
The others nurses placed the baby wrapped in a blanket beside the mother, under each of her arm. The couple looked at each other, then at the wailing babies in their hands. Initially, they were so full of awe and love for their babies that even the red, crying faces were beautiful.

"Mr and Mrs Delatour, let us take the babies for now. They need to be fed."

"No, I want to breast feed them,"

The nurses explained

"Do not worry. We will not bottle feed them but will give them some milk with a spoon first. For now, you're too exhausted to feed, or pump any milk, so we will care for them first. Once you have recovered, you can start feeding them yourself."

"Listen to them, honey. It's okay."

The woman nodded. The man then went closer to kiss his wife on the forehead.

"We have three beautiful and special children,"

Gabriel said as he faced his wife, Atalea.


She agreed, not realising that her words carried far more truth than she ever realised.

"What are their names?"

Asked the Head nurse

"Alexander, Alex and Alexa,"

Answered Gabriel.

Alexander listened and was contented. What a coincidence it was the same name as before.

"Hi brothers"

"Hi sister"

A sense of fierce protectiveness suddenly came over me This is the first time I sense something like that.

Without a doubt, he knew that he would do anything to keep them safe.

She was place between us we take a good look at her. She has clear blue eyes, soft curly hair, silky soft skin and sporting such a sweet, adorable smile on those small pink lips. He could see how long her eyelashes were, and that cute button nose. I heard a little sigh in my head.

"What is it"

"I assure you big brother out little sister will cause many misfortune for us brother in the future I can already see the number of flies I will have to chase"


My sister giggle and I laughed a little but, the air in the room became cold suddenly.

"They can try"

Alexa giggled again in my mind, catching my mood

"Careful Brother."

And I heard my brother saying

"You'll freeze everyone here."

I snorted, replying

"Who will think it was me. I have already see what theses people can do to girl they will be damn if they try with you"

They wouldn't be staying in this hospital for long anyway, and once discharged, the house would be a far better place to be. The nursery was already ready, including the nannies for the babies. With them here the cold, big house is going to be filled with new life.

Gabriel smiled at the thought, and kissed his wife's forehead again. She was asleep now, and he didn't want to disturb her. He felt truly blessed, and appreciated all that she had been throughout.