after school i take a drop of one year (i m a medical student) in that time i enjoy my life a bit.i made a Friend "harsh" . he is such a nice person . he can make a dull nd sad person smile actually laugh in just seconds . he is something i can't actually define him but overall he is just a sort of perfect boy.he was my besty . we were so close friend, in such a short period of time . we used to meet before my class and after my classes nd we used to hang out when I don't have classes.i remember one incident which takes my heart away . one day when i don't have my class due to some reason of our teacher we both went out on a hillside nd basically that was a temple a small one, on some height .there were 300 something stairs which we climb nd when we were returning from that temple again back to the parking area where i parked my scooty , a group or i can say a flock of sheep just came from no were suddenly from behind us nd i was the one who is behind sam . he all of a sudden realised that the sheeps are running so he suddenly came behind me nd actually he shielded me , he is behind me like a shield. that was the thing which i felt was awesome.that protection he gave me as a bedty obviously was something i always expect from a besty . he was the best person in my life, i can say the first best person in my life as i have a lot of best people in my life.
remember akash he has a besty named avinash . avinash is basically a dancer, choreographer nd he is handsome no doubt. we were friends ya bcoz of gagan but mainly bcoz he is a dancer nd my hobby is dance, i just love dance.
avinash nd i were friends but one day he proposed me (a lot of boys proposed me on social media , i don't know what's with them they first talk to me some day i can say 4-5 days nd on the 6th day they propose me) nd i said yes to avinash bcoz i like him . i like him bcoz he is a good dancer nd ya he is handsome . the relation were ok ok with him but it went off due to the time issues actually he is a dancer nd works in a fitness training center so obviously he would be busy so we just broke up. still we r friends.he is a good guy, i can't say a perfect one but ya a good one.this is all my one year drop life after school life . that's the first part where i don't have a regret actually i can say i have a regret a small regret of having avinash in my life for just a short period of time aur i can say having him as my boyfriend.