
After entering our rooms I saw the others in the room. Then we head to the auditorium where the ceremony will be held. A few moments later it was over I hadn't listened to what was said much. Later we went to take our lessons and register for the activities that the school offers. As we used to play together so we took up basketball. Today the lessons will not start. With our notes we are in the elite class.

To be admitted to this class, an examination is taken by students who have obtained a grade of 80 and above are admitted. It is simply to tell you that the exam is not easy and that the standard is very high. But what I like about this class is that we have great freedom, our education is based on the choice that we want to take in the future. As we are in first year so we will receive the basics for the first semester. Several days after the return, the lessons have already started.

We adapt well in our new life. We are the center of attention in the school even if we do nothing special. Apart from the fact that we are recruiting for the new school committee. This kind of thing doesn't interest me.

A month goes by and nothing special has happened except that Alexa does not eat with us in the cafeteria. She takes the pretext of using her time to complete her homework. I know she's lying to us but I won't meddle in her business if she doesn't want to tell me.


During these last days I met a boy he was older than me and kept on courting me. I ended up agreeing to eat a meal with him. I am a little embarrassed since I do not stop lying to my friends. Especially to my brothers. Today we have an appointment at our usual place I wanted to end our meeting because now I see that his behavior has changed a little in does not stop touching me and I do not like the way he looks at me. This is the kind of look I usually see on the faces of girls who want my brothers to be their boyfriends. I was already there and I was waiting for him.

Suddenly, a firm hand grabbed her by the waist from behind and a hand was placed over my mouth and nose. Shocked, I dropped my phone and struggled to kick the guy as my hands reached out to the hand that was covering my face.

"Big brother behind the school please"

My voice sound desesparate.

Who was it though? What did they want? What happened to Chase?

All of these thoughts went through my mind as I struggled and the person behind me grunted when I managed to land a kick on his shin.

"Alexa, little sister"

Xander voice was calm and Alex voice was frantic in my mind.

"Hang on we are nearby"

She was about to answer when a familiar voice rasped in her ear.

"Gah, why are you resisting?"

My eyes widened. Chase?

I couldn't struggle as much and Chase took that opportunity to drag me behind to the tool shed that was nearby.

Brothers behind the tool shed. My head knocked back and I began to see stars. The hand was removed from my face and I could see his face right in front of her.

He had an expression that she never had seen before. I could see the lust in his eyes. I shuddered and Chase, upon feeling that, got even more excited. He pressed himself against my body, one leg in between mine and trapping me against the wall. I tried to push him off, but my hands were like cotton on his firm figure.

"He he My Fairy "

He breathed, sniffing my neck.

Chase hands cupped my face and he pressed himself closer to me.

"Do you feel that? Do you feel what you do to me?"

I gulped. His hard-on was quite obvious, pressed upon my thigh and I shuddered, even more, when he licked my neck.

"Chase , please...stop that"

"Oh no, baby. I'm certainly not going to do that.

He said before capturing my lips with his own.

I pressed my lips together and didn't let him kiss me.

"Hurry where are you?"

"We are here"

And this is where I heard the door open and the next instant Chase was on the ground.