City S

I was in the process of processing all this information when someone came to sit near me and lay on the table with a pile of files.

" Brother I think I am going to collapse under files it is the first time in my life I see so many of them".

My eyes have a trace of laughter and my mouth lets out a smile. Really funny. I approach him and pat him on the back as a sign of encouragement.

"What is this? do not tell me that you have pity on me. Remember that you are the person who put me in this state."

"After the exams I plan to go to city S."

" Really, then you really plan to put your plan into action."

"Yes. Jamie made the payment as well as Mu chen, as well as you Alexa and Annabel. I have the capital so I just have to put everything in place."

"Ok then you have my support big bro."

" I know."

I continued to read the files and Alex continued to complain while whispering incomprehensible things.

Days passed and we were all revising to undergo the final exam. The day arrived soon We weren't all in the same exam room. When I got here all the heat had eyes on me. I took my place and sat down. A few minutes later the exam started.

It was not really difficult for someone like me. In a few minutes I had finished filling out my sheet. I took the time to read it again and then I gave it to the supervisor who was there. Nobody was surprised since they know that I am part of the elite class. I went out and went to my room to rest a little. Days passed and that was the end of the exams.

Except for me, everyone is going to spend the end of the year with the family. I informed my parents of my move. Surprisingly apart from my mother who complained a little, my father said nothing. The next day after talking to my friends a bit and saying goodbye, I left for city S.


Somewhere in city S in a mansion s sat a group of people. Be sure what you say. Yes I am on here is the file. I have already conducted my investigation and turn is true. Did you know this person? No damn, I already had contact with his assistant. They were the men from Jang Family. The two brothers and their father. This family is not so big, they are mostly a family of politicians.

They are not bad people too.

"Father this person said he can help us. He made an appointment with me to learn about the action plan."

" Did you do a research on him, is he trustworthy, do you know the reason why he approached us."

That person who talk now is an old man in his early sixties. He is the patriarch of the Jang Clan.

"Yes his name is Alexander Prince and he wants to be comfortable to develop city S."

" There is a lot of space that is not exploited here. These businessman don't care about that kind of thing. If Tang Jia is re-elected the situation will not change. I have already spoken to others and they have told me that if there is no exaggerated demand I can accept his conditions."

Jang Li replied.

" I see you made your decision."

" Yes."

"Ok so when you're done give me a call to let me know. We do not have much time for the elections to begin soon. If this person really help us the clan will raise again and don't forget to repay this debt in the future"

They didn't say anything more now what they have to do is wait for tomorrow to see the outcome of the meeting.


While Jang family had this kind of conversation, a person was already on the way and entering the city. Alexander was in the car that one of his men was driving.

Sang Li.

It was the driver that his father attributed to him. He's been with me for 10 years now.

" Young master we are already arriving at the hotel."

" OK, thanks."

I got out of the car and headed for the entrance. And I saw that Jamal was already waiting for me.

" Jamal did you make sure that everything is ready?"

" Yes tomorrow morning at the first hour we have a meeting with Jang li."

"Ok it's already late I'm not going to go down to eat tell the reception that I will eat in my room. Rest also our schedule is busy tomorrow."

" Yes."

Jamal made a slight bow and takes his leave to execute my orders.