Accident 2

Natasha was in critical condition and doctors were trying to make her stabilise.

This statement was like a arrow that pierced through the Lu family men's hearts.

They heard the driver's statement about how she tried to save mother Lu they were in turmoil.

Father Lu couldnt handle it and burst on doctors and secret guards.

They couldn't protect them.

Then he took out his phone and called someone and gave some instructions.

Joon was on the verge of crying.

Ruo Bei was just standing there and looking at the door of the operation theatre.

No one knew what he was thinking as his face was void of any emotion.

He had no other choice but to just wait.

It had been just one day since she arrived and the next day she was on the verge of dying. He was emitting a blood thirsty aura as if he would kill anyone who came near him.

The door for Operation theatre opened and doctors came out.

They looked at Ruo Bei and took a step back...their legs trembling.

Not hearing anything from them his aura became even more strong and he glared at them.

The doctors were in cold sweat.

Joon came forward and asked about her condition.

"She...she has lost too..too much blood. But her blood group is very rare. We don't even recognize it. It's...its the first time we've seen that type of blood group. We..we need blood."

"What do you mean you don't have that blood group in your bank?" Ruo Bei who was quiet all along roared.

"Its on the way...the blood is coming." father Lu interrupted them. As soon as he finished talking a man came running to them with a bag in his hands.

"Sir" he handed the bag to the doctors.

"Blood..blood" he came sprinting over here so he couldn't even speak clearly.

"Master Lu" they heard the voice from behind. The man walked to the doctors after greeting Father Lu. "My team will take care after this."

Hearing this even though the doctor was displeased he didn't express it. He was scared to death by the young man in front of him.

"Yes Yes" The newly arrived team of doctors enter the operation theatre.

After two hours the doctor came out. "She is out of danger now but she lost a lot of blood so we have to keep her in ICU for now."

Soon Natasha was pushed out on the stretcher and sent to ICU. Looking at her pale face they felt as if their hearts were crushed.

"Can we see her" all the Lu family men asked simultaneously.

After hearing the doctor's report they had calmed down a little.

The doctors wanted to say no but looking at their expression which said 'if you say no your dead meat' he said yes.

Hearing yes Ruo Bei rushed in followed by his father and Joon.

They just stood there looking at her. Her face was pale white devoid of any colour. It was obvious that she lost too much blood. Her head and hands were bandaged with white gauge.

After a while they heard that mother Lu had woken up .

Father Lu and Joon went to see her.

Ruo Bei just sat near her. It had been hours but she still didn't wake up. He asked the doctor and got to know that she wont wake up until 12 hours.

Natasha felt her stomach hurt like hell. She moand with eyes closed.

Hearing her voice Ruo Bei shot up and looked at her. Then he ran out to call the doctor again. She was trying to open her eyes.

When Natasha open her eyes she saw a beautiful face carved in heaven in front of her.

She looked at him and asked

"Am I dead?"

"Who are you?"

"Are you an angel?"

Hearing those questions he glared at the doctors.


He thought she was acting weird.

Could it be because she hit her head?

But her stomach injury was deeper than her head.

They checked her up and ran a few tests which stated that she was fine and just needed to rest and recuperate.

Hearing that Ruo Bei looked at doctors as if he didn't believe them because of what happened before.

After assuring that she was really fine the doctors went out.

He looked at her. She was already looking at him .

Looking at her pale face his heart ached.

He wanted to scold her for being careless at her actions but he couldn't bcoz the person she saved was his mother. He pursed his lips.

"How do you feel now?"

Looking at the face that never shows any expression was showing a worried look her heart warmed.

She somewhat felt happy. She was about to answer when the door opened and father Lu entered with mother Lu on a wheelchair.

Joon followed behind.

He went near hear and wanted to hug her but his big brother didnt allow.

"She's hurt" saying this he threw him out.

Parents Lu looked at her with worried expression.

"How do you feel princess?" Father Lu asked as he caressed her hair.

"I'm fine" she gave a small smile.


Everyone looked at her.

But what? Does she hurt somewhere?

Does she not feel good?

Ruo Bei was about to rush out to call the doctors again but stopped when he heard her next words.

"But our trip is cancelled" she said with sad expression and a cute pout.

Hearing that everyone relaxed .

"We will go again when you get well" father Lu said

She just gave a bitter smile. He knew what that smile meant.

She just had a week free and later she would be busy with her work.

She couldn't go out until her work is finished which would take at least six months.