Send off dinner...

Looking at the protectivness of his sons father Lu sighed deeply if they get to know what she really is and her ways of torturing...what will happen.

Mother Lu turned to Natasha.

"How did you know that it was her?"

"I smelled her perfume last night and even caught her wrist..that wrist was not of a man...I again caught her wrist today they felt same..and to confirm it I asked you the question and her face was an art craft."

"My daughter has suffered" Mother Lu hugged her

Natasha really missed her mother so when she felt mother Lus warmth her eyes turned red but she smiled brightly.

She was very happy to have them beside her.

But then she thought of something and felt sad.

Can she really be with them?

Everyone noticed her change in mood.

"So you mean you are not going to go right you just said that bcoz of that nurse"

Quickly arranging her emotions she answered "No Zia I'm leaving...don't worry I'll come to meet you... even you can come to me if you miss me." Mother Lu sulked.

"Stop sulking we'll go out for dinner today." father Lu said

"Yes yes.." Natasha said excitedly.

" cant eat outside food" Ruo Bei spoiled the mood.

"What the hell Ruo Bei I'm not listening to you anymore..I can't eat, I can't walk, I can't do anything." she whined.

"Zia.."she looked at mother Lu pitifully

"Ruo Bei we are going out if you want to come you are welcomed but if you don't want to come then we'll leave without you." Mother lu said sternly.

Ruo Bei sighed. Looking at him Natasha giggled and hugged mother Lu's arm.

As decided everyone went out for the dinner.

The restaurant was a little far and took them almost an hour to reach there but it was worth it.

It was surrounded by a lake. It was not a building but a single floor restaurant. The interior as well as exterior was beautiful. It had a classic theme. At night it felt beautiful looking at the lake and white fountain.

The owner of the restaurant personally came to welcome them.

His name was Kang Hyo Sun the Chairman of Kang Industries but he has this hobby. Kang family is one of the five familes who ruled the country and some part of the world.

"Well well look who's here. Welcome to this poor man's restaurant."

"Hahaha come on Sun stop being dramatic." mother Lu said

Mother Lu, Father Lu and Mr. Kang have known each other since young so they were good friends.

"What are you doing here today?" father Lu asked.

"Well I was missing my baby restaurant so came to check." Kang Hyo Sun answered.

"Ahh look at me I'm just talking to you and not even inviting"

"Good you know" Mother Lu stated.

"Today I'll give you the best place in the restaurant with the best view"

He walked them to their table.

Ruo Bei pulled a chair for Natasha. Only then did Hyo Sun noticed her. Before this she was behind Ruo Bei so he didn't see her.

"Lu Yong San won't you introduce me to this beautiful lady"

"Ohh...she's my little princess" father Lu answer with a proud face.

Mother Lu rolled her eyes.

"When did you get a princess?" Hyo Sun looked at father Lu with confusion.

"Cough cough..I mean she is Natasha."

"Princess this is Kang Hyo Sun my friend" father Lu introduced them both.

Hyo Sun looked at her and fell in contemplation. This face, he knew this face but she looked young.


"What are you sighing for and stop looking at my princess" father Lu glared at him.

"Ohh..I'm sorry, she just looked familiar."

"Of course she will" father Lu interjected

He looked at father Lu with a questioning face.

Just then Natasha stood up and looked at Hyo Sun with a smile.

"I think I need to introduce myself again Mr Kang and Zio only knows how to leave things incomplete."

"What..what did I do?"father lu looked at her with a pout.

She just ignored him at continued "I'm Natasha..Natasha Saxena..Nice to meet you."

Hearing that Kang Hyo Sun looked at her with wide eyes.

Natasha Saxena...Saxena? It was the same name as hers..she even looked she's her relative or...daughter?

Natasha knew what was going on in his mind.

"Well I'm the daughter of the person you're thinking of right now"

"Your really like your mother" He said with a smile.

He was about to say more but he got a call he needed to go so he excused himself.

"He knows Aunt Hella?" Joon asked.

"Ofcourse he does he was after her at that time" father Lu said without thinking so he got a tight slap on his back from his wife.

"cough cough I mean they knew each other"

"Xixi you know him?"


"Stop talking and let's order now" Mother Lu said

"okay" They called the waiter.

He said that Boss Kang has already ordered the special dishes and asked the main chef to cook them.

Father Lu ordered some wine.

The waiter poured wine in everyone's glasses. Just as he was about to pour wine in Natasha's glass Ruo Bei stopped him.

"Sweet Lime Juice"


"You can't drink" He said

"And why is that?" she asked

"Because of your wound"

"How is it related to I'm drinking" she gestured the waiter to pour the drink.

Ruo Bei looked at him with cold eyes.

He got scared and didn't move from the spot.

Natasha just looked at Ruo Bei and gave a sly smile.

Then she bend a bit forward, took his glass and drank the whole wine in one gulp. Then looked at him with provocative eyes. He just found her cute.

He shook his head took the wine glass from her hand and kept on its original place.