Meeting Jang Li

The next day at the first hour, Alexander got up and got ready.

I take a bath and get dressed. I wore a black tuxedo and I took care to put my hair in order. With all the work out that I have done over the years my body has developed well and it seems a little older than children of my age.

When I finish with the last touch, my whole being screamed luxury. Jamal was already there as usual. When I walked out of the hotel everyone looked at me. I was used to this kind of thing so it didn't bother me.

" Oh gosh who this person is? This is the first time i see him."

"Don't tell me you know everyone in the city."

Another person answered. People kept talking and I was already on my way to the meeting. The restaurant I chose is very popular. But the owner is not at all clean in his business. He uses space in his restaurants to store drugs. I intend to use this information to my advantage and purchase it. About fifteen minutes later we were arriving.

I went to the reception.

" What can I help you with.?"

"The third floor reservation under the name of Jang."

" Ah a moment, let me check."

The receptionist was a little girl in her mid 20s. She wore the restaurant uniform. A second later, she called someone to take us to our respective floor. This place is where the wealthy come to eat. Each floor is divided according to the amount of money you are ready to spend on the menu and the comfort you want.

The highest floor is the 4th. The third is not that bad either. When I got there Jang Li was already there.

It was a man in his early 30s jet black hair, a well proportioned vusage. He breathed health and vigor. When he saw me, he was astonished at first and then, he noticed Jamal behind me. He immediately stood up and invited me to enter.

"Mr Prince please take a seat."

I sat down and answered him.

"I am only 15 years old please call me by my name, remove the Mr. Alexander will do, you are older than me, you are my elder. Please drop the title."

Again he seemed surprised. At thr same time he seemed to think of something and recovered.

"Very good. You can call me Uncle Jang."

" Sure"

" I have no idea what you like so I have a command of everything."

"There is no problem, I am not picky."

We eat for a moment in silence then the waiter returned and took our plates in front of us and served us a drink. Orange juice for me and wine for Jang Li.

"Ok uncle Jang I think it's time to present properly. My name is Alexander Prince Delatour."

I took it easy to see if he was still with me.

"What is the Delatour Corporation heir doing in S City?"

"Like I said before, I'm here for business. S city is near of the capital, yet it is so little developed. All at the same time because the people who could have done it are corrupt to the bone. But you are different you want to do something but the problem is that you have no status and the means. Contrary to me."

He calmed down a bit and contemplated what I just said to him.

"Yes it is true, then what is the proposal."

"Truth be told I don't have a lot of time in front of me I have to go back to school soon so we'll take them by surprise and quickly. All I ask is to leave the field open for the industries that I want to develop. If you agree, here is the plan I wrote with all the people you can get arrested."

" And you're only going to pick up the laurels."

I shrugged my shoulders to tell him that I don't care what he thinks of me.

"Okay, I'm going to do this today because the election starts tomorrow."

A smile played on my lips.

"Good if you encounter problems call my assistant. I will wait for your news Uncle Jang"


" I have to leave I still have things to do. Thanks for the meal."

Without waiting for any response from him we were already gone.


When Alexander left I stayed for a while. I took the file that his assistant gave me and leafed through a few pages. Inside there was more detailed evidence that the first file had passed to me. There were even the names of some witnesses and also the names of several corrupt officers and police. What surprised me most was the participation of one of the prominent families.

I made a summary of what had happened this morning. Like me they were also surprised.

" Another reason not to antagonize this person."

My brother said.

"Well we have everything we want now, it's up to us to react."