
Hello, my name Chance Velamous, and I discovered the Call of Light and Creation.

You know those morbid predictions about the universe ending in the complete and utter destruction of the world as a giant black hole slowly consumes it.

Yeah, that one. Well, that wasn't always the case.

Once upon a time, there was a man, and he was known as the Father of Creation and life. He created all of the rock that we're standing on right now and more.

He was a kind and righteous person who gave all he could to the things that he created, but some of his creations were not good and righteous, and in their greed and selfishness, they gave rise to the one known as The Great Devourer.

The Great Devourer was the manifestation of all evil and hatred, and his name is Inedia. He turned the once kind and peaceful creatures of the multi-verse into vile demons of darkness, mindless and bloodthirsty.

In his wake, he leads a great army of demon beasts across the multi-verse, destroying countless universes and many more civilizations.

Seeing the devastating effects of Inedia, The Father of Creation and life knowing that this could not continue, roused the people of the multi-verse from their peaceful ignorance and challenged Inedia.

War rang out across the multi-verse and battles that lasted years wore on.

At first, the peaceful ignorance that sheltered the people of light hindered them, and in their hesitation, countless died, but soon they became aware of their weaknesses.

But victory would not come easy.


Final Battle of The Great War: Battle of Oblivion

The Father of Creation and Inedia, the Great Devourer, waged an epic battle against each other. Both of them pulling all of their resources and soldiers at this final battle. Powerful beings that would classify as a god in terms of our world waged a horrible war against one another.

Neither side appears to have the upper hand against the other side, and great starships, capable of destroying multiple galaxies at a time, fell like flies.

"HAHAHA, isn't this great. All this blood is raining down and covering our bodies and soaking our hair." Inedia exclaimed as a gaze of pure bloodlust appeared in Inedia's eyes. "Soon- soon the whole multi-verse will be painted in a beautiful Red, don't you think Father of Creation."

"Siggghhh, you are truly just an animal of the deep." The Father of Creation sighed and a look of deep sorrows shown.


a shot from the Divinity Cannon rang out, clearing out mass numbers of demon beasts. The Divinity Cannon looked like a 4 pronged fishing spear with 5 circles inside of it channeling energy.

"Father of Creation, how is the death your causing any different than what I'm doing? I'm merely taking my time to enjoy the slaughter," Inedia asked.

"Pay attention Inedia, or you might just get yourself killed," the Father of Creation said as his mighty battle-ax created a beautiful arc of pure destruction. The battle-ax had a long handle and carved into the blunt portion of the blade was a glowing Sun.

Inedia blocked with his corrupted katana, Kirai, as countless demon beasts behind him exploded into a bloody mist.

Inedia countered with his signature, Hell's Seven Corruptions, seven moves for the seven deadly sins. With these seven moves, he eradicated everything within a radius of a couple of universes, but what are the seven sins without the seven virtues.

The Father of Creation knew that he needs to stop these attacks. Everything would be for not, so he countered with The Seven Heavenly Virtues: Chasity, Temperance, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, and Humility.

The battle continued with each side amassing wounds until The Father of Creation managed to lead Inedia into a false opening and struck him down.

"HAHAHA," Inedia started to laugh maniacally.

"Mad until the bitter end I see," The Father of Creation sighed with disappointment.


The Father of Creation raised his battle-ax, preparing to end this foolish war once and for all right before he could finish Inedia Off.

A mighty tremble of space threw The Father of Creation off of Inedia. Seeing that it wasn't any of the demon beasts The Father of Creation grew confused, but soon clarity came when he felt a shift in the laws of the multi-verse.

"What did you do!?" The Father of Creation screamed in anxiousness.

"HEHEHE, you didn't think that I just wanted to kill everyone right," said Inedia.

"You're F***ing insane, do you know what you just did!?"

"I knew I couldn't win against the man who created this lovely multi-verse, so instead I attacked the laws instead and replaced them with a few of my own," Inedia said trying to stand back up, but something unexpected occurred.


a glowing blade went straight through the abdomen of Inedia, immediately killing him.

"You're right, Father, you couldn't ever win," a general of the demon beast army replied.

The Father of Creation seeing that his once warm multi-verse was slowly turning into a brutally cold black and knowing that his time was short. He removed the source of his powers, The Heart of Creation and life, and using the last of his life force; he created a secret dimension that no one would ever find.

This dimension would only open once, and that would be for the one that would inherit his divine powers.


"For the one to inherit my powers, I want you to know that the multi-verse was once a beautiful place. The cold and dark laws that rule now weren't as they always were. I don't see the future to come, but I know that you are the last hope of the multi-verse.

They will come for you, and you will need to hide, but never let them break your will. You will have to be healthy and determined.

Please return the multi-verse to the once beautiful place it once was. They're coming now, but I want you to know.



Krypto, Krypto Highcrest."

[Ending Transmission...]

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