
"Zia, do you like Array?"

"Yes its designs are very unique and beautiful." Then she turned to saleswoman and asked her to get her the catalogue.

The saleswoman obviously recognized her and walked faster.

When Natasha saw the catalogue she asked the saleswoman to bring the one with autumn festival. Autumn festival catalogue was the newest collection of Array but it was not yet out.

Hearing Natasha's words the saleswoman was surprised as to how she knew about it as only people who work at Array knew about it.

She thought that she was someone special with high position. She brought the catalogue and showed it to her.

Natasha passed it to Mother Lu and asked her to check if she liked any. When mother Lu opened the catalogue her eyes glisten.

All the items were so beautiful.

There were many that she wanted but Array had a rule that the items which had to be made specially can only be bought one by one person.

That means one person could order only order one piece from the special unit.

Even though she was the madam of Lu family she too had no other choice. Thinking of this she sulked.

When Natasha saw her expression she frowned. Thought that she didn't like any.

But Madam Lu just complained like a child that she liked many but she couldn't get because of the damn rules.

When Natasha heard that she chuckled and asked her which ones she liked and called the sales girl.

She told the sales girl the items that she wanted.

Hearing her the sales girl wanted to retort when her gaze landed on the red card in Natasha's hand and rounded her eyes in shock.

That red card was the special card.

The person who had red card would not need to pay any money and just swipe the card. The person who had red card had many privileges.

She could order as many items as she wanted.

The red card was the key and would not need to abide any rules.

The saleswoman took the card with trembling hands and went to swipe it.

Looking at her expression Natasha didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Mother Lu looked at her with confused look.

She told Mother Lu about the card.

Mother Lu was surprised to know about it and became even more confused as to how Natasha got that card.

She was just about to ask when the saleswoman returned to take the address where the items should be delivered.

When they went out of showroom Natasha gave the red card to mother Lu.

But mother Lu didn't accept it.

"How can you give it to me....its such a special card...I can't take it "

"Don't worry Zia I have another one this is for you"

Hearing that mother Lu asked her doubt.

"How did you get this card and that too two."

"I'm familiar with the person who created the brand." Hearing that Mother Lu did not hesitate to take the card.

After shopping they walked towards their car to return home.

While they were on the road, a truck approached from front and drove towards them with high speed.

The driver was well trained so he managed to move away from that truck but another truck came from the other side and now it was impossible for him to do anything and their car was crashed.

The secret guards came as fast as they could to help people in car.

The truck came from right and so the person on right was heavily injured.

The one sitting on right was mother Lu but when Natasha saw the truck coming towards them she pushed mother Lu to the other side and covered her with her own body.

When the secret guards arrived the care was turned upside down. There were shreds of glasses everywhere. When they looked in, the whole car was filled with blood. Natasha too had her guards but she had asked them to stay away and not follow her.

They were soon sent to the hospital.

Father Lu was sitting in living room with his two sons. When he heard about the accident he had horrified expression.

When the sons saw their fathers expression they knew something happened.

At that moment Ruo Bei got a call.

After hearing the other party's explanation he too had panic in his eyes and his face cracked.

Joon looked at his father then at his brother. He had never seen his brother like his.

Before he could even ask anything both his father and brother ran out of the house. He was dumbfounded. He ran after them and sat in car.

The car moved even before he could close the door. He almost had an heart attack. The car sped through the road with the highest speed. Within 10 minutes they reached the place.

When Joon looked at the place where they stopped he had a worried expression.

He thought of something and prayed it was not true.

The car stopped and without closing the door or even parking the car, the father and son pair ran inside the hospital.

They met a secret guard there who led them to the people.

When they went there they got to know that mother Lu only had a few cuts and a wound on head with concussion and was fine, the driver had his leg broken but Natasha was the only one who was heavily injured.

She was in operation theatre at the moment and her condition was critical.