
Joon looked at his brother as if asking for something. Ruo Bei nodded.
Then Joon went near her to do the dressing but the moment he touched her she shivered.
"Noona its me" he said in a soothing voice.
Hearing his voice she quieted down.
He changed her dressing very skillfully.
She had calmed down a lot.
Then she asked them not to tell anyone about this as the person might get alert and went to wash up.
Ruo Bei asked Joon to check the CCTV footage.
But when Joon came back he said that the camera was destroyed.
He balled his fists.
After a while Natasha came out and they went down to have breakfast.
The table was creepily quiet.
Mother Lu asked. "What's wrong why is everyone so quiet today?"
"Nothing mom" Joon answered
"Zia I'm going to the Luna garden tomorrow."
Everyone stopped eating.
"I already had plans to stay there before but was delayed due to the accident."
"But why can't you stay here?"
"I have work and that's the reason for me coming here...its already delayed by a week now."
"But can't you work from here?"
"I can't because my work is in Seoul."
"But Seoul is just 2 hour from here."
"Your right it's just two hours away so you can come whenever you want."
"Honey say something" She looked at her husband.
"She has work" hearing that mother Lu was angry and glared at him.
"Okay" mother Lu said dejectedly
"But your wound is not yet healed so bring the nurse with you"
Hearing that the nurse smiled. But the next moment her smile stiffened.
"No I don't want her."
"Why ?" mother Lu asked
"Because I don't like her."
"Its not for your liking baby girl. You need her to take care of you." mother lu said
"I can take care of myself... I dont need anyone" she looked dejected
"Why don't you like her?" Ruo Bei asked.
"Because she likes me" she answered
Hearing that the nurse paled.
"Of course she will surely like you, my baby is so good and kind that everyone likes her" mother Lu said with a smile.
But the Lu family men frowned.
"So she likes you." Joon said looking at the nurse sharply.
"Was it her?" Ruo Bei asked while looking at the nurse.
Seeing that all the Lu family men were looking at her she shivered and turned to leave. She suddenly stopped when she heard Natasha.
"Zia what will you do if anyone tries to do anything bad to me?"
Hearing that mother Lu's expression turned cold and her aura became dangerous.
She said in a menacing voice "If anyone tries to touch my baby girl I'll chop his hands and feed them to the dogs. Who was it?"
Mother Lu was from the military family and was well trained so it was normal for her to talk like that but the others who heard her were trembling with cold sweat.
Natasha smirked hearing her and looked at a certain someone.
As expected of the reaction.
Looking at her scheming face both the brothers felt relieved. At least she's better now.
"Then chop her hands" she said while pointing at the nurse.
The nurse fell on the ground, her legs gave in.
"What?..why?" mother Lu asked with a shocked expression.
"Because she...." she told the whole story.
Mother Lu was very furious.
"Noo I...I didn't do anything. It was not me. It's dark at night may be Young Miss mistook me with someone else....and you..you said that you didn't see anything your eyes were closed...how could it be me..its not me."
"Even though I didn't see you, I caught your hand. I know how to differentiate between a man's and a woman's hands. And even though you destroyed the CCTV do you think we can't revivive them!!"
She paled. She knew that she was done for.
"Madam I'm sorry, I'm sorry.... sob sob...please spare me..sob...I shouldn't have done that.."
"You dare to touch my little princess's stuff" Father Lu gritted histeeth.
"You .... how dare you touch my baby girl's things....no one has the right to even look at her wide eyes ...and you dared to touch her stuff."
"Mom Noona didn't come down because she was still sleeping. She gave her something and when she woke up." Joon said while trying to add oil in the fire.. he remembered very well how weak she looked when she woke up...
No one is allowed to do anything to her he murmured.
When mother Lu heard that her aura turned darker and everyone even father Lu and Joon shivered.
She looked at the nurse with a killing intent and ordered the guards to chop her hands and feed the dogs.
"Wait ..dont feed the dogs..they are anyway not gonna eat it...feed her..and even let her experience how it feels to not be able to do anything." mother Lu continued.
"Where are you taking her... do it over here...now"
Hearing that Ruo Bei looked at his mother.
"Mom..." he said.
He didn't want Jaan to see this....she would be scared and run away.
He looked at Jaan. Mother Lu understood what he meant.
"Its okay son... everyone need to hear her cries" father Lu "only then will everyone know what happens if you try to go against the Lu family."
Ruo Bei pursed his lips and looked at Jaan he was still worried.
"Its okay" She reassured him
Then the guards held the nurse and were about to cut her hands, Natasha's vision turned dark. She couldn't see nor could she hear anything.
Ruo Bei signaled the butler.
The butler quickly sent her out and cleaned the room.
It felt as if nothing happened here at all.