Fifteen years later

In the garden, two children were playing Monopoly with each other and the other is with is phone on his hand. He was writing something on it. A boy, and a girl, sitting on the bench, were staring intensely at game in front of them.

The boy had silky black hair that framed an oval shaped face. From the side, one could see the sharp jawline that accentuated his features even more, as striking blue eyes looked through long lashes onto pieces on the chess board. The boy with the phone has the same feature with him but he is he little more serious.

He pursed his lips, before breaking into a small smile, which revealed a dimple on his left cheek. He made a move and said smugly, "You got you there"

His partner puffed up her cheeks, making her delicate features even more cute than it was. Her soft, wavy black hair reached just below her shoulders, and it framed her heart shaped face perfectly. Her pink lips were put out in a pout, while her blue eyes looked at him in indignation.

"That's not fair!"

she huffed, crossing her arms.

"What's not fair?"

He asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked at her.

"You distracted me and made that move,"

She complained, pointing an accusing finger at him.

Alex laughed and leaned over the game,

"Is it my fault that you're so easily cheat?"

Alexa leaned over as well.

"It's not that I'm easily cheat but it's that you're just too bad!!"

Alex laughed, the sound reverting all around. Those who heard the laugh couldn't help but smile in response. His laughter was contagious, full of life and joy that one simply felt happy upon hearing it. If one was to look at the laughing boy, they would also be taking a sharp breath inwards as it transformed his already striking features even more blindingly handsome.

His features were delicate yet masculine, and though one could describe him as beautiful, no one would mistake that as being feminine. His eyes had a sharp look, although right now it was twinkling as he laughed and looked at the girl across him adoringly.

The boy with the phone look at them and didn't say nothing with their antics. There was this rather kingly and noble aura that he emitted, which was somehow fitting on him. In most cases, adults were often caught speechless at seeing that type of aura from a fifteen years old boy, and they took note of this extraordinary boy. Not all were with kind thoughts, however, for some viewed him as a potential threat in the future.

The smile that radiated from Alex face after his laugh was only bestowed upon Alexa. It wasn't that he didn't smile at other people, but somehow, the smile that is given to her appeared special.

Even the smile to them, his own parents. It wasn't the same. She knew the answer of course, but she wouldn't have told them if they had asked. The answer was quite simple. His smile to others were fake. He just simply smiled.

While Alex smile just to make other comfortable around him, Alexander is another story because he is totally different to them.

But you can say that their big brother didn't smile. He always has this cold expression on his face even with his family he is like this. He is a small version of their father Gabriel