option if we disagree??

Maria: Yeah... I would ask you guys to leave this place like you came here.

Leader7: I guess we have no options so we agree... So anything more??

Maria: Nothing I can think of. If something appears we will take it.

Maria pulled out a contract though magic and wrote down the agreed conditions and presented the contract to the Leaders.

Maria: Sign this but remember if the conditions are broken by you or any of your subordinates then their soul will be ripped out of their bodies immediately.

The Leaders discussed among them and decided to sign the contacts but as soon as they touched the contract blood came out from their hands and appeared on the contract.

Leader8: I guess that does it.

Maria: It certainly does. So where to now??

But before they could answer Luci came out of the cafe.

Luci: We don't need to go anywhere Thanos is here. He is right outside the city I can feel the stones.

Maria: Oh so the contract is bonus I guess.

Luci: I don't even care for that.

The Leaders were dumbfounded now because they were feeling like they got the short end of the stick because of negotiations didn't benefit them in the least. Maria would already gather Avengers to protect New York City but they signed the contract so that they could protect other places. But now Thanos and his army are about to attack New York so the negotiations were useless for them.

Luci: Let's go... Gather everyone. I wanna see what he can do.

Maria: Are you really that excited??

Luci: Yeah... I heard that he calls himself inevitable so I want to meet him too and see if he is anything.

Maria: Wait here I will gather everyone.

Luci: I am heading there and I am gonna thin his army a little maybe take cre if that huge ass shape ship you told about. The rest are in Tony's house. Ask Jarvis to call them here.

After saying that Luci disappeared from that place and appeared in front of Thanos and his army. As soon as Luci saw Thanos he bend down and started puking. Thanos was pissed but didn't do anything.

Luci: Are you trying to kill me with your Ugliness?? Do you shave your face with Lawn mower??

Thanos: You will regret that Puny Mortal.

Luci: Wrong answer bitch...