STAR Academy (2)


She warned, pointing a finger at me

"The deal was that you must still be number 1 all the time. Otherwise, we're pulling you out."

Still didn't replied.

I just walked out of her.

"Come on,"

I said.

"We have to register at the dorm before going to school. We don't have much time."

The Opening Ceremony was going to begin in two hours, and they still needed to register with the Dorm Head, find their way in the dorm, change to their school uniform and head to school.

They were living in the dorms, and they were sharing a room with another. Each dorm had several types of shared accommodations : two-to a room, three to a room four to a room and six to a room. Other than the two of them, everyone else had already move to the four to a room door.

As us however our father actually managed to get permission for their stuff to be delivered and unpacked by other people the day before. It was the school rule that those living in the dorms had to move in at least a day before school began.

When everyone else had their parents or relatives helping them move their stuff in, and then they themselves had to unpack ... there was a whole team of people moving in the dorms for them. People watched in amazement as two white vans arrived, and at least four people from each van alighted. With quick precision, the goods were unloaded, unpacked into the respective dorm, everything arranged neatly inside within an hour.

The team had not only asked which side of the room was available before unloading everything, they even helped the current occupants with their things. So, while other people were looking in disdain and intense jealousy over the obviously preferential treatment that the three students were getting, their actual roommates reserved judgment. If the people working for them were nice, the actual people couldn't be that bad now, could they?

Everyone in the dorm knew that the rich spoilt brats would be arriving that day and were intensely curious about who they were. So when we arrived, there were several people already in the lobby, waiting to see us.

The dorm building was actually two rather large apartment block buildings facing each other and being connected via the lobby on the first floor. In other words, the entire dorm building was a V shape. The left V was the boys block and the right V was the girl's block. There was only one entrance to both buildings, and as they passed through the glass door, they noticed a matron behind the desk while the spacious resting area were full of other students.

"Ah. You must be the Delatour."

She said getting up.

"I am Mimose".

Despite her strict appearance, she had a kind voice which they could hear so clearly.

Atalea nodded, shaking her hand while introducing us. We greet her politely and shook her hand as well.

The moment they heard our name, a loud whispering started.

"No it can't be."

Said one girl under her breath, grabbing the arm of her friend nearby,

"I must be dreaming."

Her friend was mumbling, dazed. Three girls were holding on to each other, trying to be as quiet as possible.

Everyone now forgot about their disdain at the rich spoilt brats. Rather, they were busy taking some shots in secret.

Suddenly, one voice was heard asking clearly, " who are they?"

Everyone turned towards the girl, their eyes incredulous. The girl shrank back a bit at their intense gaze, her eyes blinking rapidly. Did she ask something strange? She turned to look back at the people that had caused the entire lounge to act crazy.

As she glanced up, she noticed one of the boy had turned, and was looking at her curiously. Time seemed to stop still for her. Then he suddenly smiled, waved at her and turned to follow the Matron up to his dorm room.

The spell broken, she then realised everyone was still staring at her. Though this time, some of the gazes from the girls weren't so nice.