
Chase was getting so excited. This beautiful Fairy would be his soon. Truly and completely, his. Once they joined, no one else can come in between. When his fingers touched her breast he almost ejaculated. He couldn't wait to rip down her pants and thrust himself right into her warm, waiting cave. Her mouth may be saying no, but her body was accepting him completely. This proved that she wanted him. That she was his to take. That she was always waiting for him to do this.

He ignored the fact that he was forcing himself on her, lost in his delusion of desire and when his hand was going down to touch her pussy, loud crashing sound erupted from beside them. Shocked, he turned towards the sound and was frozen for a minute.

Alexander and Alex was standing at the opened doorway. His eyes were wide opened and full of fury as he took in the scene in front of him. His beloved sister was pressed against the wall by a half-naked ape who had his hands where it should not be.

Before Chase could react, Alex was already beside him. He grabbed that offending hand with one hand and with the other proceeded to punch him in the face. He howled in pain, clutching that wrist and staggering to gain some foothold since his pants were halfway down his legs.

He gave a roundhouse kick to his face and he fell onto the ground, with his manhood still standing up straight in the air.

Alexander was already with Alexa who was hugging him while sobbing. He held her for a while, patting her back then gently pushed her aside. He straightened her clothes, and gently restoring her bra. He took off his shirt and draped it over her shoulders, kissing her on the forehead and wiping her tears.


We were all in the library doing a duty that was assigned to us. Mu Chen, Alex, Jamie and me. I knew my sister was seeing this pig As soon as I knew I did research on him and what I discovered did not please me. Conrad Chase. Her father ran a successful construction company. He was the only child in the family so everyone does what they want. They even went so far as to cover several of his rapes. He even killed a girl.

But the parents gave the family money to close their mouths. What can they do even if they denounce it. It was that kind of report that I was still reading on my phone in the library. As soon as I got this report on him I didn't let go of my surveillance on my sister because I was going to try something. the others were reading and were discreetly speaking from time to time when I received a message from Jamal telling me to look for my sister, he gave me the exact location where she was. Without wasting time I went there.

"Bro where are you going?".

Without looking back I only said.

" Alexa."

"But big Bro she doesn't want to see us"

"So what"?

I was rushing to the place when I heard her cry of distress in my head.

"Big brother behind the school please"

But I also heard Alex behind me surely he heard Alexa too. Without further ado he started running.

I was in front of the door when I heard her again.

"Hurry where are you?"

"We are here"

This time it was Alex who answered her.

When I got there the picture that I saw in front of me put me out of my mind but I still kept my cool unlike my brother who was already on the guy.

"Enough Alex we don't want to kill him. Take Alexa with you I will take care of him. Jamal is her with James I need to take him out of the school they know what to do"

Without saying anything he give him another kick and Chase loose his consciousness immediately. She take Alexa with him and I take Chase with me and lead him out of the school.

When I arrive I saw a car outside the school. Jamal and James was there. I give Chase to James and said:

"Jamal stick to the plan make it big. I want his family to be finished too. But first you have to finish him . Give him to Carol for a day."
