I lost my dad

Let's take a moment to rewind through time.... I am 31 years old and I was born in Birmingham AL 3/6/1989. I grew up partially in Alabama but mostly in Buffalo, Ny. I am the youngest of four children and I am biracial. Now I want to take the time to reflect and express that my life was not all bad.... I had a hard working mother who would lay down her life and die for her kids. I had a male figure that was more like my father and although him and my mother dated long before I could know him he came into my life and treated me as his child so I don't consider him to be my mom's "male friend" he was family.... I grew up in a adventurous house I say that because my mom was always the type to keep her doors open to any and everybody kids so we grew up knowing it is ok to love people and help others. Well Mark a.k.a Dunnie was somebody who taught me that I could accomplish anything and always made me feel as if I made him proud no matter how big or small the project was. I remember being bullied in my younger years and he stayed up all night teaching me how to punch in case I got into a fight and he pretended as if my hits hurt to boost my confidence. Once I was old enough to get my own apartment he took me and co-signed as my father ( my mom didn't know I was getting my own place) . After I moved out on my own he would always check on me and make sure that I had all that I needed, he showed me a unconditional love that only a father could show his daughter and to think I wasn't even his blood. I can remember waking up November 25, 2008 to the phone ringing off the hook, as I jumped up and grabbed the phone I could hear my aunts voice trembling on the other line as she told me " Dunnie died this morning" my heart dropped and my world shattered "this can't be fucking real" is all I could say. I immediately hung up the phone and started calling his phone I remember leaving messages begging him to answer or call me I just needed this nightmare to be a dream. The morning of his funeral I got dressed and I just knew this dream would end today and he would appear with his playful self but on the ride I could feel reality becoming clearer as we approached the exit on Best St. I could feel my body shake and my breathing became faint and short . Sam Cooke A CHANGE IS GONNA COME played on the radio as tears started to fill my eyes. I fought back my crying because I didn't want to accept the truth and as we approached the funeral home I could feel things getting real. We all walked up to the entrance together but yet I couldn't see anybody around me, as I took slow but deep breaths I proceeded to walk in and follow the line that led to the casket in which he laid resting. My eyes filled with tears as I approached a clear visual of his lifeless body and I began to cry so hard that my eyes became blurred. In front of me laid my dad not a step father in my eyes. I remembered all the things he taught me and I forever hold it in my heart he was one of the first men in my life that showed me what love was without stipulations because all he wanted in return was for me to be a better person each day than I was the day before... It still seems like every good thing turned bad at this point. REST UP DAD MARK A JACKSON SR. I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU ♥️♥️♥️