And then there was highschool....

I became a freshman in highschool and military school was not for me, I wanted to go to school with my big sister so I made it my business to get transferred and when I finally did everything started to seem like things would be good now. I can remember riding the metro bus number 19 to school in the morning and that's where I met her.... I noticed this small guy with glasses and I would smile and joke with him secretly flirting because he seemed so different from all the other guys on the bus ride. Later on I learned he wasn't a he at all her name was Tanae and it was to late because she already had my attention and the fact that she could never want what a man wanted made me feel even better about the situation and I was down to ride. Tanae and myself got to know each other better and became really close, nobody suspected anything so we kept each other close she would spend nights at my house and everybody just thought we were friends but nope she had my heart. I can remember us sneaking around and enjoying each other's company and exploring each other's body as if there was not a care in the world. Well, after being caught kissing I decided to come out to my family and as expected it wasn't taken lightly. My family kept saying it was a phase that I was going through which made me feel ashamed about the choice that I had made to love somebody who loved me and made me feel like there was nobody in the world better than me. Sad to say our relationship didn't last but we did remain friends throughout the years and still to this day she holds a place in my heart. We returned to school from a break and down the hall walks this tall dark buff guy who looked to be about 17 years old and I could see girls staring at him because he was new to our school and he appeared to be fresh meat walking through a crowd of hungry highschool girls. He was bow legged and he wore a blue leather jacket and a red bandana on his head that covered his braids. After a few weeks of this new guy going to our school we became friends and exchanged names and numbers, we talked on the phone for hours and all I could think about was Dee he was street but he had a good heart and great conversation. My birthday is March 6 and his is March 18, so we discovered that we shared some common things and made a pact that I would let him take my virginity once we both turned 18. We had broken up before our birthdays and he had my focus even though the title was gone nothing changed between us. The big day finally came and my mom surprisingly wasn't home so he came over and we sat in my dark bedroom as I panicked on the inside but showed no fear on the outside. Dee was experienced and was ready to go full force, he began to remove my clothes and assured me that he would be gentle with me and he directed me to let him know if I became uncomfortable or if he caused me any pain . Dee began trying to penetrate me but my nerves wouldn't allow my body to relax enough for him to comfortably do so. We tried and tried until he said he would try again another time because I couldn't get past the pain of trying. Dee turned the light on and we saw what appeared to be blood on his boxers and I started to panic even more. He assured me it was normal and said I wasn't a virgin anymore because he "popped my cherry". Dee was into the streets more than school and he ended up dropping out and getting into trouble but we stayed in touch. He is now in prison and has been sentenced to life behind bars. But we all know I still represented the rainbow squad